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About silverback

  • Birthday 12/22/1954

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rockingham.Western Australia
  • Interests
    Leatherwork,gold prospecting,4wdriving

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    bashing a dead cow skin to turn it into something useful
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Hello, i'm looking for bobbin/spool and shuttle for a Junker & Ruh SD28. Can you help me??

  2. Hi Katrina, where in oz, could be a few on here from oz could be near you.
  3. hi Brownie1. can you pm me please.


  4. Thanks Wiz, I still have a couple of packs left. Number sevens only. Packs of10. Peter.
  5. Hi mate, Yes I still have some number 7,s. Price is $80 AUD plus p&h.
  6. Thanks Brian. I will message him.
  7. Hillldale, what side are you on. East or west
  8. Hi guys . I still have needles and have pm you.. anyone else looking for needles please pm me .
  9. Hi Bootmaker, istill have needles. I have pm,d you.
  10. Thanks Brian, i have just messaged the op,s. Quiet day at work?.hehe.
  11. Hi Mark. Pm'd you.
  12. I bought one about a month or so back( my second one) and still the same with the 50 mm pulley. Just ask for Aussie plug and they give you a convertor plug. There is a guy selling servo motors on facebook in Australian leathercrafters forum for 300. could be a better bet as covered by Aussie warranty.
  13. Brian, give me a yell and I will put you on to a bloke for that sharpening. does a very good job
  14. the marks are caused by the toggles/clamps used when hanging and stretching the hides on wire frames to dry.
  15. Dorothy, also be aware the feet and dogs on this machine will mark up your leather.
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