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About BryonD

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/31/1974

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Oswego ny
  • Interests
    Too much to list but, leather working, camping, primitive stuff and more.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Just learning
  • Interested in learning about
    Everything I can about leatherwork
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Thank you for this! I can't wait to try this!
  2. Hello. I live in an apartment and it sucks. But I found a big ziplock bag filled with sand and duct taped for durability under my slab has helped with sound, I also have a piece of steel about three inches thick and four inches round that works good for 3D and letter stamps, Also instead of tooling on my key fobs I have been useing my stylus and assorted clay working tools to beveal and tool some simple carvings.
  3. Thanks, I was gonna do a fold over but the pice of leather I was using wasn't long enough, I never thought of a swivel belt loop, I'll have to remember that next time. Thanks for the advice. Bryon
  4. BryonD


    Wow! Seriously beautiful mask! Love the aluminum pieces, really sets it off.
  5. Just finished a my first custom knife sheath, so far it's the best Iv done. I still have to work on the belt slots but I'm happy with it. Thanks for looking, Bryon.
  6. I don't want to feel left out, may I see the adult section, thank you!
  7. Halitech, thanks for the ideas! I was toying with the slot version already , I'll post some pics when I get the new one finished.
  8. Halitach, they are kinda big (all I had at the time) I'm working on a diffrent way to attach them. Thanks for the feed back!
  9. Thank you both! I will be posting some more stuff as soon as there finished.
  10. Hi all. I've been doing some leather work for a few months now and finally made a few items I feel happy enough with to show off, my sister saw something like this on the internet so I made one for her and one for my girlfriend. I'm still learning and this site is perfect for help and inspiration. Bryon
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