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Everything posted by silverback

  1. Hi,i'll be in it too thanks.Email peterrobbins1 At bigpond .com
  2. Ditto to what the others say and try using a stylus to smooth the leather out and pushing into tight corners.Bevel then run the stylus around the bevel and then gently touch down any lifted edges on the raised part.Hope thats understandable.Your work really shows an improvement at each stage.Good luck
  3. Hi Clair,if you were to sell it, what would be the price range.?
  4. Why arent you in Perth Western Australia.?
  5. Good on you mate,starting to get there!I love it when a plan comes together.
  6. That is art.Good luck with the quest.i was wondering about the tatt inks because a local craft/office supplies store has some tatt inks from China pretty cheap and i wanted to know if they worked as a normal dye on leather as in belts etc.the owner could not tell me but i suppose i should just buy some and try it on some scrap.I was more worried about longevity and fading over time,the colour choice is quite extensive so it could pay to experiment.Being on the west coast of Australia makes it expensive to obtain items so when opportunity knocks you have to grab it.
  7. Can tattoo ink be used to colour leather or is it a different composition.i know nothing of tattooing and wondered if the inks were different ie;water based,alcohol or whatever
  8. Equus,exactly where did you get rid of those machines,hehe?
  9. OK,thanks for your answer Cheryl,just seems a waste of so much workable leather doesnt it,but then there is no law that says i must put 8 slots in a guitar strap,"is there"!
  10. Good work mate,my stitching is not much better and ive been doing it longer than you but do you mind if i say get a bit more regular in how you stitch.By that i mean do the same thing each time you throw a stitch whether you poke the needle thru and hold it high while the opposite side needle comes in low and pull them tight like that,one after the other.Then you will get that nice even look about your stitches.Sorry i know you didnt ask for a critique,your work looks good.
  11. Hi guys,excuse my ignorance but why is there so many adjustment slots on the custom straps.i just completed a strap for a mate and then thought after about the slots,he is the only one using it and he,s stopped growing now(possibly not his gut).Is it that there may be longer or shorter instruments or is it tradition or what.Please enlighten me. Thanks Peter
  12. I thought it might be called a blood knot because it looks like leather bleeding through the slit(wound)!
  13. Yes there is gold but a hell of a lot Australia mixed in with it.lol.Good luck with that punch.
  14. Would it possibly be for epaulettes?. Hard to tell size.
  15. I have used both those plus the guy at fremantle tanneries but he has shifted now and is in the process of setting up a home base.i will let you know when he is going again.The local leather and canvas manufactures are also worth a look as i pick up a bit of scrap leather every now and then for a good price.
  16. Usual stuff most starters make,belts purses wallets,hair barrettes,zippo lighter holders.Also make pouches for two way radios and gps etc plus covers for metal detectors
  17. I use 50/50 beeswax and NATURAL turpentine (artist shops will have it) with a bit of good olive oil thrown in, let it sit for a week or so stirring daily and adjusting wax/turps til its a good creamy consistancy.when i use it it is sticky but a good brush then wipe down with the micropore rag seems to lift the stickyness and leave it shiny and smooth.BUT i dont know how it will go with eco dyes under it.
  18. Another question is the feed wheel i have on the skiver is i suppose you would call it milled and i have another spare which is porous stone.could anyone tell me what wheel is used for what.thanks again
  19. Thanks gentlemen,its now worked out.for some reason i kept thinking it was one belt that controlled it all, the the sharpener and knife.After seeing Toms diagram there was the eureka moment.I shall now proceed to slap myself severely about the head and body:thumbsup:
  20. Hi Chris ,West Aussie too,where abouts are you ,i am in Rockingham and like you only been doing this for a short time.Its a great hobby and some very helpful people on here.
  21. Hi Wiz /Tom Yes that is the one!thanks for replies by the way.i tried last night to load some photos but couldnt do it,glitch somewhere ,working on it.My problem is working out the correct way to route the belt around the pulleys.in my excitement to try the machine i did not note which way the belts went around the rollers.Ican see from the shine which pulley was used but that bit where they take the 90 degree bend is throwing me,i know it will seem simple once its pointed out but at the moment i am having one of those "senior moments"and things just dont seem right.Would all those old machines be belted up similar ,fortuna etc.thanks again guys.just got this one to load but it may be big
  22. Hi ,i have just got an old Marshall #2 bell knife skiver.Problem is the belts are clagged,they are the rubber type and have all perished and broken. I need to know how to thread the serpentine belt which controls the sharpening knife etc.Does anybody have an instruction manual or could post a diagram on how to rethread the belts.All info on this machine would be appreciated.Thanks Peter
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