I am a knifemaker and sheathmaker and like most of you all like to try new stuff. As a gun owner, I have made a few holsters.I am thinking about expanding this for others. The problem is acquiring Blueguns. See, I work my day job a few hundred yards away from Ring's, the manufacturer. After contacting them I can't purchase retail through them but have to order from a dealer and have it shipped to me.I did inquire about becoming a dealer / distributor and no problem other than the intial outlay.I am considering this due to my location but the amount of stock I have to purchase is probably more than I need or want.I would be more than willing to pass on some good savings to others if there was an interest. I haven't done any calculations as to prices yet as this is still in the research stage, but since I can get stuff within minutes of my shop, I'm sure I can cut the prices alot.So should I continue looking into this or breakdown and order what I need through another dealer?Thank you. Dave