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Everything posted by ArtS

  1. We know a celebrity! Congrats Alan. It's neat to see someone we know in print. ArtS
  2. I appreciate them all! If they win we'll have a good looking VP and a good looking Pres. wife! You can't beat that. If we have to listen to the politicians they might as well be easy on the eyes. ArtS
  3. Lisa, I've had better results dying it after the molding. I also use Feibing's Oil Dyes. I use Neatsfoot oil on it before I put on the top coat. I let it dry after oiling for about 24 hours before I put on the top coat. I like to coat mine with Leather Balm w/ Atoms Wax. So far I haven't had any problems with it rubbing off on clothes. ArtS
  4. Wow! That's a great job and to be done so quickly too! ArtS
  5. Just so long as I get your vote! LOL I just saw it for the first time today. I got a real hoot out of it. ArtS
  6. Hi Lisa! Welcome. You said "I am a collector of custom handmade turkey calls and art.", well I appreciate that. How did you know I was hand made? LOL We have a lot in common - My name is Art and I've been called a turkey. I look forward to learning form you as well as seeing some of your work. ArtS
  7. I need your votes. Click on link and then watch the video. ArtS http://www.inews3.com/topstory.php?id=4172...27c536368776162
  8. This time of year they like to get you on trail rides. You have to be ready to take off running! They hit the horses too. It's happened to us more than a few times. ArtS
  9. It's too good for ebay. You won't get what it's worth. I'd hang it next to my computer so I could look at it all the time. LOL It's a really great job. ArtS
  10. Crystal, just make sure you empty it out before he finds it! Of course then you'll have to fill it again and then make sure it's empty ... ArtS
  11. Thanks Tom. It will keep him and his wife warm at the football games! ArtS
  12. Shelly, I'm not a beer lover but I have to admit it that I'll go for the necked! LOL Thank God you do have a lot to say! We'd just be sittin' here going duh. LOL ArtS
  13. I just went to your site. I tell you your work is REALLY IMPRESSIVE! That's the first time I saw the interiors. I don't see how you do it. Fantastic work. You have me as a fan. ArtS
  14. Made this last night for a buddy to cheer him up. He's a big Georgia Tech fan and he loved it. ArtS
  15. WOW! How long does it take to put together an inventory like that? I'd be dead before I could make all that! I am very impressed. ArtS
  16. Everyone in the path of this storm you are in our prayers. Take shelter and God bless. I hope you all stay safe. ArtS
  17. Tony I think you made the right choice. ArtS
  18. I've grown my beard on and off for years. I like not having to shave but honestly I can tell that upper management doesn't really like it but it's unsaid. Comments and looks tell how they really feel. The important thing is that my wife hates it. LOL She loves the mustache but not the beard. I have to grow it once and a while just to let her know I haven't been gelded. I figure the more of my face I can cover up the better! LOL ArtS
  19. Great job Elton! I'm still working on my second and it's not as good as yours. You did a fantastic job. I really like the border standing. I'd also like to see the jig that you have to sew the billets. ArtS
  20. It looks great Darryl. I've never had a sheath like that . I've seen a lot of them. The knife won't fall out? ArtS
  21. WOW WOW WOW !!! Really cool. I like the 3-D look. ArtS
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