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Twisted 66

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Everything posted by Twisted 66

  1. Very Nice! turned out great! love the eyelet look. dare I risk the chance of showing my "newbie" side and ask what kind of a stitch that is on the side..?
  2. for the bone colour I used Eco-Flo Hi light stain -smoke black I'll have the assembled bike pic up when I put it on the bike have to re-assemble it from the winter upgrades lol, snow hasn't persuaded me to rush just yet. working on a matching tank bib design at the moment as well.
  3. Finally finished my first fender bib.I had a few issues but over came them..lots of thanks to everyone on this site for the info and knowledge shared. After I finished lacing it up ( and OMG what an experience that was!) I snapped some pics and put it on my bike. looks good a few things I realized after completing it : leather was a bit thick..next time I'll go 5-6oz instead of 7-9oz, lacing takes longer than you think! lol I won't punch holes to lace next time but rather use the slit punch or whatever it's called. I'll oil the leather somewhere in between to soften it up a bit..not that it's overly stiff but I think the oil would add a little more flex to it in the end. and finally I think I will look into perhaps wet molding it a little to bring down the edges and give it that nice little curve..lucky I have a thick flat fender so it's not really to bad but next time I think it would add just a bit more style. I am Itching to hit more projects now. I'll keep ya posted....
  4. can you use rubber cement to attach the felt? or 'goop" glue?
  5. Huge thanks for all the input.. Safe to say I won't be using the dubbin. Have some clear shoe polish I'm gonna give a try... Much appreciated for all the replies!
  6. I finished my fender bib and dyed it, tooled it etc and finished it with resolene..but I'm looking for something a little more weather proof but at the same time hoping to get more of a gloss. right now it's a matte finish look so I was looking around the house before I went and ordered anything and saw I had a can of Dubbin..has anyone used this as a finish after using resolene? anything I should be weary of? I realize it's maybe a little greasy but realistically if I only use a little and it's not really being touched or sat on at all..?? any thoughts or input ? appreciate it in advance thanks
  7. Thanks for the input..much appreciated.
  8. I'm just curious..is there a general guide or rule of thumb to what thickness you would use for certain types of projects? or is it just what you feel works best? belt? saddle bags?, wallets? belt buckles? ipad cover? book covers? appreciate any insight..thanks in advance.
  9. okay so after wiping and drying and wetting and wiping and re-applying and a whole lot of frustration..I was lucky enough to get some invaluable advice from a few people on this site..a little more from the internet..a little from an article and well...I'm done with it lol I'll take it..it's not bad for my first bib..still have the double loop to do but otherwise..I'm so done lol. man I have Sooo much to learn but damn it..I'm having fun!
  10. I'll give that a try..can I still re-tool the leather?? think maybe if I add a little more texture to the background it'll help..I haven't sealed it..just stained it.
  11. ok I did some tooling on a fender bib I'm trying out..( 7-9oz veg tan leather) first off it's my first real project so I'm doing what I can..I got the tooling done and I was going to do a 2 tone dye job using a hi-light stain..I added the highlight and it seems to have washed out my textured background first of all..secondly it looks like it's erasing some of my detail..I have added a before and after pic..my question is however..can I re-tool after I have added the highlight stain to areas I want to bring out?I'm going to airbrush in the dye after this so I have more control over the colour and contrast etc..should have done it first really but then what fun would learning be if I didn't get to screw up a few days of hard work lol.. comments and advice always welcome. ( for an idea...the skulls will be greyed , and the background oval will be greyed..the flames and actual bib will be black to give it a contrast..or that's the idea anyway)
  12. huge thanks..my first real project was going to be a fender bib for my bike..thanks for the input!
  13. nicely done..I could use one of those for my machine!..did you have a pattern or just use your creative mind and go for it?
  14. I was just wondering how your hunt for the patterns went? any luck?
  15. I have an xtra Suzuki boulevard c50 stock solo seat ( pic attached ) looking to shave it down and re cover it.. anyone have tips for a newbie on how to cut/cover/assemble a seat like this (sorry if this has been asked somewhere else) is there a pattern? a way to make one using original cover maybe? thanks for any input
  16. Great Seat! would love a step by step one day! hmm video?
  17. black or not honestly that's a great seat! to bad he wouldn't go for a smoky black on the skull/details, woulda been nicer to see some of the detail ..but it looks great!
  18. just reading the posts..so much to learn! so much to learn! just when think I have an idea I realize nope..sill clueless..just started 2 weeks ago with a tandy kit...been buying stuff weekly from their site..didn't think the stuff was too expensive but then again I have very little to compare it to so...
  19. after reading this post I have just added another item to my "to do" list lol I have my old stock seat from my Suzuki boulevard in my garage and it never even occurred to me to sculpt down the foam and recover it DUH! thanks for the thought
  20. Wow..as a newbie just starting out I gotta say your skills are awe inspiring! incredible work! I'm itching to work the tools even more now! thanks!
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