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Everything posted by Piedmont

  1. Oh!!! You all HAVE one.. that's huge.. ok yea let me map it and get my stuff together.. awesome!
  2. No, nothing.. I wish.. I actually put together a DIY clicker press from Harbour Freight, but it just never worked that well.. But still looking for anyone out there with a clicker!! Thanks Todd
  3. ahhhh!!! Ok, I didn't realize it came in perpendicular like that.. ok makes sense though so its not in the way of the fabric being sewn.. ok, back to the drawing board.. Thanks much!
  4. Hmmm.. you don't happen to have a picture of one installed do you?? I'm still at a loss.. It seems like the binder would go in front of the needle, feeding the tape into the foot to be sewn.. But if I install the binder next to it, it doesn't make sense to me.. Part of my problem is I've never seen one attached to a machine like mine!! Thanks again
  5. Ok.. I'm at a total loss here and can't seem to find anything online.. does anyone have a clue as to how to attach my binder to the machine?? Thanks for any help!!!
  6. Hi Does anyone out there have a clicker with some spare time that I could use? Willing to pay for the time.. Thanks!
  7. Love this thread, thought I'd keep it alive.. But the edge coat or dye.. I'm having a heck of a time getting a straight line.. I burnish and then dye/coat, but there are usually little hiccups here and there.. I've used a sponge, and then I just recently got this table top dyeing wheel from Tandy that works ok.. heck I've even tried taping off the leather to get a good edge but that's no good either.. Any tips out there? Thanks Todd
  8. Hey there.. I'm in Charlotte and would like to come up and take a look... Message me if you would.. Thanks Todd
  9. I'm basically having the same issue.. I just have a Consew 226.. your bobbin looks exactly the same as mine.. so let me know what ends up fixing the issue. Thanks Todd
  10. Awesome! Thanks Dwight, I appreciate the insight.. So many ways to think about this its great to hear ideas.. Anyone else have some thoughts? Thanks Todd
  11. Hey all.. I'm good with finishing the inside of seams on leather items, and good with finishing seams on canvas items.. But when I combine the two I run into issues.. I'm making a waxed canvas bag with a reinforced leather bottom.. and I want the seams finishing on the inside of the bag.. Does anyone have suggestions on finishing the inside seams? I could do a bound seam, but other styles that lay flat just won't work for both.. French seams, flat felled seams are great for fabric, too tough for leather.. Any thoughts? Thanks Todd
  12. Anyone seen these before? For the life of me I can't find a supplier.. I can find tons of regular copper rivets, but none of the jiffy, rapid, or double cap rivets.. Thanks Todd
  13. To add to this.. I can't stand when the pattern moves on me.. and it does it ALL the time.. I've experimented with small weights on the patter, but it still moved.. I was messing around in the garage and found some old, really fine sandpaper.. like 320 grit or more.. finishing sand paper.. and I glued it to the back of my pattern, and BOOYAH!! No more movement.. I just press down with my hand like normal and the pattern doesn't move at all.. AHHH, the simple pleasures!!
  14. Thanks everyone! I was able to fix my issues.. I really can't believe it honestly, but I did.. I figured out the correct positioning of the thread underneath the bobbin spring, and then I re-threaded the top side, and re-inserted my needle.. after all that I even adjusted my upper and lower tensions and now have a PERFECT!!! stitch.. I really can't believe it honestly.. I feel like I should open up my own sewing machine repair shop now! But I do feel more comfortable messing with the machine, and I appreciate everyone's support.. Definitely couldn't do it without all the stuff I've learned here.. Thanks!
  15. Well.. I got tension in the bobbin now. the thread wasn't all the way down in that spring.. so that helped but now I have a totally different problem.. its basically not sewing now!! the needle isn't catching the bobbin thread.. no idea on that one.. any help? the machine is basically just punching holes and the top and bottom threads aren't tieing together?? URghh
  16. Hey Linda, whatever fixed your issue? Was it a new bobbin case or?? I'm having the EXACT same issue, can't turn the adjustment nut at all, cranked all the way down.. Thanks Todd
  17. Thanks ya'll! I'll try those things this morning and see what works! Just a bit weird that it does it all of a sudden, I guess that's just the character of this machine that I'll get to know as I use it more.. And as for the NATO straps.. I use vintasso.com they are literally the only small order size provider of NATO hardware I could ever find.. and he's in Europe somewhere, but very reliable.. I did find some Hong Kong suppliers, but their min. order was 50 or more sets.. so there you go.. Thanks again Todd
  18. Urghhhhhh!!!!! I've been cruising, with my new to me machine.. but my bobbin ran out.. I wound another one, and put it in, and now for some reason I have absolutely no bobbin tension.. I didn't touch anything!!! I swear.. I did re-thread the needle side too, but that seems fine.. On the bobbin I can literally just spin the thread out, and I put it in, and it spins counter clockwise like the instructions say.. Here are the instructions.. www.consew.com/Files/112347/InstructionManuals/225.pdf‎ I'm not sure what to do??? Any thoughts? Thanks
  19. So let me expand on that a bit.. and probably show my limited knowledge.. but I'll try and help, or lead you down the wrong path.. I like to think of the top and bottom tension like a tug of war.. with the knot being the center point.. if its in the middle life is grand.. On the bottom it could be the bobbin tension to high OR the top tension too low.. same when the knots on top.. top could be too high or bobbin too low.. So you MIGHT be able to fix it by just adjusting the top tension basically.. or not.. Or like in my case, it really wasn't the tension in the tension adjuster, it was the tension in the whole system.. which was frustrating, because I was adjusting the f&*ck out of that thing with NO results.. but it ended up being the tension from the spool, and another point that's too much to go into.. So good luck, and let us know how it goes.. T
  20. Good lord!! I did a couple things that seemed to have worked.. First was remove this foam padding that was in the thread guide right before it went down to the needle, basically causing tension in the thread along the path, and then i noticed that the thread at the spool was being pulled tight between it and the machine.. causing more tension.. so I had all this tension built up causing the issues.. I have a spool holder, but not a hanger that will help to pull the thread up vertically, instead of horizontally.. I realize now there is a huge difference in tension between vertical and horizontal off the spool... just crazy.. So I think my problem is fixed.. wow.. and thanks everyone for their help!! Todd
  21. Ah ha.. so its a tension thing.. I'll try that.. hmm so the bottom stitch looks good, the top is straight and there is no seperation between the stitches.. sooooo.. I'm guessing the top is too loose??
  22. Ok, so now this! and I think this might have something to do with how I threaded the machine?? Maybe.. Anyway, so when I sew the stitches on top of the leather look like the stitches that should be on the back of the leather, and vice versa..So the nicer looking top stitches are actually on the flesh side of the leather.. I could always just sew on the flesh side, but that doesn't really solve the problem.. Also its having a tendency to break my thread as well.. What does everyone think?? Thanks Todd
  23. Just to put a cap on this thread, I ended up going with a nice green wire connecting the foot pedal to the lever and it works perfect.. Thanks for the ideas and all the help.. Now if I can just learn how to slow this beast down I'd be set!
  24. Hmm, I could totally just do that.. just a chain from the pedal to the lifting lever and forget about all my mess in between.. good stuff..
  25. Good deal, thanks much!
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