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Everything posted by Sylvia

  1. That's awesome!! Congrats!
  2. Yes. Please! I am sure many of us would like your pattern. Perhaps it would help if you attach a PDF to your reply? I really like what you've done. Only suggestion is it might be cool since you have all those wires and what not to add a sound processor and some speakers to the arm to make your "robot" noises. Then just wire it up to your light controllers. he he he... still what you have created is very ingenious.
  3. uh oh... now you've done it Penske... you get to do up a tutorial to teach us how you make your own trees. And please share the place you get your Herman Oak comparable leather source. The saddle does look very nice. I can't imagine the hours you put into that crazy leg basket weave.
  4. That's very generous of you. I hope someone can take advantage of the offer.
  5. Boyd: You are most welcome... You might want to look for a Midas one too. I'm pretty sure they made one that you put a handle in to use.
  6. Yoga Mats, camping mats, closed cell foam.
  7. I can't wait to see what you come up with. I've been thinking about incorporating some machine embroidery in mine. Should be interesting to see how yours come out.
  8. I wish the picture was larger... I am looking for an early Craftool F926 I would just make him a reasonable offer in a range that YOU feel comfortable with. He sounds like he wants to give you a deal.
  9. Do you happen to have a picture of a Fortuna Skiving machine you are looking for? I'll keep an eye out for you.
  10. My grand mother was http://www.muscogeenation-nsn.gov/ One of the 5 "civilized tribes,"of the southeastern United States. However, I am not affiliated with the tribe and consider myself 'white" In fact, I didn't even know that I was part Muscogee (Creek) until I was well into my late 20s and grandmother was about 87 years old. You see for her generation (she was born in the 1890s) it was not fashionable to be Native American or a half breed. So she kept her heritage to herself. I am sure it was to protect my father and uncle from discrimination. It's a shame really. Your hightops are lovely. We don't see a lot of beading on this forum. But I see quite a bit of beaders on paleoworld. I'll send you the link in a private forum message. I've been tempted by a more European style of moccasin boot and have even cast my foot and leg to make the pattern, but I have not cut and made them yet. http://www.sodhoppers.com/index.html You have a great day and week end too.
  11. Heh... no. Necro (dead) bump ( in the case of forums.... to move up) or in this case to "revive a long dead thread" Some native people try to keep their native crafts close to their hearts and won't share them with the world. But check out Youtube for some video tutorials. I know there is an Oregon native woman who teaches how to make a type of Moc. It might help you some.
  12. much better. thanks!
  13. Boyd... I've seen this recently.. not sure if it was Craftool Co. or not but I'll try to find it again for you. Give me a few minutes. here they are. Ebay. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=leather%20stamp%20masonic&clk_rvr_id=368762606449&adpos=1t1&MT_ID=70&crlp=12064451299_2416792&tt_encode=raw&keyword=leather+stamp+masonic&geo_id=9972&adgroup_id=3834148459 Hurry because one of them is ending in 14 mins or so
  14. May I suggest that you contact www.ismacs.net and offer the PDF files to them? I know they have a database that they would store it and make it available to the public. That way it would be searchable and save you time emailing everyone who wants one.
  15. LOL Necro-bumping are we, Apache? Nice mocs though.
  16. Link doesn't work, Apache.... please try again?
  17. Multifrackingpackalumer!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LNLeather


      I Googled the word and there was only one entry -

      A link to this Status Update...

      Great word BTW!

    3. Sylvia


      In case you are wondering it is pronounced

      MultEYE-fracking-pack-a-loomer. I learned it from my husband who got it from his step dad. lol

    4. Sylvia


      My father always said "dag-nabbit" but sometimes that's just not "punchy" enough.

  18. It's not a deglazer... it's a facsimile of Fiebings "Dye Prep" it is supposed to clean and prepare the leather for dying. 90 parts water 5 parts alcohol (ever clear booze... the highest proof you can get) 5 parts sudsy ammonia.
  19. Why thank you for the blessings. And Tip... I see I neglected to say WD40 then wipe off and oil.... I actually use WD40 for fishing... but that's another story. I prefer liquid wrench.... but finding it can be a bear. (or good old kerosene)
  20. I love Dharma's dyes for tie dye (who you calling a hippy?) Their fiber reactive dyes are amazing. I have tie dyee pieces that have lasted for at least 5 years with no fade... and I do line dry in full sun in the summer. One thing you might want to watch for is that some of the darker colors almost require "pasting up" your dye first... that is to say you mix it with a little water and make it into a paste... then dilute with your carrier medium (alcohol or water). Otherwise you might find that some of the pigment will lump and that's not good for dying anything... it leaves darker spots. I have some of these dyes left over from last summer. I might just try some to see what happens.
  21. Here's what a seamstress would do. ... sew some elastic inside the cuff... across and vecro on the other (in) side. The elastic would keep them up and if you get black velcro and black elastic... it's not seen. To hide the seams for sewing on the elastic and velcro... just make sure it's hidden under the cuff.
  22. Thanks Bruce. That explains a lot.
  23. ha ha ha. I dread road trips but once I'm out there I like seeing the country. But I don't blame you one bit... it can be tiresome.
  24. Hi. I happen to have a picture of something I dyed with Angelus Rose. The original leather was white chrome tanned.... and this is the result. I've not tried it yet on vegtan... so I would test it first.
  25. LOL Ferg. See what you do is make a trip of it... FLY to Las Vegas, Rent a car and Drive to LA and Ontario.... then drive back to Vegas to recover from the 5 lanes of traffic Jams.
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