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Everything posted by Lavendara

  1. Lavendara

    More Bags

    Very nice bags. Does the type with horn hold a lot, or is it pretty small?
  2. I love reading old writing like this because of how very different they wrote. It's a nice change from today's literature sometimes. From the preface: "This idea the writer at once seized on, and by means of a small advertisement in the leather trade journal, proved the truth of the editor's observations during the following twelve months..." Sometimes it feels nice to read that instead of how it would be written nowadays.
  3. Now, for something like that you'd have to wet form it, right? What did you use for that step?
  4. Those are some nice looking sandals! Are they comfortable? Do you have any issues with them staying on?
  5. That is beautiful! It will be a very lovely wedding gift. I agree with not adding colors. The earth tones would look wonderful with it.
  6. Those are nice wallets! I love the tooling on the second one!
  7. My first date with leather working, with hopefully many more to come! http://learningleather.blogspot.com

    1. LeatherLegion


      Great reading !!! I'll keep an eye on your blog.

  8. I have no words. That is absolutely amazing and beautiful.
  9. I am in the same boat. Just recently tried it out, and have only done a couple keychain kits. I'm jealous you can just come up with that, though. I have to trace and re-trace and have everything planned. Yours came out absolutely great for a first time! I did the same thing, just put tools to leather before I really knew what I was doing. Someone even requested my first project. I'll bet your GF loves it!
  10. Very, very interested. Extreme beginner, looking for ideas.
  11. Had my first dream about leather last night from all the researching I did. Can't wait to learn more!

    1. LNLeather


      Sounds like you're hooked - welcome to the club!

    2. Lavendara


      Thank you! :) I've been looking around on here, I've got library books on the way, I've been checking out what items I'll purchase next... I'm excited!

  12. Beautiful and simple, which makes it more beautiful! And it *does* look comfortable (for a corset).
  13. Absolutely beautiful! I hope to create one of my own someday, but that is amazing!
  14. Tina, I would eventually LOVE to be able to make something like that. It looks absolutely gorgeous.
  15. I need to find out how you did this! It's amazing!
  16. Thank you! I'm looking forward to the stamps. They look fun. Definitely much better than the simplistic things I've been doing. All I have is a tracing tool/modeling tool combo. The tracing tool hasn't helped me much, but I learned that in trying to not over wet my leather, I was most definitely not wetting enough. So I'll have to change that technique.
  17. Thank you very much! I'm excited to "actually" get started. I've been watching Tandy how-to videos almost all afternoon trying to narrow down what my next shopping trip will entail. I'll finally be able to go to the Tandy nearby, as well. I'm guessing I better set aside a couple hours to look around in there. After looking at all the different tools for things, my next budget isn't looking so wonderful anymore. So many things I eventually want to do but not a clue where to start!! I've also been browsing through the photo's on Leatherworker.net's FaceBook page. So many stunningly beautiful projects, and I'm amazed at how versatile leather working is. So much you can do with it!!
  18. Been going to craft stores all my life. Used to keep it simple with fuzzy posters and color pencil by numbers. My husband does jewelry and I've tried my hand at it, but I'm definitely not up to his level and it doesn't hold my interest. Began dream catchers for a store nearby, and was pretty decent at them, but have wanted to move on. Since I needed leather strips to wrap my dream catchers in, I've had to go by the rest of the items in the leather sections. I've been inexplicably drawn to the belts, but of course didn't dare try to start off with one. I ended up grabbing a couple of keychain kits and one tool (had a very small budget) and tried a couple designs. I found I really liked it, and want to keep practicing so I can upgrade to something else (possibly the knife sheaths or wallets) and eventually to the belts. Though I'd eventually like to try many other things as well, such as maybe the small purse pouches or some leather wrist cuffs or something. I'll be able to increase my tool set in a couple weeks, and I'm really looking forward to it! So far my designs have just been traced, and I didn't have any practice leather so the ones I have were my very first tries at putting a tool to leather. I still need to get stain and finish to complete them. I appreciate any input (even if it's "find another hobby"). I'm as nervous typing an introduction as I am making an in-person one, so sorry for that.
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