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Everything posted by cybertracy

  1. p-touch label machine -- light colored tools/handles black on clear tape, dark I use white on clear tape (you can hardley tell it's a label this way). I cut the label as close to the print as possible and with several print sizes I've not found a tool yet I can't fit a label and/or my initials somewhere. My boyfriend uses a dremel engraver on most of his things.
  2. nothing too simple in the book, sometimes I will silhouette one with a good shape and highlight the hair/wings/dress to stand out. Another good source for simpler, smaller drawings is to google images for tattoo art--you'll find a lot of shared artwork in that forum. good luck with your faries!
  3. http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/products.asp
  4. Hi, I work at a Tandy's in Ventura, and we still stock it. I understand if you order online, it is forwarded to your local (nearest) Tandy to fill and ship. We always make sure if a customer comes in wanting something that's in the catalog, we will get it in either through the weekly stock order or we call around to other stores who would be willing to ship it to us. Perhaps if you ask Springfield will do the same. If not, call a few other stores and ask them to mail order for you. good luck!
  5. Hi Billy, I bought cement thinner at a small hardware (mom&pop type) store, it was the same stuff (ingredients-wise) that Tandy sells & worked on Barge.
  6. Mike, i work at a Tandy in Ventura, and my boss has saved at least one of every skiver. I can photocopy and send if you still need it. Just pm me with where to mail.
  7. I believe one of the problems with using 'exotic' furs, even if gained legally and humanely, is that it creates an easier market for poachers to sneak in their illegally obtained goods. If a certain skin/hide is completely banned for sale/use then it is easier for customs & officials to spot the sale of poached goods. My grandfather worked in several countries trying to find a solution to both problems (protection of endangered animals and the legal market for culled/farmed exotic goods) and happened upon a park where 2 game wardens (one a single father of 6 children) were murdered in Africa for a single pair of juvenile elephant tusks. Heartbreak about the elephant, but the tragedy of the warden's deaths still ripples in the region. This happened about 1 year after a lift on a ban of ivory (I forget what country) was passed and they tracked the tusks gotten from this incident to that country.
  8. Hi, I work in a Tandy in Ventura (about a two-hour drive with a tail wind) and we are planning some braiding workshops--both the manager and I love braiding. If you're willing to make the drive, we'll clear a bench spot and you can spend as long as you'd like and work on some projects. Call John or Tracy at 805/653-2629 if you are interested. . .
  9. no, you don't, but this special shows up if you've signed up for their "friday special" e.mail. . . but I'm sure if you call & order, he'll not turn you down! Good luck & let us know how you liked them.
  10. they are larger (slightly) in diameter than craftools and a bit shorter, they are about 1/2 again heavier than the craftools--from what I've used so far I love them! Can't take a pic of the ones I bought (same offer) tonight but I'll try tomorrow.
  11. I really, really like the simple design that at the same times fits so well to your BBQ guy! I think adding color would take away from how effective it is. Your idea of adding a little character with the brown/black combo sounds right on the mark. Be sure to post how it turns out!
  12. yes! I also find when I'm most distracted, my reflexes take over and I catch more than I drop. I've also found I tend to drop tools in my lap more and more when I'm really busy, and my boyfriend says it's looks a tad strange to see me reach down and pull out tool after tool. . .and if I stand up suddenly . . .yikes.
  13. my workshop is a converted gazebo outdoors, and it's on such a slope when I lift my feet off the ground my chair turns on it's own and rolls away from my desk! I've had to attach baskets on the edges of my work tables to catch the tools I set down. . . . it still catches me by surprise everytime one rolls away!
  14. If you're like me, I only paid attention in tracing class--here's a couple of my favorite shareware images.
  15. Hi Karl, looking forward to your tutorial! Can you tell me the author/publisher of your DVD? I cannot seem to find a book or video anywhere on this amazing art. Thanks!
  16. [ My mentor and friend Sandy Morrissey made this stamp for me while showing me his technique for tooling faux snakeskin inlays. Dave, was the snakeskin stamp made from scratch or modified from another stamp? Awesome effect!
  17. beautiful job on the basketweave, at first glance you can almost imagine it's really a woven piece of work, and your stitching is so even & consistent! I hope w/practice mine will look that nice. I've never seen a pair of covered stirrups, do you also cover the "post?" cap (it looks tooled as well) with a separate small piece of leather?
  18. Hi Shelly, A couple months ago I began using the same setup as you, circle light/magnifyer, even though I had to contort my arms/tools/lamp to avoid striking the underside. It made the work so much clearer it was worth it (although I believed I've never had vision problems nor the need for glasses). What seemed to happen is after using the setup for several weeks I seemed to NEED the magnifyer to do smaller details work. It may just be my imagination, but now I even use it to trace and for the larger work as well. Does anyone know if using magnification can train your eyes to not focus as well close up?
  19. Oh, sorry, you didn't mention which--have you looked in the Stohlman Cases books 1, 2, & 3? I don't recall a pool cue pattern, but perhaps something comes close and you could adjust it to fit your needs?
  20. pool stick case pattern here.
  21. are you talking about this one? International Internet Leathercrafters' Guild?
  22. Brent, I'm interested in watch straps too (my name is Brett). Have you any inspiration websites such as www.delaurian.com? Brett, thanks for the link! simply amazing straps! the creativity to these straps is awsome and the workmanship is inspirational. I wonder if he has his hardware (buckles, etc,) custom made, they are as beautiful as his straps.
  23. Hi, if you are looking for the pattern to make you OWN insterts, I think I found something here. wallet patterns good luck!
  24. he gave all the "standard' labels; noncoformist, longhair, bohemian, rebel, beatnik) class! RIP George, hope you have a place up there for all your STUFF!
  25. i got this pattern and it's remarkably easy to make and adapt to different hat styles (and cheaper than buying a new one). good luck!
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