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Everything posted by Clay

  1. LOL This was great!!!!!!!! ClayM.
  2. Thought I would share some pics of the lovely tropical heat wave that passed last night and most of the day today. It was really beautiful!!! NOT!! ClayM.
  3. Welcome to the site!!

  4. Here is one that I did a while back. I did like the others said took a cheepie one apart and used it to make a pattern. ClayM.
  5. Ok here are the pictures. I am really enjoying this piece. ClayM.
  6. I just wanted to let you all know that I got my piece from Regis. It is a cool picture of a sailing ship. It is got a special spot next to the ClayB. Bear for all to see that visit my store. I will take my camera tomorrow to get some pictures for you all. Great Job Regis!!!! Thanks so much for sharing your work with me. ClayM.
  7. Clay

    Bulldog mask

    oh great how am I going to make something for the PIF for you and be any where near half as impressive as what you already make.....LOL Very cool ClayM.
  8. I ment to get these up last night but I forgot to bring the camera home. Clay
  9. I'll get some pictures today and post them tonight when I get home. Clay
  10. Hi everyone, I made a huge mistake, I did my store order the other day and I was ordering a 100 ft of a special order odd lot. My big fingers some how added an extra zero so now I have 1000 ft of it with out the room to keep it. The leather is chrome tanned and is in assorted earth tones and some bright colors. They average 20 square ft per side with some being bigger and some smaller. They also are averaging 4/6 oz. If anyone is interested please give me a call at the store at 1-877-800-1853. I am asking $1.99 a foot for it. Thanks, Clay M.
  11. Kathy, Hope that you have a great b-day!!!! 29 wow! did not think you were that old yet I was thinking maybe 18 or 19. ClayM.
  12. I have seen several of these in different saddle shops. I am sure that some of the saddle makers on here can better explain what they are used for but I think that they are used to form the seat and cantle of a saddle. Bruce am I right? ClayM
  13. Clay


    Anne, here is a quick explanation with pictures. hope it helps. Start by punching holes in three rows. The middle row is offset by one. The holes need to match up on belt piece and chap top. Start lace from back side of belt piece going through row one hole one and row three hole one. Repeat on chap top so that both are together. bring both ends of lace together and go through row two hole one. This will complete the first line of the design. repeat untill finished bring lace ends back through on back side to secure. darn I guess i should have looked to se if any one else had replied lol
  14. I think that tis is a very interesting idea and it would be neat to share work. I also have a piece hanging up in my store that ClayB made. It is a 3-d bear and it is "very waaaayyyy coooool" as one of the youngsters in the store for a class said. ClayM
  15. Jim, I like!! I like how you made the pattern tighter and more professional looking. ClayM.
  16. I have been trying to get ClayB to come down to the Rapid TLF to tach a class. we just need to get together to plan one out. ClayM
  17. Ernie, Thanks for the informative answer. You are welcome to come down and do a class any time, just give me a few weeks to let the customers know. Bert
  18. Ernie, Great job on the tutorial. You make that look so easy, howcome when I have tried to do this it comes out so flat looking and the tooling seems to dissapear? I think that I would do more of this kind of work if I was more satisfied with my results. Bert aka ClayM.
  19. I have to agree with Russell here, I have lived in New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, and Washington states and now that I am in Rapid City, SD I am finaly home. There is a healthy leather worker population but pleanty of room for more. It does get a little cold but it is dry so the leather don't mold. The people that I have met are all very friendly and you can actually talk to your neighbors, and get to know them. Schools are great. And best of all we are getting a Pro Hocky team this year!!!! lol
  20. Hi all, I need some info on this swivel knife. It has a H D inside a diamond on it. Any info is apreciated. Thanks, ClayM.
  21. This one did not happen to me but I watched it happen. When I was a trainee in the Alb. NM TLF I was watching my boss demonstrate a rotary cutter for a customer. He was really into it explaining how the cutter was great for thin leathers and made great cuts against a straight edge bla bla then he took it and started cuting a curvy line that went right over the end of his middle finger. Shortened that finger by a quarter of an inch. The customer saw the blood and did not stop till she was in her car in the parking lot. As far as I know she has never come back to the store. The doctors had to coterize the end of my bosses finger. We stopped letting him use sharp things for a while because a while later he cut the end of his thumb of with a razor knife. (demoing for a customer) ClayM.
  22. try this link they do very nice work... http://www.frontierbuckles.com/
  23. Very cool! I have been nervously waiting to see how everyone does this pattern. good job. ClayM.
  24. until
    Jim Linnell wil be teaching a class on 3-D embossing, figure carving and his style of Sheridan Floral carving May 9 to 11. The class will be at the Tandy Leather Factory store in Rapid City, SD. For more information call the store at 1-877-800-1853 or e-mail at rapidcity@tandyleather.com. (We promise not to cancel this one!!)
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