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Everything posted by Allan1972

  1. I am having the same issue with some veg skirting 12oz leather, just a very heavy dense section. I actually ran it through with no thread to pre punch the holes, then with thread making sure I hit the pre punched holes perfectly. This is a bit of a pain in the ass, but better than 5 or 6 skipped stitches on a belt.
  2. congrats, seems like a great deal. I have the same setup. Allan
  3. Cool picture, I like the armor. That is a ton of lace……. great job!! Allan
  4. I really like the EVH strap, nice work. Allan
  5. Nice work, that strap will be great with that custom tele. Looks like it will be super comfortable to wear.
  6. Looks good…... I have done guitar straps with that stamp, it is tricky to keep the tool lined up consistently. Allan
  7. I am a big fan of that, great job. Allan
  8. nice strap!!!!!! I am buying a nice sunburst, tort guard, jazz bass for my daughter on Friday…... your picture made me stop and admire, I always make a point to see your work. Allan
  9. I just really like a heavy thick belt. I have been using 8-10 Oz and 12-13 Oz with the 3-4 Oz lining, I have not worn one of the heavier weight ones yet. Allan
  10. I'm sure you guys will figure it out, keep us posted on how things go…….. I only bought from Steve because he has a great reputation for customer service. I have a guy 20 minutes from me but I did not get the best vibe, hence me buying from LMC 2500km away. I have to say this was the first time I have heard anything negative about LMC. Fingers are crossed for you….. I deal with customers all the time and sometimes the best feeling is turning an unhappy customer into your best customer. Allan
  11. Thanks for the info, right now I only have 207 as the smallest and I was using a #23 needle. I bought the machine to sew guitar straps and belts so really not too worried about the lighter weights, although the more I know about the machine the better. At this point I am winding bobbins, threading the machine and basic sewing but have not messed with tension yet. It is sewing nice with 277(#25 needle) and I like that weight so I will leave it be for now. Allan
  12. I tried sewing lighter 4-5oz leather and was not able to get a good looking stitch, not that I know what I am doing…... I did buy the machine knowing it is not for thiner than 6oz. I also found it does not stitch well in reverse with the lighter leather, stitch length does not match. The machine seems to like thick leather and does the reverse better the thicker the leather. I guess it was intended for heavy work. Allan
  13. I have not tried the 207 thread yet, I will give it a shot and post results. I am new to this and don't know any better….. I don't see why yours would not do the same, just a matter of figuring out how to set it up. Must be missing something, probably too expensive to pack the head up and ship it to Steve for a service. I would get on the phone and see if they could work you through it, you probably have done that and this is why you are frustrated I am sure I will run into problems and will be frustrated at some point. I know a person who can set up sewing machines through my work, he owns the local sewing centre and services my tailors machines. I also am only 20 minutes from Leighton's and he sales and services the Mach3 441 clone. I am sure it would be cheaper to have these guys service rather than ship back to California. Allan
  14. With the 277 tread it is working well, with the tension not set for 346 tread it will nest on the back. I am sure when I set the tension for the 346 it will pull in clean like the 277. Allan
  15. I love the big thread too, the 346 stands out even more. I just need to get the nerve to adjust the tension as the knots show on the back. Right now it is set up to sew 277 thread perfectly and I just want to get used to sewing before I start messing with the tension. I got 1/2 pound cones of black, white, brown and natural thread in 207, 277 and 346 plus the cone that came with the machine so I have a bit of thread to practice. Allan
  16. Yes that is the video I too would love to see some video of actual use of the accessories, not sure how to use them. Allan Thanks Red Cent:)
  17. Here is an example of my new cobra 4-p -reverse three stitches to start(back tack) -then forward 19 stitches in the same first three holes -then reverse nine stitches in same holes hope this is what some of you guys wanted to see….. The brown thread was test sewing using the roller edge guide. two 12 oz pieces of veg tan leather, 277 natural thread top side of stitching bottom side of stitching I have done no adjustments to get the stitches in the same holes, just flicked the lever up. Allan
  18. I have never used a leather sewing machine before, I am good with power tools and that is all this is. I have used an industrial sewing machine before as I run a menswear store and have a tailor with tailor shop in the back(these machines are for suits). I used to eat lunch watching the tailors work so I am used to being around sewing machines. I decided my daughter and I were going to be Harry potter and Hermoinie for Halloween 6 or 7 years ago so I made us robes(first and only sewing projects I have done)…... So far the machine has been easy to use, we will see once something goes wrong. Allan
  19. thanks for the advise Joel, I want to see the effect of a bigger needle before I adjust the tension. I did groove the leather before sewing but I have been practicing using the guide. Thanks for the info Michelle, I have watched those videos a few times. Now that I have used the machine the info on the video has more impact. I have a couple belts to make for customers so we will see how it goes when it counts. Happy with the machine so far.
  20. do you want me to sew a test piece and post a picture of the stitching…... do you not have the same machine? there are videos showing it back stitching, mine does it the same as the videos. if you want to see front and back finished stitches I can do a test piece and post pics.
  21. Here is an update on the rest of my day getting my machine……... Just a small delivery truck, driver figured it was a good idea to just lift the palette off the back of the truck by hand(320lbs) We managed to lift it off and drag it up the icey driveway, my back did not like the lifting off the semi part. Unpacked and setup…... My sewing area with newly added plug outlets X6, 2 per wall so able to move things around without worrying where the power is. That spot under the window looks like the perfect spot for a Cobra burnisher. Allan
  22. These cuffs are the first items I have sewn on my new Cobra 4 machine, #25 needle was used. -The brown cuff was sewn using 277 natural thread, I think it turned out nice stitch wise. -The purple cuffs were sewn with 346 black thread, the knots were showing on the back. With the black lining and thread you can't really see the issue. -The black cuff was sewn with 346 white on top and black on bottom, this is where the knots not pulling into the middle show up as you can see the white thread showing through. The machine is set up to sew with 277 thread, I did not want to mess with the settings before I tried a bigger needle as the charts I've seen state #26-29 needle size with 346 thread. Allan
  23. While waiting I have bought a breaker for my fuse box and wired 6 plugs in my sewing machine area, that helped pass some time. Was a bit of a job as I had to pull poly off the wall and remove insolation, it is an unfinished basement so no drywall. I am putting it in an 8x8 nook so 2 plugs per wall(12 outlets total). I will be able to move things where ever I want them without having to run extension cords. This will be a nice upgrade from running a cord across the basement, it is nice to be handy…... Allan Still waiting for the truck
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