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Kevin King

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Everything posted by Kevin King

  1. Yep. All the blue stitching is with my machine. The black is hand stitched. My juki will sew some purdy thick stuff. At one point on this bag I had to sew thru 3 layers (two 8/9 and one 6/7). KK
  2. I use 3M90 for all of my liners. Havnt had a problem yet. KK
  3. I really like seeing your stuff! This one kinda reminds me of Davey Jones. Is that right? Davey Jones? The bad guy on that pirate movie? That doesnt sound right. Is it Davey Jones? You know, the one with all the tenticles on his face. Did I spell tentacles right? Oh well you get the idea. Dont you? You do get the idea right? Oh..um....sorry bout all that ramble.......nice mask. KK
  4. I know! Not a wallet huh! See, I do know how to make other stuff. Thanks folks. because of the odd shape of this bag I had in my head, making templates was a pain in the @$$. So, instead, I carved the shape of the bag out of styrofoam then used that as my template to get the right shapes for the curves and contours. I had to cut and hand stitch all five pieces together. I have made a few of those bags you can buy in the motorcycle accy. pattern pack, they're nice, but why make one of those when you can make anything you can imagine. Just takes a little more thought is all. Again, thank you all for the compliments. KK
  5. Steve. Very nice. nuff said. KK
  6. Those are really cool. They look like they belong in your product line. KK
  7. I have sewn some pretty thick stuff on it. I know it'll do the 2ply of 3/4 and probly 5/6 but i'm not sure bout the 8/9. As far as learning, I learned on it and I didn't have a clue what I was doing. KK
  8. Thanks guys. I'm not a huge fan of "traditional". There is no pattern for this one. KK
  9. Thanks guys. Its a one-off toolbag for this bike. I think I spent more time thinking about how to do it than I did actually making it.
  10. Those are slick! Nice job. I can't wait to see what you come up with next. KK
  11. Thanks guys for the compliments!
  12. This is my first machine. I had no idea what I was buying when I bought it, but it works like a dream. I learned on this one. I actually had my Juki a couple of months before I gave up using this one. I was afraid of the Juki. Anyway, this one has been sitting in my storage for a couple of years now and thought it was time to pass it on. $300 I'm sure shipping would be quite an ordeal not to mention expensive, so local pick up is prefered. I really dont wanna mess with shipping this thing. If you do want it shipped, I will charge actual shipping charges, so i'm not sure what that'll be. I might be interested in some kind of trade but prefer the cash I know its a singer and it can sew the thick stuff. There is no knee lift or backstitch. (I got good at sewing with one hand because of this machine) If ya got any questions i'll do my best to answer them for ya. I can also provide more pics if you want. KK
  13. Drac, this one is a gajilion times better than the first. I like the Drac spin on the strap also..very cool. Now...For the free unsolicited advice... get your needle size down, your stitches closer together and closer to the binding, pull your binding tighter around the corners. Did I mention, I love the strap. KK
  14. Steve, the more i see your wallets, the more i want one. really. Wanna do some trading? What are the dimensions?
  15. Thank you all very much! I cant take credit for the fist, it is Duanes logo. The pinstripy things are inspired by his badass bike "funkenstein" Thank you very much Duane! I get the fabrics from different places. Just do a search for novalty fabric. KK
  16. I think that is the coolest thing I have ever seen made outa leather! WAY cool! Nice move. KK
  17. I don't know what kind of weight fabric I use. I use all kinds of diff stuff, I just get what I think looks cool. I glue em in with 3M 90. KK
  18. looks good Ryan. I'd like to maybe see some captions on your about us gallery. KK
  19. Those are very nice. I look at em and just keep finding new things. Filligree with metallic behind, very cool. That should be one happy rodeo cowboy. KK
  20. I love it. nuff said. KK
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