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Everything posted by simontuntelder

  1. Do any of you know a shop similar to Lee Valley in EU/UK that sells sharpening equipment such as fine grit aluminium oxide and leather belts for the bench grinder?
  2. I have zero experience with natural dyes - to be honest I never dye any leathers besides the occassional edge dye. But I do love indigo and I was wondering if any of you guys have any experience with dyeing natural veg tan with indigo (preferably natural?
  3. I'm been buying tallow, lanolin and cod liver oil in small quantities from separate suppliers, which is always quite a hassle. So I'm wondering if anybody knows a source where I can buy all them at once? I'm also looking for gum Arabic per Terry Dear's recommendation. Anybody know a good source?
  4. I might give that one a go. I'm very strict when it comes to sewing straight, however I'm not that experienced behind a sewing machine. I could see some uses for this. Thanks!
  5. December got busy, and I still haven't ordered a splitter, but as I was browsing around, looking for one, I came across this auction. Would this be considered a good deal? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Heritage-Leather-Skiver-Splitter-/251777581359 I really appreciate everybody's input.
  6. Walter, I've never experienced any problems with Leatherworker. I don¨t think there are many differences between European or American programs/browsers. If you need help with the translations, I'll gladly help you translate from German to English. I'm quite fluent in German and in English, and it would be no problem what so ever for me to do it. If you want me to help with the translation, just send your German text to me in a PM, and I'll respond with a translated version.
  7. I'm really sad to see this thread's activity decline as much as it has. This was pure tool porn and many of the people here on LW that I respect the most have posted in this thread, so I would really like to revive it. So how's everybody and more importantly have you bought any new tools? I've been buying old tools and machinery like there's no tomorrow. I'm gearing up for the future, I guess.
  8. At the moment, I work at a leather monger (not the one mentioned) - based in Copenhagen, Denmark but we have a webshop. We have a lot of different fish skins, among them some wolffish in different colours even. Since I don't know if I'm allowed to advertise the company's name, now that I'm somewhat affiliated, please send me a pm if you want the name of the shop.
  9. It's wolffish. Or Havkat as we call it in Denmark. It's quite funny seeing something that's actually made in Denmark. But during the Second World War a lot of fish was used - especially for the upper leathers on shoes - because there was a scarcity of materials during those years. I talked with a leather monger here in Denmark, and it turns out that his family originally made their money and built the company on fish skins that they tanned. Nowadays wolffish mainly comes from Iceland.
  10. OK, lot of people recommending Weaver and from what I've seen they're beautiful and good tools. However there's still the issue of custom, import and service fees when buying from the US - being European. Does anybody have experience with recent Blanchard strap end chisels?
  11. Would it hurt to do some OEM work? I don't mind doing it personally. But it's always an agreement when I do so. Money is money and your brand is hopefully the quality of your work and not your name (ie your makers mark)
  12. Valerie Michaels is in my opinion the best book for any leatherworker. And I have a lot of books on the craft (if not all). Buy that one book and you'll be good to go!
  13. Thanks for your valuable input. I sort of already knew that the Campbell Randall was the one to put my money on. I was just hoping for some extremely good feedback on the Weaver economy splitter (which I thought was US-made according to a seller) and would have saved me some money to put into other tools. However I'll contact Campbell Randall and get a quote. AT Bruce, I went to see an older leatherworker who offered to sell me his Blanchard skiver, however the blade was dull at some areas and sharp at others and basically just warped. And that has also been my experience in the past, so I've decided to go with a new one in this case, though I wouldn't have hesitated buying one from you. Are there any other good Keystone copies around?
  14. Hi Itch, thanks for responding. I thought about that one as well, however I believe it's even more expensive than the CR, but not that it's a problem. I'll throw that one into the mix.
  15. I've decided that this year's Christmas present for myself is going to be a skiver/splitter. Mainly if not only to speed up the lap skiving process. Therefore I think I've found two good alternatives in two different price ranges. So basically I'm looking for opinions, experiences on either machine or other alternatives to them both (not Tandy or in this case a used machine) 1. Heritage Leather Splitter (weaver economy) http://www.sdtradingco.com/Splitters.htm 2. Campbell Randall Keystone copy http://www.campbell-randall.com/shop/index.php?route=product/product&filter_name=splitter&product_id=13842 There's a big price difference, but I don't mind paying for quality, but I just want to know, if I can justify the price difference. So help break it down for me. Thanks
  16. Thanks Itch, and Bruce. I'll call Weaver, although calling the US is always a pain because of the time difference. And I did know about Ranch2Arena - among the worst websites around in term of user friendliness.
  17. Since no one else has said it already, I will. Check Bruce Johnsons shop. There you can get an old round knife (they're mostly better than newer ones) which has been sharpened and perfectly restored.
  18. Hey, I need some of that Leatherworker magic, so please help if you can. I'm looking to buy some strap end punches from either Jeremiah Watt or Weaver. However I'm not that well oriented or well wandered within the world of American tools. So are there any good retailers that sell either of the two brands that offer a better price, good service or who are just good people? (I only have a Danish business license and not an American, so ordering direct from Weaver is probably out of the question)
  19. I've never had the Tandy starter kit. So I don't know how big the handle is. But usually you want the handle to be as small as possible. Of course if you have very big hands, you may want a larger handle. Either way if you know a guy with a lathe, you can have that guy make you a good haft. The nicest haft I've ever seen belonged to an old saddler, who had one made in bone or antler. Can't remember which. Apparently your hands don't get sweaty when using said material and your hands aren't prone to blistering. I tried his awl for a few stabs and I've been wanting one ever since. My favourite awls are Blanchard (actually just ordered a bunch of them, as I broke the one I have on a concrete floor) and I even have some decent ones from Japan (perhaps Kyoshin Elle). They all need polishing and sharpening, but they work just fine. From people here, who's opinion I respect, I've heard good things about Bob Douglas and based on the edgers I have, I would definitely trust that suggestion.
  20. Very sure they don't own their own tannery. From what I've seen they use quite a lot of pigskin with a lot of plasticky finish on it. Very cheap. I really don't get the fuzz about Saddleback. Mediocre at best in many cases.
  21. Is Bieler's that Amish company that's a somewhat hard to order from?
  22. Sorry, Charlie, I wouldn't know, but I would be interested in knowing before ordering expensive chisels from the States. My knowledge on Blanchard is mostly limited to antique tools and of more recent purchases I have some awls and pricking irons - which are all good and some knives, which have been sold on as they're not so good. It's funny, what you refer to as a church window is referred to as English Point in most other countries.
  23. So this is a mallet style stamp made out of aluminium? Are you willing to share the name of the maker of the stamp?
  24. Yeah, a friend of mine bought a machine from him - a splitter if I remember correctly - and had nothing but praise for the seller. I have been thinking about buying the heritage splitter and the ez edger, but other investments are a bit further up the list right now. Hopefully your review will push the edger up the list
  25. I sort of figured. I haven't been too pleased with the modern Dixon I have, and the same goes with modern Blanchard - however Blanchard still have some good items in their pricking irons and awls. However the Barry King I've bought (edgers) has been sublime and I've heard the same about Jeremiah Watt and Weaver.
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