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Everything posted by tonyc1

  1. You're lucky your modem is working! Tony.
  2. Definitely not humid here, Cem. Just a B hot 39 here at home! Not used to these temps. Tony.
  3. We have just had a shower of rain for 10 minutes and it's dropped down to 25, which is great! But the rain has gone. Tony
  4. If those numbers are correct, it is only a small percentage of contributors then.
  5. Roo, it's not even cool here in Tassy. It was 38 here today, even had to give the Pug a cold bath! Tony.
  6. Perhaps there's nothing for the Edge Kote to bind to. Everything may be too shiny for anything to stick. Tony.
  7. Mine have all had copper anvils, perhaps the brass anvils are too hard. Tony.
  8. I use Osborne's rotary punches. One is at least 25 years old and they have punched many, many thousands of holes. I use a lot of pvc coated webbing and they go through that dead easy. I would recommend them for any strapping up to a 1/4" or a bit more, anything heavier I'd use a drive punch and the tubes and anvils are easy to replace if needed. Tony.
  9. I'd like to know how many members we have and how many are financial? It's a great site to be a part of. Tony.
  10. I'm sure that some of the old leatherworkers knew more about how to do some things than we give them credit. These techniques have just been lost as the use for them faded and this would not only apply to scabbards, but dozens of things! Tony.
  11. Nice clean fingernails! Tony.
  12. I have one the same also! Been very handy but outlawed in industry, as you can use them one handed. I'm a sole operator so it doesn't worry me. Tony.
  13. Nice job, but I'd be worried about my thread getting caught under the cam. If there is anything for it to get caught on it surely will. It's Murphy's Law! Tony.
  14. I think a couple of people out turn Cane Toads into humorous and odd things. Tony.
  15. I'll bet there's no tree huggers or vegans at Sam's barby, Barra! Tony.
  16. Hi terry.. I'm having one right now, along with some lamb chops and snags which are on the barby! Tony.
  17. It's a natty little strap cutter he's got, too. I wouldn't mind one of them! Tony.
  18. Good article, Barra! I see that Jeffrey's still use tacks and not all staples, like some! Tony.
  19. What is an Overstitch Awl? Tony.
  20. These are the sewing awls that I always use. They vary in length from 3/4" to 3 1/2". The longer they are the thicker they are. Tony.
  21. I just checked with that serial # site and mine was made in 1912. Tony.
  22. Bree, who manufactures Frog tape? Tony.
  23. I never knew that. The Old Timers took their work seriously and had tools for every application, didn't they?Tony.And I guess that's why they have left and right hand twist with machine needles!Tony.
  24. I liked some small parts of the parade that I saw. Tony.
  25. What retains the knife ? Tony.
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