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About bcboots

  • Birthday 02/24/1958

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Stratford, Tx.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    handmade boots, saddles, cowboy gear

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Member (2/4)

  1. Please explain the "dry ash method" for those of us who are uneducated. By the way you do fantastic work. Blake
  2. Beautiful inlay work. Very clean and lots of eye appeal. You should be very proud. Blake
  3. Sorry I should have given you more information. It is a book written by Al Stolhman. They can be found on the tandy web site or check Ebay. Blake
  4. I believe what you are looking for can be found in "The Art of Making Leather Cases" volume 2. Hope this helps.
  5. I don't have any lace to sell.but contact Bill Confer @ Tejas Industries, Hereford Tx. Phone number is 800-858-4384 or866-660-2830. I believe they have a 25' min. Bill will cut it to the width you want. You can email Bill at bconfer@merrickpetcare.com and he will send you a price sheet. Hope this helps. Blake
  6. Rory, The stitch groover won't work on the elephant. You might try gluing a scrap on the 3-4 oz liner scrap and then punch stitch holes from the inside (liner side) to see if the holes are visible. If this works then on the knife sheath prepunch your stitch holes on one half of the sheath before glueing along the seam. Fold the sheath and then sew your seam together. You might not prepunch holes at the tip. Hope this helps. Blake
  7. Try Panhandle Leather in Amarillo Tx (806) -373- 0535. Blake
  8. I also have purchased 8oz. flask @ Walmart , along tha same price range. Sometimes they are in tha camping equipment and other times I have seen them on the rack at the checkout. Anyone have a sorce for the metal flask funnel? I think it would help with the sales of a nice leather covered flask.
  9. Charlene, Check of the leather covered flask on Etsy. Maybe this will give you a starting spot on pricing. Be sure and post photos.
  10. Try Panhandle Leather in Amarillo Tx. Phone number is (806)-373-0535. Hours are Mon,-Fri, 9-5. Sat.9-1. They had several sizes last time I checked. They have an 800 number but I don't have it with me. Also have a web site, think it's panhandleleather.com Blake tr
  11. Try Moscow Hide and Fur : hideandfur.com or John Fong Exotic Leathers: johnfongexoticleathers.com hope this helps, blake
  12. Butch I just found this thread. Iwould love to have a copy also. My address is boots@xit.net. Thank you. Blake
  13. Jim Check out the "custom cowboy boot and shoe makers forum" site. A ton of information there and people willing to answer your questions. Blake
  14. Regis, The photo looks like some kangaroo I bought several years ago from Panhandle Leather in Amarillo Tx. I believe it was called Brush Kangaroo. Most of the wrinkles disappeared when the leather was stretched. They have a small selection of kangaroo. Also check www.charleshartke.com or www.newbigbook.com search the products & services guide for kangaroo. Hope this helps you. Blake
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