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Everything posted by bladegrinder

  1. I got the dragon scale stamp on Amazon from this seller...DandS ltd. I believe he is a dealer for Sergey Neskromniy
  2. That looks awesome!
  3. Thanks guys, Jarrod here's the background stamp i used on that one........Tandy Leather E294-03 Craftool� Stamping Tool 66294-03
  4. Nothing fancy but figured I'd post a few knife sheaths I just finished up! thanks for looking!
  5. Hmmm, I’m might have to look at using sausage casings in my knife sheath work.
  6. It sounds like your pedal it hanging up, it should return to the stop position when you let up on it.
  7. To add a picture, it has to be resized for this forum to take it. I resize mine to 650 as the largest size, then save that resized photo, come back here click add a photo and choose the one you just resized. anything bigger and it won't post.
  8. I have a CB4500 and notice a big improvement as far as pedal reaction to foot pressure by removing the brake pad in the back of the motor. you could try that and if you don't like it just put it back.
  9. I’ve been using Square for years, it’s been good for me.
  10. Here's a video of some North Florida hummingbirds, the clicking sound on the video is the camera, it's on it's way out. I had this out in the woods for a couple years and it was sitting in my shop so I figured I'd put it in front of this feeder. I have to refill this thing around every five days, theirs a bunch of them going to it. https://youtu.be/InNUxrTUAfc
  11. Welcome from the Florida panhandle!
  12. That’s looking great!
  13. That’s a nice looking holster there, good work!
  14. I'm a knifemaker and have a nice heat treating oven, it actually came with programs for clay work. I've thought about making some hard clay balls for it, it would be cheap ammo.
  15. It has a 1" bore. I haven't shot any ball out of it yet, I load it with 180 grains of 1F blackpowder and ball up a slice of bread and jam that down. it's a hoot!
  16. I built this cannon a few years ago, it was really hot out today but I brought it out and shot it off a few times for the 4th of July. Hell Yea! https://youtu.be/HYt-Ikt-YII
  17. Welcome from the Florida panhandle, you found the right place for learning!
  18. I met my wife down here and ironically she’s from Philly too. We went up there to meet her relatives before we got married, she told her uncle she wanted to go by her old house and look at it, he said, don’t go there, that whole neighborhood is dangerous now it’s not even safe to drive thru, uh…ok… And that was 38 years ago!
  19. Ridley. My area was pretty bad when I left in 1979, the last time I was up there was about eight years ago. I really didn’t like what I saw, a lot of the people I grew up with were either dead, in prison, or physically falling apart just partying on. Not all of them, some went on to be good family people but it reassured me I made the right choice when I was 17 and hitch hiked to Florida for a fresh start away from the elements that surrounded me up there. I retired three years ago from a natural gas utility as a pipeline inspector. I read the news up there occasionally and just shake my head, I’m living on 30 acres out in the woods now and loving it - except the heat and hurricanes!
  20. Had some friends in Upper Darby, that was a tough town. It still is from what I’ve heard from my brother who still lives up there.
  21. Glad to hear you got back into it Casull! I’m North of the Tallahassee area in the deep woods.
  22. Welcome back casull, I’ve been here a couple years now and learned a lot. I’m originally from your neck of the wood, Ridley Park but have been living in Florida since 1979.
  23. Call Springfield leather Monday, they will email you a prepaid return label to stick on the box and send it back. you can get your money back or they'll send you another piece. Personally I'm finished buying leather from them. years ago I ordered 10-12 sq. ft of B grade. I was doing a knife show in about a month and had to make some sheaths, while the hair side was OK most of the flesh side was black. it looked like it got caught in the skiver machine or something but it was totally unacceptable. I called and asked how did this even make it out their door? crickets....sorry sir we can give you your money back or send a new piece. they sent a new piece that was OK but the turn around time made things a hassle for me. Forward about 3 months ago I ordered 12 sq. ft. of B grade 8-9 oz. I picked up 3 orders for holsters, previously I had been using 6-7 0z and wanted to use thicker leather moving forward. the piece I received looked like yours but had a gaping hole in it and truthfully looked like this cow had been hit in one area with birdshot from a shotgun. I called and again asked how did this make it out your doors? got a nice young lady explain how leather can have defects..yada, yada.....do I want a refund or a replacement, I'd like a replacement if it won't look like this, so the replacement come and while it was acceptable in my opinion it was below 'craftsman' grade and again set my timeline back on getting the holsters done. My way of thinking is these pieces are getting passed over by people going into their store to buy leather, so, what to do with it?......mail orders. hoping some people will just bite the bullet and accept it. I'm not slamming Springfield leather just telling my experience with buying leather from them, which I won't do anymore. I think my next order of leather will come directly from Wicket and Craig, over the phone and explaining what I want and that I'm willing to pay for good leather.
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