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Everything posted by glockanator

  1. I was thinking 1/2" x4". What do y all use for straps?
  2. This particular DW has the EWK shroud on it. The client wants it for a concealed carry holster. I was thinking of doing a pancake with Iwb straps that could be removed.
  3. Here is an Iwb I came up with for a 4 inch Dan Wesson. Any suggestions are welcome.
  4. The last two projects that I have used black dye and colored thread the thread tends to come out way darker then whats on the spool. How can I prevent this?
  5. What it comes down to is I think I am over thinking the design. I will post some pics later of the one I have been working on later.
  6. I haven't had too much success doing my own Iwb patterns. Thought it might be easier to just buy one.
  7. Anyone have a.pattern for an Xd9 pattern they are willing to sell?
  8. Can super sheen be used on vingeroon? Would like to.make.some but don't want to have to spend a.ton.in other sealers. Thanks
  9. http://www.highdesertleather.com/id74.html Yan get these caps to cover the snaps
  10. http://triggbrothers.com/conchos3.html#usa Another member turned me onto them. The only thing was it said it would take 6-10 weeks to ship. I got it in about 5 days.
  11. Long story short my buddy was a Marine did two tours in Iraq and Afghan. He has been going through some hard times and just landed a job as a consitabel and only had a crappy uncle mikes Iwb holster. He has asked me a.couple of times what I would charge tto make him a holster.(always quoted high). This is the holster I will be giving to him on memorial day.
  12. That's the same way I do it as well. After cutting my slots I run a dremel with a small sanding drum clean the edges up and the burnish them.
  13. Thanks I was going to.do all my staining and finishing before putting the concho on. I got the concho at trigg brothers. If you Goto the hardware forum you can see where I asked about the marine concho and there's a link.
  14. Is this concho placement to close the stitch line.on the bottom right? Should i bury the screw for the concho in between the two layers?
  15. I was given some steel strapping.off a pallet. Just.cut.it.to size drill holes and attatch attatch.
  16. Looks really good for a first holster. I would recommend investing in an edge beveler as well as a slicker/burnisher. These two items will help clean up the ragged edges and give the whole holster a nicer look to it.
  17. He came through with the judge but not the sign paid up front also. This is what I came up with.
  18. How does it sit on the belt? Any pictures with the gun in it? Good looking holster!
  19. I buffed the hell out of it and redyed it let it sit over night and the sheened it.again so far no.problems! I have only used black.dye so.I can't weight in on the black vs other colors. I am pretty proud.of.now.it turned out post some pics later.
  20. Nope nothing before the dye. I had let it dry for like two days before applying the dye. I have re dyed it and have let is sit for several hours. When I get home from work I will throm some more Super sheen on it see what happens
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