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Everything posted by pepin1948

  1. I remember Glasgow...we spent our wedding anniv there a few years ago, while on a tour of Scotland and England (truth told, I'dve rather spent the whole time in Scotland
  2. Thanks for the compassion and kind words. We'd lost our other male cat, Bailey, seen below, last year to cancer. We used to jokingly call him and Fritti the gay cats - they loved each other so much and were always grooming and curling up together. Frit wasn't the same after Bailey's death. Now we have one all- black female, who has always been more of a people cat, so I doubt she'll care at all. (Though she has been looking around for Frit) To those who didn't recognize the reference, Tailchaser's Song is an excellent book by Tad Williams, although the Fritti Tailchaser in the book is an orange tom.
  3. Today we put our 13 year old cat, Fritti Tailchaser, to sleep. Despite having an absolute fiasco to deal with at the vet's office, I know I made the right decision. His liver was failing, and he was slowly getting sicker. Here he is in his "glory days". The one pose, we always called "King Frit" because of how he would stretch out and/or cross his front legs and be looking at you like he knew he was cool.
  4. pepin1948


    That is a great job! the only thing that struck me was that the body seems a little thick, but that may be how the original picture/pattern was. I think of owls as more slender.
  5. That is really beautiful work!
  6. Here's one image/site I found: http://www.footballfanatics.com/COLLEGE_Oh...ckeyes_Logo_Pin
  7. pepin1948

    Team logo

    OSU is a big thing in Tim's family too, being from the Youngstown area. I'm ROTFL at the "if it's brown..."
  8. pepin1948

    Team logo

    Well, I'm really not into football at all - but I'd say I'm a closet Steelers fan. My husband is a diehard Browns fan, like the rest of his family, so Ethan dresses in those colors frequently :
  9. Those look yummy enough to eat! Great job
  10. pepin1948

    Team logo

    My thanks to freak for finding me a good image of the logo. I'm pleased with how it came out, even though I can't stand the Eagles.
  11. Here's how it came out thus far. I'll be putting a sealant on it tomorrow, then gluing it onto the box (which is also dyed green, BTW!)
  12. Here's what will probably be my last order before Christmas.
  13. I love Chris' work, but don't know if he's doing more? I bought several pairs of earrings from him at one of the shows a few years back.
  14. Thanks Haven't heard back yet, but it's someone I see regularly, so hopefully that will keep me in his mind as the one to get the thing done. I just don't know how interested he is. I do know the strap he has is deteriorating, so if he does play a lot he'll need a new one.
  15. I have a checkbook cover in progress, which will be stained mahogany. Now, normally I would lace it with the usual dark brown lace that Tandy puts out...or maybe black...but after doing the ornament (which you can see on "Show Off" section), I'm wondering if I should go with the lighter color 'roo lace. I have an assortment of 'roo colors, but I really liked how this one blended with the mahogany. I just don't know if it's considered "bad" to go with a lace that's lighter than the stain. The customer said "you're the artist, whatever you think looks best" when I asked her some questions initially, so I know she'd be leaving the choice up to me.
  16. I had a bunch of these shapes and rounders laying around. I usually pull them out to tool on at shows. This one came out nicely, so I decided to stain it (with Tandy All In One mahogany) and put some 'roo lace on it. It'll be a gift for a friend.
  17. Perfect! Thanks I didn't find any of those on my 'net search, but I was thinking of widening the parameters today and trying again.
  18. I can't politely say how much I don't like the Eagles...please don't even get me started on how their fans are where I live! But...pay me money and I'll put the dang logo on a box Soooo....I went looking on line and all the images are really small. Anyone got a good size on I can use? It's for a teenager in our youth group.
  19. I sold the folio at a bazaar this weekend to a member of our church - she bought it for her college bound son. I'm sure if the glue fails, she'll let me know. At least it went to someone I know in such a case...
  20. Happy to help I met Robb at a few shows and he was quite the character. I have a pattern pack of his I keep meaning to get around to myself...
  21. I'd imagine HideCrafters carries it, they have alot of his patterns/videos.
  22. I looked over both last night in a mall shop, and settled on the Nene one - I actually liked it better. Amy's got some funny fingers on some of her faeries that I don't quite like.
  23. I'm telling you right off that if you like fantasy art (dragons, faeries, etc) you MUST buy Parting the Veil: The Art of Nene Thomas. I picked it up today (I'm also a fan of Amy Brown) and this is the BEST I've seen in a long while.
  24. Thanks for all the GREAT replies Will see if the fellow comes through and places a real order. He seemed really interested, but y'all know how that goes...
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