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J Hayes

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Everything posted by J Hayes

  1. All are sold, admin can delete
  2. Newark marked Osborne sold.
  3. open to hear offers
  4. Modern Osborne top right is sold.
  5. Modern Osborne top right is sold.
  6. Thinning the herd, large Rose on left $140, smaller Rose center top $120, has a small pit that is in edge, Modern Osborne on top right $45. The large Newark marked Osborne on the bottom I kinda want to keep, but as with everything if the offer is good enough it will go too, I don't believe it has ever been sharpened. All others are sharp. These just don't get used because I prefer a couple of my other ones
  7. I had problems with the thread dropping off the spool and snagging on the base of the holder, read somewhere here to put a ladies nylon stocking on the spool to solve it
  8. You guys do a great job on that blade IMO, I was able to pull a 6" wide piece of W&C through my 8" Heritage Professional. I did swap out the depth stop thumb screw for something a bit bigger, but I'm very very pleased with mine.
  9. http://m.ebay.com/itm/3pcs-6-Inch-Grit-240-600-3000-Diamond-Coated-Disc-Flat-Lap-Wheel-Lapping-New-/261615490749?nav=SEARCH I use these for gravers as well as my round knife, been happy with them. Many different ones on the bay.
  10. I saw that set up in a picture on here somewhere, I did the same with mine and hang it in the corner far out of the way, very cautious getting it down and putting it away. I strop mine with the blade in place, dislike messing with it to much
  11. Yeah, had one of those in my hands at a yard sale, still not sure why I put it back. I was very surprised I was able to pull that and have it come out as nice as it did, that blade scares me a bit....
  12. My Heritage splitting 6" of W & C veg to 3 oz. I pulled with 2 hands as my friend set the handle. Fairly new machine, only stropped the blade.
  13. Depends on how it's set up I guess
  14. +1That's what the guy who made my boat cover has set up. His has to be 20 ft on the out feed side and 12 ft wide, it's pretty awesome to see, sews with a Consew 206RB. One could even use 8 ft folding tables....
  15. Mine is just short of 12" wide overall, cutting width is 8". I bought mine new for much more than that wholesale. I am very pleased with mine. If I didn't have mine I'd probably snatch this one. Jeremy
  16. Mine came with just the line 24 dies. I believe part 8656 will set the line 20 snaps. You should be able to email them to verify. It's a very nice press, perfect settings every time. I bout the mount as well.
  17. Have you talked with the supplier? Most will take back a hide that doesn't meet your standards. Its a pain but a product you cannot use is a bigger pain.
  18. Hope this helps. 277 top and bottom same stitch length on all aa is the tension. I like the Scmetz 25. These are all 794 system needles.
  19. I tried different tips and got better, smaller looking holes with "S" points
  20. Springfield leather should sell by the sq ft. They carry Hermann Oak as well.
  21. Self healing cutting mat, Omnimat is one brand, Fiskars has one too. JoAnne Fabric has them and you can usually find a 50% off coupon. They work good with a rotary knife, I find my round knife cuts into it easily and drags. I have a black one from some scrapbook store I was given and my knife does better on that one. No idea how well they hold up to setting snaps, I use a Press N Snap.
  22. Parts.singerco.com usually has them
  23. Is he including extras? Bobbins, feet, needles, and thread add up fast. I see them once in awhile at $500-$600 and they never seem to last long. I think the stitch length and reverse are different on the newer models but someone else that knows for sure will be along soon
  24. Probably do more harm than good by taking it apart, looks good to me in the picture. You could just step finish it all together, wet/ dry paper starting at 320 grit working up to 1000 or so and keep the wood level with the brass. My Newark marked one that is very similar to yours seems almost as if the wood is "set" into the brass frame like a gemstone is set in a bezel, like the brass is hammered over the wood slightly for a seamless fit.
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