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Everything posted by DCKNIVES

  1. New sheath for one of my new friction folders. Laced and inlayed in Eastern Diamondback. Hope you like it. Dave
  2. Thanks for the offer Keith, but this customer is all about the texture. I have black here and use quite a bit of it.Dave
  3. Thanks Bruce, I'll do that. Dave
  4. I have a special order of 10 sheaths with various inlays and need 2 pieces, 1 blue and 1 green 2" x 5". I don't get much call for colored rayskins so I didn't want to pay for an entire skin to sit and collect dust. If you have some extra let me know and how much. Thanks. Dave
  5. The only problem I can see using the drill press with the awl is keeping it aligned because the chuck would rotate too easily. I think a modified arbor press might work better. They can be had pretty cheap and the mods aren't that difficult.Dave here's one I modified for my makers stamp
  6. That works too. Dave :D
  7. Here's how I do mine. Instead of drilling, I sharpen the shank end of the drill bit and punch it while the press is running. The hole is much cleaner and it burnishes the hole.After stitching the holes will close up on the thread much better.I also made a seperate table(covered with UHMW for easy sliding) for my drill press and use notched boards ( for the belt loop on sheaths) to keep the leather flat. Works great for me and its fast.Dave
  8. Thank you. Dave
  9. Those have been around for years in various forms. I consider them pretty much flea market novelty items. Besides , it is much easier to carry a fixed blade like I do. Dave
  10. Never hurts learning something new. Count me in .Dave
  11. I just picked up a 31-15 as well and need a manual, any sources?Dave
  12. Well, I am one of those who use deer antler.The piece I have is smooth and rounded on the tip and I have been using it for about 20 years. Works great. Dave
  13. Jordan , thanks for your thoughts.Actually the only costs I am concerned about is recouping my initial investment.After that my only overhead is packing materials. Ring's is less than two minutes from my dayjob and I pass by my shipper on the way home.With my discount, I am expecting a 10%-20% savings to everyone.We will see though as it's to early in this to make promises. What I would want from eveyone is a list of guns they might like so I can get a feel of what is the most popular models. Dave
  14. I am a knifemaker and sheathmaker and like most of you all like to try new stuff. As a gun owner, I have made a few holsters.I am thinking about expanding this for others. The problem is acquiring Blueguns. See, I work my day job a few hundred yards away from Ring's, the manufacturer. After contacting them I can't purchase retail through them but have to order from a dealer and have it shipped to me.I did inquire about becoming a dealer / distributor and no problem other than the intial outlay.I am considering this due to my location but the amount of stock I have to purchase is probably more than I need or want.I would be more than willing to pass on some good savings to others if there was an interest. I haven't done any calculations as to prices yet as this is still in the research stage, but since I can get stuff within minutes of my shop, I'm sure I can cut the prices alot.So should I continue looking into this or breakdown and order what I need through another dealer?Thank you. Dave
  15. Thanks guys.Dave
  16. Just finished this one.It will be going on safari in Africa later this year.This one was customer designed with my mods. It uses rare earth magnets for the clasp and they are inlayed and covered with deerskin.The lacing is 3/32" Superior and I used about 50'.The knife is a Harbuck hunter in stainless Damascus with a reindeer antler handle.Hope you like it. Dave
  17. John, glad to see you showed up ol'buddy.Lots of nice stuff here and great people.Dave
  18. It's great to hear someone enjoying a gun show.This topic came up recently on a couple of the knife forums and many knifemakers refuse to do gun shows because of the amount of junk being sold and lack of appreciation of thier work. I myself have had great times there.Now I don't do many shows but when I have a free weekend and can get a table for $60 for two days, while being 15 minutes from home and can sell a bunch, I'll jump on it.I usually am the only custom maker of knives and leather there and my table stays busy.I have met and made friends of several high end collectors, and the last two shows were almost sellouts and I recieved many sheath orders.While I know everyone may not have the same experience, I do think an occasional gun show may be good for most and it's a good place to learn some sales and people skills for the newbie's.Dave
  19. Just picked up a Singer 31-15 the other day. Still have to assemble the table, but it came with new electrical and a new motor. Got it for $50.00, I'd say a pretty good score. Dave
  20. Wow, I just bought a 1918 Singer 31-15 this week with a new motor for $50.00, and yes its heavy.Dave
  21. Thanks guys, Boomstick look me up if you need some help getting into knives and I see you are a holster maker.That is my next challenge. Dave
  22. Here's a few of my latest projects.I hope you like them.Dave This one is for a Harbuck hunter and inlayed in Tejus Lizard This is one of my new folder sheaths laced,inlayed with Tejus Lizard and lined with deerskin This one is for concealment, small of the back and right hand draw
  23. Very nice for the first one, like the added embossing.Dave
  24. Josep, thats some good work for your second sheath.One thing I would suggest is to dye before stitching with your white thread.It will stay whiter that way. Dave
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