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Everything posted by Opagon

  1. Hi Rob, There is a lot of muscle memory to good braiding and the only way to get good even tension is like horsehair said - practice. My method of tighten is to increase the tightness with each pass. So my top string gets a slight pull then the first under pass is pulled to the back and up towards the back side of the braid. Depending on how things look I might also pull the next top string with it to make sure everything stays straight. The bottom strings are held with light tension while I continue on to the other side. Keep Braiding, Heather
  2. I had some time last week to fit in a quick practice piece thanks to the weather. I am not sure what to do with it other than sit it up on a shelf somewhere but it was good practice. From the top of the nose to the heel is 7 inchs and it measures 3 1/2 inches wide. Keep Braiding, Heather
  3. Opagon

    New Member

    Great work, Glad to have you here!!!! Heather
  4. With spring around the corner and full time riding on its way, I decided to make a new headstall for the lead mare and make it little easier for the lesson kids to find it. Long pineapple with 2 accent colors
  5. Opagon

    Rein Weights

    What is the main purpose for the reins??? For me (just one opinion in a million of riders) I want my weight placed where the drape of the reins will be. This is determined by the level of training and discipline of the horse and rider and the length of the horse's neck. Example - Western pleasure horses have a lot of drape and most of the weight is placed directly under the crest of the horses neck. (even adding wieghted ferrules in that section). Reining and Working cow horses have minimal drape on their romals and the weight is usally closer to the bit. Someone using them for trail riding might only need what you have done already. Every horse and rider combination are going to need/want/use something different. When you take the romal into consideration we add another variable; how much weight does the rider feel comfortable with. The weight on the romal helps the rider control the drape and feel to the horse while riding one handed. For me, I change the weight mostly with my Poppers (stingers/wackers/Tails). Reins chains come in different lengths to help change the feel/weight of the braided reins. I dont use them so how the different lengths effect things I cant say. When placing buttons on the reins we also have to take into consideration the life of the reins - This is more important when working with rawhide but also affects leathers. Buttons that are place tightly together will keep reins from bending. Most knots are placed around an inch apart to give more freedom of movement to reins. So the use for the reins also affects how tighlty we can place our knots. Just something to keep in mind and again is a personal preference. What it comes down to is personal preference and knowledge of the rider. Most folks dont know and will ride in what ever they bought off of the shelf or you make for them. Your reins are beautiful and once you determine your purpose and horse for them the knot placement will work itself out. Heather
  6. Opagon

    curb strap

    I like!!!! Have you tried it on a horse yet??? I know the first couple that I made where shall we say "off" in size. I had to tweak the pattern to fit the horse a little closer so it wouldn't bump them in the chin. Seeing your tiny strings reminds me that I need to find an excuse to braid with rawhide soon... Keep up the great work. Heather
  7. Opagon

    More Busy work

    Finally got some time to post some of the items I have been working on. Knots on reins and headstalls for some folks. I also did a pair of hobbles for a couple that wanted a set to hang on a mantle. At least I am busy..... Let me know what you all think.... Heather
  8. If I was you I would be on a scavenger hunt for rope scraps...... They could be braided together for the diameter you want. Hose of a sort would work if the diameter isnt too large. If you have a full hide - Maybe using the belly and leg scraps for a core. They can be stripped and braided or if you have a wide enough piece, tightly rolled with a little glue for a core. Hope that helps, Heather
  9. Opagon

    some working gear

    Glad to see you posting more of your work, and like always it is just beautiful! Heather
  10. I like! Whatever one wishes to call that pattern; I call it a Herring bone, I love the look. Your turks look like they are getting better and better. Let us see how the weave goes once you find where your pattern got off. Keep up the good work, even if it is on more bracelets. Heather
  11. Hi Rob, Coloring rawhide is hard.... It doesnt like to hold the pigment. So get ready for alot of string that is not colored they way you where hoping. After searching everywhere that I could think of for clues and coming up empty handing I started to do some experimenting. I have no idea if the ways that I am dying my rawhide are the "correct" method or not. I started at; Rawhide is a natural product, what stains my hands the most and for the longest? My List: Balck walnuts - Food Dye - Mulberrys - Fabric dye Then I started soaking. For browns I am using a coffee soak of standing stick 2nd day quaility or Balck Walnut juice (My yard is littered with them in the fall). Be careful as to what you dress it with during and after braiding as the color seems to fade. I usually do an very light coat of Rawhide cream. I am still playing with other colors - Food dyes are seeming to hold up well. I doubled checked a piece from a year ago and it seems to be the same. I am going to try fabric dye on the next lot. Let me know how your experiments go, Heather
  12. Montana Silver has the plain and stamped ferrules in 3/8 on there site: www.montanasilversmiths.com/ They are under saddle trim then click on ferrules. Heather
  13. 1. Traditional with Flare - I like to use colors that are not normally seen in braiding. I also have a tendency to make items more showy and go beyond the need of the function. 2. Functionality has the biggest impact on my style, followed by personal perference and then what I can sell. I find that I can generally place folks that ask me to braid for them in two catagories: a) must be very traditional and all Rawhide I want something that no one else will have. Heather
  14. Opagon

    Another Whip

    That is drop dead gorgeous!!! It will be awhile before I can turn out a piece like that and apperciate you posting and giving me something to work towards. Heather
  15. I too am curious to what all you other braiders are doing. Right now I am useing a light wax top coat on certain projects. I like the shine that finishes put on and that they help to make the leather more water repellent. I think that whatever is used it but be able to flex with the piece as it moves and not change the color. I am thinking of giving Fieblings acrylic resolene a try, any one use it? Heather
  16. Opagon

    Where do I start

    There are a couple of books and videos that have been referenced here quite a bit. Bruce Grant - Encyclopedia of Rawhide and Leather Braiding How to make Cowboy Horse Gear Leather Braiding Gail Hought - The Art of Braiding Series Bryan Nuebert - Videos - Introduction to Rawhide Braiding Advanced Rawhide Braiding Robert Woolery - Braiding Rawhide Horse tack Tom Hall - Books I am sure I am forgetting some, Heather
  17. I havent photo logged myself braiding anything yet and it will be awhile before I make up more leashes. There is an other thread going about references to get you started in braiding. sorry I couldnt be more help, Heather
  18. khoiphan92 This is a 8 plait braid over a 1/4 inch climbers rope core . The pattern is made by keeping the same colored strings on the same side. (4 green on left, 4 yellow on right) Braid in a under 2 over 2. I measure the total length needed including the hand and snap loops and leave about 4 inches of tail for the back braiding. After braiding the finished length, I make sure my ends are secure, condition it and roll it to smooth out the braid. I then position the loops so that the colors match back up and follow the pattern back through and finish it under 3 before I cut the ends, rolling them a second time to even and smooth everything out. I placed a spanish ring knot for a base and then covered it with a pineapple knot. I used just under 92 ft of beveled string for this 6 ft leash which includes the accent knots. (better to be long than short) Hope that helps and I am glad you liked the leash, Heather
  19. Opagon

    Roo bracelet

    Nicely done Mike! Heather
  20. More beautiful work! I think I would end up going crossed eyed even with the jewelers visor. I love seeing these and hope you post more. Heather
  21. Beautiful saddles - bet they ride as good as they look...
  22. I have been seeing alot of nice Bosals being posted lately so I thought that I would make a hanger to go with them. 3 adjustment knots lets it fit a multitude of horse heads.
  23. I have encountered this problem many a time, I would suggest using a smaller core. When I place my strings around my core I want them to overlap slightly. Sometimes for a small 8 plait braid I will use a very tiny string for a core to keep it from squaring on me while rolling. Hope that helps, Heather
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