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Kevin King

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Everything posted by Kevin King

  1. Hey all! I've been working my arse off trying to get my site updated. Its still a long way from what I have planned, but the other one didnt "represent" so I went ahead and published what i've done so far. Maybe ya'll could check it out and see what you like/don't like. Any feedback is welcome! www.choppersaddles.com Thanks KK
  2. prolly not. You could try goof off. Thats some pretty potent !@#$
  3. I love looking at my old stuff. Reminds me of how far i've come and whats to come. When I made that first seat, I thought it was the coolest thing ever, as did alot of people I knew. Within an hour of having it completed, I was at the harley shop and a guy offered me $500 for it (insert lightbulb here).
  4. I was wondering the same thing
  5. Ok, be nice, cuz this was my very first leather project EVER. It was also my first experience with making a fiberglass seat pan. It was made from bellies and bootlace.
  6. Maybe in the future. I didnt want to repost the other parts because I have changed alot of things. KK
  7. Thanks man... yoo funny...
  8. Now i've got it........................... wait for it........................ wait for it...................................... Heres my official freak fan club t-shirt.
  9. rdb's "open thread" has got me motivated to start a thread i've been wanting to see for a while. I'd like to see your first......whatever. Whether its your first project period, or your first seat, wallet, saddle, purse, belt, sheath, etc. I'll start with my first wallet. I still have my first project ever (a seat) and will post a little later. So, come on, lets see em. The good, the bad, and the ugly. KK
  10. Thanks guys. I'm starting to like the inlayed straps. Whatever....Now get back to work already! KK
  11. I'm not sure what kind of tape you were using, but this is what I use and havn't had a problem yet.
  12. This customer wanted an evil feel.
  13. Nope! just stick it and go. I get it at hobby lobby or joanns. KK
  14. Kevin King


    This one is from waaay back before the crash. I thought i'd resurect it. My sister broker her ankle when her mototcyle fell on it, and her friend were calling her "pegleg" because of her limp (walking cast) so I thought i'd do my part to help the nickname stick.
  15. Or, howa bout this?
  16. Ok, i'll go next.
  17. Slick. That is very slick. I am always in awe of your lacing. Thanks for showing it off. KK
  18. dang. thats nice. big too! That looks like alot of peckin' with your backgrounder. KK
  19. Thanks guys. I love making these things. This one was made for a customer who is giving it to his dad as a gift. This is the first one that I have done an inlay in the strap, and I think I like it. Leathernut, as far as price goes. Lets just say their are three digits and the first digit is not a one. KK
  20. My most beautiful piece to date.
  21. Dayyammm David, thats amazing! I like it alot. How lon did that take to tool? KK
  22. Here are some step by step photos of the binding I do on my wallets. I will come back and edit with a narration when I can get a little more time.
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