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Everything posted by bustedlifter

  1. Looks super!!! I like the relief, it really pops. I have to agree with Bard.
  2. There's a tube and some almost vintage carpet padding in it,too.
  3. Yeah, that's me. Try it, it takes some tweaking but it's worth it.
  4. Sorry to hear this. Thoughts and prayers out to his family.
  5. Looks great Tom! And here I thought I was the only one who used yoga mat in seats.
  6. 16 gauge, I prefer to use a lighter gauge then reenforce it a bit. I use a throat less shear to cut it, I'd never be able to cut and bend 10 like that with my primitive equipment.
  7. The sharp bend actually works better than a curve, which I used to do. I bend the cut out pan right down the middle,gives it more strength, then I bend it across the middle bend, for the back, then I shape it with a plastic mallet and some old body hammers on an old body dolly. Then I add the mounting bolts for the bracket and springs and add a rib down the center for added strength.
  8. Some pics of my seat pans:
  9. There's a pic in this thread:http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=29901&st=0 Didn't work, try this, Still crappy. Search for Mountain Bike Gel Seat in this section.
  10. Outstanding!
  11. Thanks Bob. $600.00 would get a lot better parts than a seat. Then I saw goat and thought, wait a minute, I thought that was cowhide. I don't have leather on the bottom of this sea but I usually overhang the pan about an 1/8" or so. The stripe actually lines up with the one on the fender when you look at it from straight above.
  12. It's been awhile since I posted anything on here. I made a seat to coincide with the stripe on my bikes sheet metal. I've been bending up my pans a bit differently and they're even more comfy.
  13. Put a good amount of Snow Proof on it, throw it in the summer sun for a few hours and call it done. It'll look great!
  14. I was being a bit ambiguous because I was wanting to possibly see how much I could get and for how much. At any rate, 5500 gallon batches would not only create a storage problem but a financial one as well. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.
  15. Thanks!
  16. I would like to know where I can get a good amount of "Leather Glow" or a formula for making my own.
  17. but I thought the board would appreciate this; You can see more of this and the process to make it @ http://ottocarter.com/godspeed.htm
  18. Thanks! Yeah, just leather on the top and the tube is loose inside.
  19. Slick bag! Really nice work!
  20. Thanks Bobby. No ,it's not my idea, not even close! It's an old hotrodder's trick. I read about it in an old issue of Iron Horse magazine back in the early '90's ,I think, and started messing around with the idea. Some times I put a little foam to even things out. Depends on how the seat looks.I put a small piece in front of the tube in the seat pictured above.
  21. Sticky, I'm sorry for hi jacking your thread. There are places you can get foam for a reasonable price. I bought one of those gel pads and messed around with it and found it to be uncomfortable, imho. Maybe you can figure out a way to get an inner tube in the seat. Ken, I guess so and thanks! Bobby, those are just inner tubes. I get most of them at a tire joint down the road from me. The smaller one, like in the pic, I get from Razorama. It's the size that's used in their electric scooters.
  22. Sure,what would you like to know? It has more of a tan now but here's an earlier pic of the finished item;
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