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Everything posted by simontuntelder

  1. Hey buddy, Would it be possible to get a more comprehensive list of the tools you’re letting go off? Sorry to hear you’re closing down your business - I hope it was your own, voluntary decision either here or via email
  2. It’s one of Weavers edgers. I would go with one of Barry King’s though, if you want a recommendation for an American edger
  3. Barry King if new. or check out Bruce Johnsons site if you like old/refurbished tools. this subject has been covered before. Search around if you want more in depth answers
  4. If you're looking for a stitching grooved - there's only one. The one from Bob Douglas. I've seen some Chinese replicas, that might also work, but I haven't tried them
  5. It's the same marking on a tool that @Trox showed from his tools lot from a Norwegian saddlery. I'm completely convinced that it's of German origin, as I've seen a couple of things from Germany carrying that mark. However I don't know the name of the manufacturer or the name of the shop that sold it. Apparently private label manufacturing was pretty common in Germany meaning the manufacturer didn't put his stamp on it, but instead added the name/logo of the shop that sold it. Except for an almost complete set of antique German round punches, my recent tool purchases have almost all been new and Chinese and South Korean. I must admit I'm pretty surprised by the tools that they're able to make. Some have really surpassed my expectations. I think we'll be seeing some terrific tools from China/South Korean, once they start fully understanding leather tools and the use of them.
  6. Bob's still in business. I have his contact information, but I can't for the life of me find it right now. But I'm pretty sure someone else listed it here.
  7. Always call Kappey - they or some of their staff speak English.
  8. The first washer cutter is German. The company is called something along the lines of Rössler - Walter should be able to confirm. I have some tools that bear that mark and they've all been bought in Germany or Denmark. - I have a feeling the other washer cutter is German too. I think I remember seeing it somewhere not too long ago, so that washer cutter isn't that old. Beautiful strap end punch btw.
  9. Hej Tor, What a find! I've never seen that stamp before. But maybe some fresh eyes could give you new clues. Maybe the bird is a Phoenix? Rising from the ashes or burning up. What you read as HF looks more like AF to me or the letter Æ/AE to me.
  10. Depends on the price he's getting obviously :-D I don't know if this would work as a mallet die (I take it you don't have a clicking machine on hand), but Texas Custom dies can make custom dies and custom mallet dies - they come recommended by a ton of people here.
  11. Chromexcel can't be found at any tanneries in them UK, as it's an article made by Horween in the US. Basically it's a retanned leather meaning chrome tanned, and a slight veg tannage. You probably won't find a substitute leather in the UK, but you'll find much better leathers, if you look around. If you need it in any thicker substances, then you should either ask AA Crack about a custom order (expect high minimums) which are the sole UK agents for Horween or order from the US from Maverick leather - look them up on Instagram for bargains.
  12. Alternatively check out Danny Marlin - I saw a groover of his and it looked really beautiful! Danny can be found and contacted through Facebook, I think
  13. Have any of you bought any of these high end Chinese tools recently? and if so would you care to share your experiences? One thing I'm especially interested in right now is edgers by Mason / CMdachong. I tried a set of pricking irons - bought through Muxi Lu and they performed quite well, but the size of the handle didn't fit my hands as nicely as Blanchard, so I passed them onto a friend of mine. But they looked nowhere near as nice as Amy Roke/Yidao irons, which I haven't handled, but enough people who's opinion I trust, has recommended them. I've also seen the user Yangtools on Instagram who appears to be making a very nice awl - and a French edge skiver. Plus he's basically also copying DolDokki, which is very understandable, as they're beautiful.
  14. I don't think I managed to buy enough Bob Douglas tools before Sheridan Leather closed its doors. I'm mainly looking for edgers, but his other tools are also of interest. And I would also like to find a colt stitcher. So if you have any Bob Douglas tools kicking around your workshop that you aren't using enough, let me know and I might be interested. Please get in touch.
  15. Did anyone digitalize the pattern for the Swiss sewing clamp? I'm thinking about commissioning the making of one.
  16. Chromexcel is a combination tanned leather and not a full chrome tan, meaning it might have enough firmness to be lap skived using one the of aforementioned splitters. A classic, soft full chrome tan would be near impossible if not completely impossible to split/skive on either of the two splitters.
  17. I'm pretty sure that they're easily found if you browse a couple of surplus stores - sometimes it helps calling them or sending them an email.
  18. I would buy a couple of Blanchard awls - in the size you think will work for you. First of all try polishing the awl on some sort of abrasive material (whetstone, diamond stone, ceramic stone, wet/dry paper) - once you've mastered getting the awl super sharp, you can move onto modifying the awl. Basically you can cut of a bit of the tip and grind of some of the back - thus creating a more oval shape compared to a diamond shape with a less pointed tip. You can order awls other places than Blanchard. Their awls a alright, but a bit expensive. Look around and see what you can find - just don't opt for Tandy/Ivan
  19. Regarding awls you would want to modify, sharpen and polish those yourself most likely. But you could ask Cmdachong, if you could buy a pre polished awl from her - I've never tried them. For fun I bought a Bob Douglas slim awl just before Sheridan closed their doors. And that awl is by no standard slim and if you practice a bit you'll notice that you can make a better awl yourself. At least I realized that my awls were sharper when I received the Douglas awl. Good luck it's lots of fun, but maybe buy an extra awl, as it's pretty easy ruining it.
  20. Check out the Korean tool company KS Blade - on Instagram for instance. They make some very nice chisels with round punches that would work perfectly for cross-stitching. Not cheap but they are excellent.
  21. Hi Vic, do you have any experience with Iwataya pricking irons? I have yet to try them out, which I'm very eager to. However I hear that they're hard to come by.
  22. Thanks for the link Walter. I have friend who lives in Switzerland that helped me bid. I had the highest bid until the very last second. Unfortunately it wasn't meant to be. I wish I could have bid more, but I've just ordered a lot of supplies and recently bought some new machinery. So I didn't really have the available funds. A new one at Sieck is close to 2000 euros... Did anyone here buy it?
  23. I checked your link. And now I also just checked my 15 Dixon (size 34 to 41) crew punches and also that same 39 punch (that I also purchased from the seller along with a size 37) and they just feel completely different. Same quality now doubt, but that 39 punch seems more rugged and less refined. My Dixon punches are all bought second hand from various sellers, so they might have been modified by previous owners. I have a broad arrow stamped punch from Moreton & Foster and that has a similar feel to the crew punch. But again it's only speculation - there might have been 20-50 (or more or less) different companies around Britain that could have made punches like that. And I'm uncertain about the plough. It might as well be George Barnsley or H Brindley. Or again some other company that had the tool making capabilities. Either way you have a beautiful plough with a great provenance.
  24. My point is merely that people shouldn't assume that they're buying Dixon if they're buying that punch, but they're rather buying a quality tool. And to clear up any misconception that Dixon was the only one making tools for the British military. And no I actually don't think that the punch is made by Dixon. But again it's guesswork. I would think it's made by a smaller tool manufacturer. I would guess that it's made by Moreton & Foster, but again it's only speculation - there was a British guy here who made military replicas - he might be more knowledgable on British tool manufacturers.
  25. I'm saying, that your crew punch might be Dixon and it might as well be from some other company. Just like your plough might as well be from Brindley or Barnsley. And if I'm looking at my own Dixon crew punches they look nothing like that crew punch. They're much more curved, refined, and rounded off, but they could be of an older date than said crew punch. I'll have to check if they have the SFT markings. I don't think so.
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