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Everything posted by Alamo

  1. well now I'm curious..please add me!
  2. Just placed an order at SLC for 14 belt strips and 2 sqft of 1oz leather for a wallet idea. I can't wait to get started on new projects!

  3. Hand stitching is more than adequate, but it takes a whole heck of a lot longer than a machine. I don't have enough for a machine that can handle leather, and my projects aren't big enough to really require the speed of a machine yet, so I can't help you in what machine you might want to look at.
  4. Howdy, and welcome to the forum! When I'm not in school, I'm in San Antonio
  5. Try adding an inch to the length and see if that works well for you. Depending on many things, you may need to tweak the added length a bit to fit your needs
  6. Well, if you're going to go the double layer belt route, I like to add just a little to the length to the center hole, about an inch. I measure from the fold over where the buckle is and that seems to do just fine, can accommodate regular buckles and trophy buckles.
  7. Made a purchase from Studio-N recently, and or the price, he is hard to beat
  8. Overall, for a second project I think it looks pretty good Keep refining your skills and you'll see your work improve dramatically
  9. Alamo

    Hello All

    Howdy, and welcome!
  10. Something that might be of interest to you http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=44443&hl=+leather%20+baking#entry278631
  11. Depending on what you want your boarder stamp to be, it might already be made somewhere? What are you specifically looking for?
  12. Because Aussie Conditioner is a leather conditioner and not a finish, I would absolutely use Resolene on your belt. Resolene is an clear acrylic that creates an invisible barrier on the outside of your leather that seals in the good and keeps out the bad.
  13. This may help you with your stitching http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=44874
  14. Ahh, well that makes sense then. Both my home in Texas and my university have drug stores almost every corner or so which in my case makes ordering that stuff cost ineffective for me.
  15. Ordered glycerin? To save you on some shipping costs and time, you can mosey on over to your closest drug store/pharmacy/walmart and look for glycerin in the skin care section!
  16. Interesting..in any case, if worst comes to worst, the belt with Tyvek will be no different than a regular 2-layer belt. Thank for the input!
  17. I suppose you could, but in the overall cost of leatherwork, the price of the gum trag you use is a tiny piece of the pie. If you need to save money, it's best to look at cutting costs elsewhere that would make a more noticeable impact.
  18. To help with burnishing, you can use gum trag or even some glycerin in water to help you slick up the edges. Beveling your edges too might be something to think about.
  19. Howdy, and welcome to the forum!
  20. Very interesting technique. I can see how this can simplify the process quite a bit.
  21. I've heard that people have had good results using Tyvek
  22. Also, you can always just mark up the price of your product slightly to cover the cost of the premade samples. If you let your customers know that their item is slightly more expensive because you're adding in a product that will extend the life of their purchase, the majority will still buy your stuff.
  23. The thing with this recipe is that it is more for waterproofing instead of leather conditioning. Turpentine is a solvent, and putting that into your leather may cause it to dry out faster than it normally would. I've made this before, and it becomes a product very similar to SnoSeal. Excellent for waterproofing but not the best for conditioning leather.
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