TerryE - first I applied NeatLac with a piece of sheepskin (I used to use the spray kind, but then I discovered that I tended to overapply it, plus it didn't really get down into the grain of the leather, and it would end up cracking off. So now I just use the bottled kind, take a little piece of sheepskin, trim the hair down to about 1/4 inch, and rub on the NeatLac in a circular motion until it's all nice and even.) Then I applied antique (Fiebings paste antique is my favorite- dark brown in this case) and after rubbing off the excess and letting it dry, TanKote over top of that, applied pretty much the same way as the NeatLac. Good luck! and don't be afraid of messing up, just invent a way to cover it up when you do make a mistake.
Bruce - thanks!
Hammerhead- they're for holding spurs to your boots.