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Everything posted by WScott

  1. You are bang on with your assessment of CXL. It is definitely not for everything, though Horween manufactures many different leathers for different purposes. CXL is not tool-able, stretches, blooms out, difficult to burnish edges, hard to stitch....etc Get some good veg tan and use it for the tool cases and holsters. Save the CXL for a special project that will pop up. Here is a link to a Horween post I started last year http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=50700&hl=%2Bhorween+%2Bleathers
  2. There is an old saying....."A married man dies a thousand deaths, a bachelor dies just one"
  3. You guys are a bad influence Wife will kill me yet again But it's a good deal!!
  4. Great workspace, really well organized and equipped. You have done yourself proud there!
  5. I have the English one and paid a lot for it I kept the advert as for $20 I might get both the Japanese and French ones
  6. I recieved a pinstriping book and some brushes for Christmas. Plan was to do some striping on my son's hockey goalie mask. There was a nice bag project with a simple pinstripe line design on here. I haven't tried any striping on leather, but is on my to try list.
  7. Welcome, Eh
  8. Good reminder, have some lead foil I will recycle
  9. Ohhh, never thought of scroll sawing leather. Gonna fire up the Excalibur for that soon!!
  10. Tom gives a better more helpful answer to prevent possible mould issues in that link. From that thread I got that use of Lysterine in your casing fluid and a good oiling after tooling to rehydrate oils in the veg tan should prevent both mould and cracking. Ps your work looks great and glad to see it even if you were "self promoting"
  11. Good to see someone working on their skills, researching, watching videos and getting practice in. Really good stitching improvement there. Now you can drive yourself bonkers trying to get perfect edges....there are a few threads on here with different methods. Good luck! Scott
  12. Go with the gut feeling Fine for their logo but maker's mark needs to be somewhere
  13. You are doing a great job on these, taking a good idea and running with it. Really like this one!
  14. Clean look, clean professional finish even like the design drawing. I also want to put down my tools, but will just try to get better with this inspiration!
  15. Really like the exterior and stitching Interior a bit busy for me...like the slots, not the pocket as much Just my two cents, and we know how much a penny is worth now: Nothing!
  16. I cheat and thread the needle through the eye then melt a small mushroom on the threads end and mould it to be just bigger than the eye so I won't pull through it. Works for me and is quick to fix as well.
  17. Very nice looking space How many people working in there, is this your full time job?
  18. You are two for two in my books I really like both your bag designs and constructions Great projects!
  19. Nice looking sheaths and tack. Some good tooling and stitching there Your horse has some spunk too!
  20. Sunburst style pattern looks good Nice project!
  21. I really like it, does have a classy look
  22. Room to work comfortably is #1 on my list too The machinery and tool list would be too long to post:)
  23. Best wishes to you
  24. That is really cool looking. Is it a mask or pure art?
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