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Everything posted by bladegrinder

  1. I would have said, the best I could do for you is $250 now. There’s lots of clowns in the general public and a lot of what I call ham and eggers, some items no matter what they are need to be presented to people that are in the circle with the item that’s for sale rather then the general public. I read somewhere years ago about a study done that showed a large percentage of the population is certified nuts.
  2. One of my main reasons for moving to the rural woods three years ago.
  3. That looks great!
  4. Welcome! Lived in Delaware county back in the 70s.
  5. Yep, a light brown dye with medium brown antique would look good.
  6. Jesus was wearing a crown of thorns when he was crucified, the spikes in the middle were used to nail him to the cross.
  7. Looks good!, welcome from rural N. Florida.
  8. That looks great!, Well done!
  9. Two blondes are out at a farm. The one blonde is sitting in a row boat in the middle of a corn field, the other blond yells at her…what are doing out there in a boat? Get back here, we have work to do. The blond in the boat starts yelling and cussing at her. The other blonde near the farm house yells, if I could swim I’d come out there and smack you silly!
  10. Nice!, I’m sure you’ll love it….after the learning curve, be patient.
  11. That looks great, I’ve seen those used for bows too.
  12. Very nice!
  13. Looks good! nice work.
  14. Thanks Bolt, I have added sight channels for the couple revolvers holsters I’ve done. I haven’t done them for Glocks or the few 1911s I’ve done, for those they seem to work ok without sight channels.
  15. I believe he’s talking about just the lever, I have a 336 that I bought used that came with what I believe is a factory wrap on the lever. It’s what’s called a big loop lever like the rifle used on the show “the rifleman”
  16. I got mine from @RockyAussie.
  17. The 365X and 365X macro have a different grip profile then the 365, it’s larger. When I got mine I handled a 365 and it was to small for me, the 365X feels completely different.
  18. That looks like one of those killer rabbits from the Monty Python show.
  19. Thanks Jason, if and when I use it it’ll be hand stitched, I have a CB4500 and I’m pretty concerned about running sting ray thru it. I’ve had that CZ75 over 30 years now, a guy at a gun show had a military crate with about 50 of them new in the box, I think I paid $225.00 for it and it turned out to be one of my most accurate and fun guns to shoot.
  20. That looks great! Did you stitch that by hand or machine? I’ve read stitching with a machine can push chips of the ray skin down into the hook-bobbin area? I have a lot of ray skin from years ago and I’ve still never used it. I’ve got a 365X that I’ve been thinking about putting one of those sights on, I also have a CZ75B but I don’t carry it, it’s one of my most accurate handguns but it’s pretty heavy, if I’m going to carry a heavy gun I take my 1911. That holster you have there looks great!
  21. Looks like rabbit.
  22. Two old ladies are sitting on a park bench smoking cigarettes when it starts raining, the one old lady pulls a condom out of her purse, cuts the tip off and slides it over her cigarette to keep it dry and keeps puffing away. the other lady says, wow! that's a great idea, where did you get that? the old lady replies, it's a condom, you can buy them at any pharmacy. So next week when the other old lady goes to the pharmacy to pick up her medications she tells the nice young pharmacist "I'd like to buy a condom too", the young guy, kind of surprised say's well...good for you! we sell different sizes, do you know what size you need? The old lady replies, it needs to fit a Camel.
  23. Looks great!
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