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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. The picture thing is pretty easy if the size is not to big. When you are writing a reply look just below the text box and you should see a box that says browse. Click on it and locate the photo you want that is on your computer. Open the photo and then click on the UPLOAD box that is right next to the browse box. The computer will work for awhile then tell you if it was successful. If it was click the add reply box a little further down the page and that should be it.
  2. Todays progress, slow but sure Have to force myself not to stamp, it is fun to see what develops but is to easy to get carried away.
  3. Jordan


    Used in a lot of movies in and around the waterfront to shanghi sailors. I used to call it a melon thumper.
  4. Jordan

    Let's talk Borders

    Yup that what I was using, difficult to control especially around curves, is it easier to control if it is heated as you mentioned in a different post? If I had the knowhow I would design something that slides along the edge creasing and grooving as it goes.
  5. Lucris Mfg. Made down under
  6. Jordan

    Let's talk Borders

    When I think of a border I visualize the area from the edge of the leather to about a quarter inch to the inside of the stitch line. With creases and round overs and such. I find it very difficult to do a nice job framing the stitching so to speak. As far as further inboard, to me that is more of a design feature of the entire interior field if that makes much sense. I was just working on a holster this morning trying to work out how to frame the stitching groove, without much luck I might add. Frustrated and taking a breather right now. Any ideas or tools to accomplish this?
  7. Having been very uninspired lately with just about everything I figured I should get back to a leather project. This is the beginning of a holster/belt combo for a Ruger Vaquero with a 7&1/2" barrel. Thanks to W. Ghormley for the pattern. I took some liberty with the billet and chape design. The belt will be 3" wide and probably lined. I used 8/9 wt. leather. The lining if I use it will probably be 1/2 wt. depending on what scrap Tandy has in their bin. The aesthetics of the project are still floating around in my brain but will probably be fairly simple with minimal carving or stamping as I am tyring to concentrate on the construction aspects of this one.
  8. All I see is HTML also. (Firefox)
  9. Welcome, very cool shoes and boots, your years of experience has paid off big time, excellent craftsmanship.
  10. That is a beautiful piece. Much nicer than I have seen for sale in stores.
  11. Looks like a real good show. Really was hoping to have enough moola to take the Bianchi classes this year but things are very dubious around here for what looks like a real long time. Anyone know if they take charity cases! It would take me a house payment and a half and even then I would need to grow my own food and live in a tent for the 3 days of classes. Oh well there is always next year, God willing and the river don't rise!
  12. As far as clams go, I do know that woodworkers used a variation of one in conjunction with a workbench, to hold long and odd shaped boards for hundreds of years. I don't know if one craft borrowed from the other or which used it first though. I still have not had time to build me a horse but I do have the tools I need and a plan to follow in part thanks to members here.
  13. In the US a shadow box is pretty much a short sided box with no lid that is usually mounted on the wall in a grouping with trinkets or do dads placed in them for display, the term comes from the natural or artificial light that plays across the open face illuminating the stuff with light and shadows. A fancy name for a extra deep picture frame
  14. Welcome to the bestest leather place on the www. The thing that was/is most exciting for me when I started was that experimentation is not all that expensive and it (leather) really lends itself to the learn by doing process, if it doesn't work one way just try it another way. Ask lots of questions and post lots of pictures, we all love pictures by the way! Always have fun doing it and you will soon be the one being asked Howdedodat
  15. My church voted last week to send our funds to the Lutheran Disaster Relief organization specifically for aid to Australia. Perhaps there is a local church in your area that is doing the same.
  16. I did one that just folded over the blade I wet moulded it sewed it up and put a copper rivet through the top rear corner. It only covered the blade and rested on the flat tang or hand protector or what ever they call it. It was a very tight fit, actually popped in place where the leather formed to the indent in the blade. I also think the maker will change his mind after you make one to his spec.
  17. I have noticed that the stuff in the stores doesn't seem to stick like it used to. I know that luthiers use CA in little pipettes to repair cracks and such. My guess is the store bought stuff has been diluted just like candybars have gotten smaller and packaging has gotten bigger
  18. Jordan

    Sewing machine

    pm sent for your perusal. Jordan
  19. Just a little addition, I watched the pbs show last night Inside the financial meltdown or something like that. I was amazed at the number of things that lined up over time that when combined, started the ball rolling downhill, kind of like the perfect storm scenario. Add the amazing egos, greed and arrogance of the pro ported smartest financial players and it was inevitable. What I find sad though is the thousands upon thousands of people that thought they were playing by the rules and working hard, are losing so much. While it seems the perps are waddling away with the prize. The last time I frizbee golfed was at the park in pasadena by JPL many moons ago.
  20. I appreciate all the responses, makes interesting reading and a lot of it is very insightful. I think it is good for people to express these things once in awhile. Gives a bit of clarity in a very muddled world, at least for me. I do agree with the point that everyone blames others for there woes' , human nature and societal conditioning maybe? I think this conversation is more philosophical than political at this point. It shows the diversity of thought but also a thread of commonality that runs through humanity. And hey I like frisbee golf.
  21. I would say $75.00 to $100.00. I believe most gun owners know quality leather and will pay for it. They do not usually want to to put a 5 to 700 dollar (or higher)pistol in a cheap holster. I sold a holster/belt combo awhile back for about 250.00 he was pleased and gave me 285.00. If I do another the base price will be $350.00 which I think is quite reasonable, considering name brand combos that I see online with a 6 week to 6 month wait, start at $450 and go up from there.
  22. Is it just me? or are there others that are getting glimpses of how the uberriche are manipulating the planets economies to gut everything for personal gain and open the door to meglomaniacs that will usher in the "New World Order"? Strikes me odd that no one is speaking out about any of these possabilities. Used to be at least a few were able to get media access and speak a little common sense in an increasing irrational world. Most of course are dismissed as crackpots but that never stopped them before. Now, it seems those voices have been silenced. Are the worlds populations being led to a finacial abyss, like sheep to slaughter while the puppeteers of these fiascos are laughing all the way to the bank? In my opinion we are some of the lucky ones, meaning at least after the total collapse of things, we will have the skills to make things people will need. How many moguls will be able to make thier own shoes, accessories and clothing? Oh well I guess my rant is over. Just wanted to post a few thoughts and questions to ponder.
  23. I got the lilies vibe also. A tribute to Sidney P.
  24. I have seen them at auto parts stores for interior trim attachments and also at hardware stores. There are some specialty stores around that sell all kinds of nuts bolts and fasteners That type of finish washer is also used in the boating industry a lot.
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