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Everything posted by tonyc1

  1. That food sounds absolutely delicious, Tina. I would love all of that. Tony.
  2. Tasha, what is a Clif Bar? Tony.
  3. The term "Pros" means something totally different down here,Josh!!!Tony. It does sound like fun, Kate.Tony.
  4. How many people will be sitting down for dinner in your house on Christmas Day and who will cook it, husband or wife? Merry Christmas to everyone and may Santa bring you what you want. Tony.
  5. Karl, that is the address I used but it comes back. Tony.
  6. Karl, your email address you sent me is incorrect! Can you send me your correct address please. Tony.
  7. Try Ryan Bros in Victoria, much closer than the USA. Tony.
  8. You're a lucky man,Badger. I have found a spare, original manual, 6th. edition. It even has prices for individual parts in the back. I don't know what year it is and it is pretty fragile but it is all there. You'd better send me you address and I'll mail it to you. Kind regards, Tony.
  9. Why do that, you know as well as I do that sewing machines have no feelings whatsoever. They are born to be perverse critters! Tony.
  10. I'll join that club as I have 5, two electric and three hand splitters. I must think about culling one of them. Tony.
  11. Or, it could be a 100 runs in cricket! Tony.
  12. Another anomaly is, that we always used Stones and Pounds when talking about our weight while you on the North American continent, just use pounds when describing a persons weight. I always weighed 11 stones seven pound, which was eleven and a half stones. Another anomaly is that since we weigh people in kilos, I am heavier, which makes me hate metrics more!!! Tony.
  13. A Ton out here is 2240 pounds.Tony. Tina, I thought a Metric Ton would be a Tonne.Tony.
  14. I use Imperial all the time! All my rulers and tapes are Imperial, although I do have a 10 ' tape that has both so that I can convert measurements to Imperial. I tried to convert but made too many mistakes using metric (I hate Napoleon). I always think Imperial re. weights and measures and my wife who is only 46, thinks first in Imperial and then metric, perhaps shopping and cooking has something to do with it, with most groceries sold in metric. I can picture a 6' person but not someone 1.84 centimetres ? tall! Dollars and cents are ok, they're easier than the old Pounds, shillings and pence. Tony.
  15. Yeah, and cabinet makers also use broken glass as a type of blade to remove some rough pieces. Tony.
  16. They look as if they have good definition, though! Tony.
  17. It appears that Birdsall's carry a rubber cement called K Brand Glue, you should try them. They are in Botany Bay, Sydney. Tony.
  18. tonyc1

    noisy fan

    New fan units are cheap and easy to replace. Just make sure you get one with a bearing and not just a bush. Probably $25 at the most. If I can replace one, anyone can! Tony.
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