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  • Gender
  • Location
    South ot The Murray, Australia
  • Interests
    Leather Sewing, General Sewing, Restoring old Machines and Living Life.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Still learning, to early to tell

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  1. Try ebay, you can find several different feet listed there.
  2. Will consider fair offers. Bert.
  3. Singer 132K6 Serial # EJ144233 Date of Manufacture 08-08-1953 The 132K6 is in good working condition, with Kick walking foot action, with large capacity bobbins, has a bit of paint missing through wear and tear, it’s over all condition mechanically is good. I was having tension problems, tried a eBay tensioner, but threw that in the bin and paid a bit extra and got one from Australian Sewing, no more tension problems. Can have any stitch length between 1 mm and 13 mm if needed, easy to adjust. The motor is good quiet 1480rpm with good clutch. The original table top was resealed not to long back and in solid condition. It also has an LED light over needle area to make sewing easy on old eyes. Asking $1800.00 or Best Offer. Contact me @ bert1951@gmail.com Also available, Rotary hook & Bobbin Case Complete, Original Singer, Used. Various sewing guides. Bobbins New and Used and magnetic thread lubricator and other bits and pieces. I also have thread available, and various Needles, if required.
  4. Sorry, the photos did not upload, try again.
  5. Serial # : EB019894 Date of Manufacture 10-03-1937 This Machine is in good operating Machine sews as good as it looks. I have it set on a 4 mm stitch length as that is what I use. Check stitch length gauge photo. Hand side wheel and/or treadle powered. It has a new Leather Belt. The Machine is in original condition and has not been repainted. Base has been repainted. Missing nuts or bolts have been replaced with genuine Singer replacements. Comes with a homemade sewing table, made from original plans found on the net and makes sewing bigger items easier. I have it mounted on castors for ease of movement (Yes it’s heavy). It also has an LED light over needle area to make sewing easy on the eyes. As I use large spools I have made a setup so I can use them as well as normal reels. Have some spare needles and bobbins available if required. Located in North Central, Victoria, Australia. $2000.00 or Best Offer. Contact me @ bert1951@gmail.com
  6. Yes you can use lighter thread, I have and used size 18 needles. Bert.
  7. This post may be of some help. Bert.
  8. Yep, your right Constabulary, Plastic Fantastic Machines can sew anything, just ask the seller. But you might need to upgrade the power the power supply. Bert.
  9. Sadly, I do not have any trust in them, any more. Bert.
  10. I have found that sewing any stretch knit fabric, Heavy or light I need to use SUK needles and back off your top tension a little. SUK Needles are Ball Point needles and I have found them to work well on all stretch or elastic materials. Bert.
  11. I think this is a lesson we all learn the hard way, I did in my early days of sewing. I thought I would be clever and get as much thread as possible in the bobbin only to find as you did that the bobbin will jam or be hard to turn and stuff up all you tensions. It does not matter which bobbin I fill now, I only fill them to about 90% of capacity. Bert.
  12. I just had a quick look at the spec's for 62x59 needles and they are 41.4 mm , while 135x16 is 38.9 mm long. I don't know if you have you needles set at the right height for those needles. Bert.
  13. All mine are black, but it sure looks pretty in white and gold. Bert.
  14. Wow, it looks nearly to good to use, nearly. I hope this inspires others to build their own Stitching Pony. It does not need to be as good as your, so long as it works, that is all that matters. Bert.
  15. I think dikman has a good point, I would not class them as leather sewing machines, they are more suited to sewing heavy material or light canvas at best. Some of my machines are older then me and still sew like they did when new, I would hate to see one of those after sewing leather for a while. They look like my daughters plastic fantastic sewing machine, the plastic twists as it sews anything heavier then bed sheets. Bert.
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