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Doug C

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Cowboy gear, cases

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  1. You might check out the Eee PC HE1000 by Asus. I think that is the 10 inch model. I've been researching these machines too. I beleive they claim a 9hr battery life. This model is available on Amazon for around $380-$390. you can upgrade the Ram to 2 Gig for another $25. Doug
  2. Extremely well done. I like the scalloped look too. The carving and the pattern are top notch. You are a great tallent and I learn alot just studying your work. I also like using the Chaylor-Fenneli products. I think they are the best out there for pre-made interiors. Thanks for sharing. Doug
  3. Doug C


    My 2 cents: It's kinda like arguing about the best deer hunting rifle. You can kill a deer with just about any calibur but everyone has a opinion. I started out with a box cutter, found they work pretty good for some things. I used a box cutter for a couple of years before I discovered the round knife/head knife. What I can do with a round knife I can't do with a box cutter is: 1. cut curves of many different radius', 2. cut a straight line without a straight edge for a guide, 3. skive 4. I can see where I am going with the cut I didn't think the learning curve was that great for me. The key is to get a good sharp one, buy one that comes sharp so you know what sharp really is. I know not everyone will agree with me and that's ok. Use the tool that works for you, Happy cutting, Doug
  4. Yea, I thought it was more for the streight lines, like borders too, but I remember reading a post somewhere someone was using it to speed up beveling the long stem lines on Sheridan style carving. It could of just been my imagination though. Thanks for the replies. Doug
  5. Hello everyone, Does anyone use a push beveler to bevel the stems on Sheridan style carving? I would love for someone who uses one to tell me how it works. I see Berry King sells one. Thanks, Doug
  6. That's cool Bruce, You could make me one. Oh wait I don't have hair anymore. ;-) Doug
  7. Great job to both Harvey and Bruce. Anyone would be proud to carry that Brief case. Oh and thanks for posting those pictures it's nice to see how some of you construct items. It learn alot from looking at pictures like these. Doug
  8. Thanks Mark, I talked to Wage Silver today and they are sending me a catalog. Looks like they have some good silver buckles at reasonable prices. Doug
  9. Not really sure how to ask this question. It's one of those deals were I'll know what I want when I see it. I'm needing some quality ranger style buckle sets for a project I am working on. I guess I want something that doesn't look cheap but won't break the bank. Higher quality than the stuff you can get at Tandy. I think Hansen Silver might be an option but they don't show much on their web site. I'll need two 3/4" sets and an 1 1/2" set that match pretty well. Any ideas for where to look? This is for a project that I'm investing alot of time in.... Well you get the picture. Thanks, Doug
  10. Tina, Could you tell me where you find the Angelus spirit dyes? I did a google seach and all I could find was the acrylic dyes. Thanks, Doug
  11. I always use an oversize liner on belts and most other projects. 1. Stamp, carve finish the belt blank 2. Glue and Sew on oversize liner. (i like to have 1/4 inch at least all the way around the belt for extra. This gives you some room to play with) 3. Trim liner, cut tip, punch holes. 4. edge and dye the belt edges. 5. Clear seal the liner with your choice of product. Hope this helps, Doug
  12. I just ran across some great music. If you like Ian Tyson, I think you will like Tom Russell, especially "Songs of the West". Ian has recorded and co-wrote songs with Tom Russell. One of my favorite songs on this album is "The sky above, the mud below" His songs will enhance your tooling experienc :-) Doug
  13. The dayplanner looks great. I really like your color. You did a fantastic job coloring the piece. What products and procedure did you use for coloring the dayplanner? Again great job. Doug
  14. I really like your purses. Very nice work. The Sheridan style carving is great. You should be very pleased with your work. Doug
  15. I agree with Greywynd and mulefool, for a good stamping block it's much better to have something that is 3 to 4 inches thick or more. You may not think you have much bounce with a thin slab until you try one with more beef to it. You will see an improvment in impression depth especially basket stamping. That's a good deal Greywynd thanks for the information. Doug
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