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Everything posted by vhakra

  1. While I must confess I'm not a big Glock fan, this holster would make me think twice. Looks pretty sharp!
  2. The buckles look great! I never realized that as well Chief. I'm currently working on one for my sister. Too bad she isn't a musician.
  3. I really like all of the bags though the first really catches my eye. I too have read about how saddle stitching is where it's at though I haven't done it yet.
  4. I like the look a lot! Did you rivet the watch to the band or are those snaps so you can change straps for the watch?
  5. Wow that is definitely eye catching!
  6. Awesome deal there! Wish my sister would find a bunch of tools and call me up when she's at sales.
  7. Those are really slick looking! Awesome job! How long do those take you to do?
  8. Nice job there! I know who to invite to my wedding now.
  9. Ok I've tried to find a pattern for that type of shoulder rig, but have come up empty. Anyone have a suggestion or two for me?
  10. Awesome! Bet a lot of people there showered you with compliments and begged you to make them one.
  11. Did you use a pattern for the hat? It looks great!
  12. Maybe make a website or an Etsy store with business cards to pass out at gun shows. You also might want to talk to your local gun store as well. Maybe they'd like to sell your work.
  13. Very cool! Something I need to work on for myself as my wife took my diaper bag. How long did it take you to design/make?
  14. I enjoy seeing each photo you put up of your quivers!
  15. I love the last one most of all! Very eye-catching.
  16. LOVE the armguards! I'm an avid archer as well. I hunt rattlers for their meat, skin, and rattles. You've given me some good ideas. Since you mentioned you're looking for nice quivers you might want to check out Seven Meadows Archery if you haven't.
  17. Very cool! I can imagine how tough those were! I've fallen victim to thinking smaller would be easier.
  18. Beautiful work! The holster looks lonely though without a belt
  19. That's some awesome work there! I really like the snake rigs! How did you come up with that?
  20. Very nice looking! If you had to remake it what would you do differently? I'm wondering as I haven't used dyes yet and want to learn more about it.
  21. I think they look great! Wouldn't mind giving a project like this a shot. How long did it take per flask roughly?
  22. Great job on the coloring. I think the red really pops out.
  23. Very nice! Did you design this or use a pattern?
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