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Everything posted by tonyc1

  1. I'll bite, what does it stand for, Sharpshooter? Tony.
  2. Are these type magnets very strong, Merrick. Tony.
  3. It is a wigwam for a goose's bridle! Tony.
  4. If something is really bad I just pull the strap thru my splitter and take a millipoof off the back which usually makes it much cleaner! Your splitter needs to be nice and sharp though! Tony.
  5. When the customer says "Good Job, how much do I owe you?" Tony.
  6. I just remembered an amusing thing that happened once, it didn't draw blood but I did have a sore thumbe for a few days! I had been using my k6 and I was just sitting there daydreaming about something and I had my hand on the flywheel with my thumb in one of the holes in the wheel when something very fast shot past my feet and and it was the cat with the dog hot on it's tail, they were only playing! They were only on the pedal for a split second but it was enough to engage the clutch and wrench my thumb quite painfully. Took me completely by surprise and my reactions were a trifle slow! Tony.
  7. Then you have those that say "No pain, no gain". Which, of course, I don't believe in! Tony.
  8. Are there any native North American animals that have hides suitable for good braiding? Tony.
  9. But how do they help grip the needle if you have cut the fingers off?? Tony.
  10. Happy birthday,Barra! Keep up the good info to our queries! Tony.
  11. About 40 years ago I had an awl roll off the bench and go straight into my instep and I only had slippers on my feet. After that I planed flats on my awl hafts so they can't roll. I find the flat useful as my thumb always finds the same place when holding the haft. Tony.
  12. That's a good story. I can't remember when I first saw it but as kids in the early 50's we used to draw it on things. I guess it was graffiti before we even knew what graffiti was !!! Tony.
  13. Yes JW, voting is compulsory out here for anyone over 18. Tony.
  14. We do have some big states here in Australia! Tony.
  15. Daylight saving is great here in Tassy as it doesn't get dark until nearly 10 pm in December!
  16. Personally, I prefer Titbits! Tony.
  17. We are actually almost 500,000 now according to recent stats, and our birthrate was the highest for about 20 years, last year. Where we have to go to vote is only about 1 mile away for both state and federal elections. Tony.
  18. Is it true that voters are queuing for hours to cast their vote in the US? This must deter some would -be voters. The US electoral officials should come up with a way to make it less of a headache for their citizens to participate in electing a candidate. Down here our elections are always on a Saturday and except for those casting an absentee vote, the whole country gets to vote in one day with little hassle at all! Does the UK have one day to vote, Ray? Tony
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