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Everything posted by Suicide

  1. Just was about to give you such advise under and over, not overwise As for putting needle under, try to do like that guy on the video, I found that method much much easier and no chances to stab the thread with a needle. and yes, he put right needle under and then loop the thread U&O Cheers! BTW watch he is doing with a thread on the right side as well
  2. From what I have the Tandy's one these (2) are more not like a "blades" (in means they don't really cut leather) but, again, more like a lined bevelers (let say B893). So I doubt you may have the same with exacto blades.
  3. Yes, they said these are most like the other acrylic products (paints etc) but need more time for polymerization as water based. You can think about these like about regular acrylics using by artists / they can be easily swept away while wet, but after polymerization happens they keep on the surface pretty well.
  4. Suicide


    Wow! Great job! Love them!
  5. Suicide


    Hi Dano, Great it helped you, you always welcome!
  6. Excellent work! Especially inlay looks awesome!
  7. Hi guys, May be a stupid question but ... I have accidently uploaded 2 same pictures into my gallery's album and want to delete the evil twin. I found I can edit album but there is seems nothing about removing pictures - I can only change album name , description etc. Being in the album I can add pictures, make slide show etc - again found nothing for deleting images... How can I (or Can I ) remove a picture from the album? Small additional question - is there any ways to set certain picture as an album cover? So far I see the very first uploaded picture becomes a cover and there seem also no visible way to change it... Thanks in advance!
  8. Just a crazy idea but however.... for smooth areas ... have somebody tried to apply oil onto only flesh side keeping grain untouched? btw these spots you see with EVOO might be caused by uneven leather\s density though....
  9. Cheryl Just in case: beware dyeing over blockout (and actually over most of acrylic finishes) - most likely dye will go through a resist. Use stains instead of dyes.
  10. Then do move to Finland! Completely no such problem here - after paying all the taxes and duties your wallet easily can fit into such purse
  11. Thanks, guys! Happy you also like it No, I believe it was somewhere at this forum old doodle page on how to make such purse. Just got inspired But carving pattern itself is... yes from Stohlman's Proj & Designs - the .... dog collar's.... but shhhh! don't tell her
  12. I use either like dirtclod piece of shearling or just a dauber depending on the project size. Just saturate applicator and then apply onto the leather. Had no stain problems neither with NF nor with EVOO.
  13. Hi everybody! Just finished this stirrup purse. Hope new owner going to like it
  14. Suicide


    Thanks, guys! Yes, they are quite cosy
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