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Everything posted by DoubleC

  1. DoubleC

    Jackrabbit Overlay

    Winterbear, I think I just fell out of my chair because you actually posted something. And what a gorgeous something it is too. And I really appreciate you sharing your burnishing method with me to get regular cut veg tan looking good enough to be the overlay itself. You know that's where my current train project resulted from. I absolutely adore this and can't wait to see it as a notebook cover. c
  2. I used a beveler too but so badly you can't even tell, LOL. The shading will show up more tomorrow I'm sure after I antique it. It's hard to see on this. c
  3. Uh it pretty much is finished :-) well I'm going to try some antique on it tomorrow after a second coat of resolene dries tonight, but other than that it's done :-(
  4. I am doing a pictorial story kinda of what I do when I make a guitar strap at the request of my VOW counselor. He's amazed at everything that goes into it and thinks it will help to have a scrapbook type thing of the pictures for craft fairs, etc. I bet your friend loved watching you do that additional work. Cheryl
  5. Well it's uh really pink, and the butterflies seem to make it pinker as I look at it. I see now why you wanted it out of the shop :-) Cheryl
  6. Wow, you've got your work cut out for you. I'd say a busy week......but I bet you have a lot of 'happy campers' (no pun intended) there and you're doing some great things with them. Cheryl
  7. Scott if you are sewing 1/4" or less and it's a hobby for now, I have a 15-91 for sale in the sewing machine portion of the marketplace that would be less than that even with the shipping. I sew my backing and foam on guitar straps with it, and well anything that will fit under the foot this will sew. And it'll sew from light weight materials to denim and then leather with just a tension adjustment. If you're interested, check it out and PM me.
  8. Wow, thanks Sylvia. I don't know what else to say, just really thanks. c
  9. DoubleC

    Life So Happens

    I feel so focused and on target and totally out-of-control and lost. I am doing things for the business in so many bits and pieces, I wonder that anything gets done. But then I'll take a day like a few days ago and upload absolutely every picture of every product to FB. Then the next day it's back to leather again. I want to do the same to Etsy but it will have to be at a time when I'm taking a day off, which has been 1 partial day after the debut when I did FB and finally I couldn't stand it and started on a new leather project. I have had too many damn days off over the last 15 years. I hate the paperwork, I hate all the meetings, well they make me anxious, but when I have leather in my hands I'm at peace for a while. I really need to meet with George and get a step-by-step plan for the next month or so done. I'm scattering myself in too many directions, and it doesn't feel natural yet, but like they are all separate categories and not all related to the big picture.
  10. I'm not a saddle maker, just user but I think it's fixable. What would I do to secure it? Replace that entire piece of leather, the sew it to the other leather, and to the cinch hardware, and glue it, and use saddle screws, and maybe I'd tie it up in a bow with HD rope. Only because I'm so partial to my cinch staying around my horse. Some of the Saddle Makers will wander along soon I'm sure. Cheryl
  11. Kevin I wish I could help...I know Singers and only the old ones at that. They don't have issues like this. At the risk of sounding stupid, did you check to make sure your needle didn't get bent?
  12. Allen it's beautiful. I love the pyramid and phoenix. You are so artistic. The lacing looks great, love the scalloped insides. Did I mention I like this? LOL. Cheryl
  13. Good grief, 8 hours start to finish with lots of stops in between and I was so freaked. Nonsense, nothing but nonsense, already looking forward to July's challenge :-) OK not impatient or anything, but is it that bad? Remember I usually only tool once a month for these challenges, K?
  14. Thanks Sylvia, that's what I'll do. I will get the perspective as far as that right, I think I can. I was going to use a pear shader for the dark areas but a spoon will be easier to maneuver. I'll just DO it and if I don't like it I can color it, jeesh. This is not a life and death challenge.......
  15. Sylvia, I'm satisfied with the picture I have on the leather right now. Well except I don't have any waves in it yet. What I don' know is how to carve and bevel, and perhaps background this so I can get graduations of light and dark. I know you probably can't see the picture well because the leather piece is over a square foot but it won't scan any better than this. I'll get it, I'm just being cranky LOL my rib hurts.
  16. I need help, seriously. I just want to use dye and antiquing on this and don't have a clue how to do it so the antiquing makes it dark where it's supposed to be. I hate to be such a baby but I'm so frustrated.
  17. Well I have my drawn on the leather and it's too hard, just to hard to do without color. I don't know how to even draw the waves over the rocks in the brook, much less carve them so they won't be as dark and the water, which won't be as dark as the rocks underneath which still shouldn't be as dark as Sienna's mane and tail. Oh WHIIIIIIIIIINNEEEEEEE. And I am going to use this picture for something, but I just can't do it right.
  18. I'm still trying to figure out how to put ink in my printer, grrrrr. You're quite welcome Cheryl
  19. Cheryl, I think it's awesome myself. Cheryl
  20. Chief, those were great videos. I love lacing but I have only been able to understand Mexican round braid from the book, and I saw from your videos I didn't do the corners right or end it right. Thanks so much for doing this, and I am sure people would love on on round braid. I can do the stitch but I'd still like to see it. Cheryl
  21. I think you need not worry about that Mike. And it won't look like Starry, Starry Night either. I can think of a LOT of things it won't be a repro of :-)
  22. I'd recommend the 'How do I do that' thread on here, there are a ton of tutorials, and then more but not as concentrated all over the forum. And Chavez recommended some great books. Cheryl
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