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Everything posted by oldtimer

  1. An alternative to cocobolo is stabilized wood, used by knifemakers. You can get a mirror finish on it. I have made a couple of slickers of stab. wood and I like them. / Knut
  2. Snyggt arbete, Tom! Är du o Tina syskon?????
  3. You´d better watch your back, Harry!
  4. And someone will bring out a question on a leatherforum: " I have an old saddle marked Stolp Saddlery. Does anyone have any information on a saddlemaker named Stolp ? "
  5. Swedish Cavalry saddle M 1881. ~10 oz leather suspension groundseat. The saddle has a padded seat and 1" felt pads attached to the bars and iron stirrups with swivels. The M 1881 saddle was later replaced with the M1900/1903 saddle, a copy of the German Army saddle. The M1900/03 saddle also has a suspension ground seat made of rawhide..
  6. One more question: Is there a indentation for the blade between the cylindrical pieces or is the blade just squeezed between the parts ? Thank´s ! / Knut
  7. In the book " The Art of handsewing leather" by Al Stohlman there is a tutorial on sewing rolled leather parts
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shellac You should find it where paint and lackeur is sold.
  9. What is the diameter of the cutter and how is the blade attached to it? What kind of blade do you use?
  10. I have an old Swedish Army saddle tree ( M 1880?) with a suspension seat. Will take a pic of it tomorrow in daylight.
  11. You can harden leather using shellac on the "backside".
  12. It is a page from Al Stohlman´s book, Leather tools, how to use them,how to sharpen them.
  13. It sounds so easy ! I have had a boa constrictor skin in my freezer for years, and now I can make something out of it! Thank´s ! / Knut
  14. Is this the whole thing? What does the babypowder do in the process?
  15. OK, Krithil, but that was a good start in swedish! I know they don´t speak Finnish at Tärnsjö saddlery school either, so I can see that there will be a linguistic problem! Ei ymmärä ! ( I don´t understand) / Knut
  16. Aulus, Ich habe einer Bayerische Gebirg Schweisshund - Ich bin Elchjäger!
  17. Terve Krithil. There is a saddlery school in Sweden, 3 year education. I know they have / had students from both Norway, Denmark, Finland and Åland. I teach a western saddle class there every year. http://www.sadelmakeriskolan.com/. In the same building there is a big tannery where they also produce harness and tack. http://www.tarnsjogarveri.se/ / Knut
  18. Willkommen Aulus ! (my german is also very rusty ) / Knut
  19. Ray. This is my warhorse, an immortal old Nissan King Cab, 4WD, V6 engine, 1990, (Found out that the "japanese" V6 powered Nissan trucks are built in the US of A!) The engine is not original, it was retired at 320 000 kilometers and replaced with a newer, used engine from a crashed truck. The truck has run more than 12 turns around the world ! 490 000 kilometers (304 471 884 miles) by now and it is not showing any sign of age fatigue or rust so far. It is like having an old dog, you can´t just sell it, it is a member of the family! ( Chevy truck owners say: Real men don´t eat Sushi" but I like the taste! ) / Knut
  20. I´m listening to Willie Nelson and David Allen Cole mostly. You must listen to the lyrics in David Allen Coles " The perfect country song" ! / Knut (It's David Allan "Coe" ~~Johanna)
  21. Which tree did you use ? / Knut
  22. Amazing old tools ! You don´t happen to have a second pair to sell or trade?
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