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Everything posted by tonyc1

  1. There was a US female musician touring Aust. on a variety show on the tv today and she remarked about a special Texas food delight called a "Turduken" ( I hope I've spelled it correctly) which is a duck stuffed into a chicken which is then stuffed inside a turkey. Is this just for the big eater or only for parties and is it true? Tony.
  2. Pretty much the same here, except Council Elections carry very little interest here in Tasmania, unless it is something very radical.
  3. After listening to the radio yesterday I've arrived at the idea that US people have a lot easier way to vote than we do here in Australia. Is it true that you will be able to do "Drive Thru Voting" and not even have to get out of your car, and will you be able to vote at supermarkets? Here, we have to go to designated polling booths ( Usually community halls and schools ) that are open for 12 hours and voting is compulsory and all on one day! Is voting similar in UK, Ray? Tony.
  4. I'm sure you'd be able to "dome" them using a vise.
  5. What about glass? If I ever have much skiving to do, I do use glass to skive on. Tony.
  6. You need a good old K6 for your rug repairs, they just go and go!!
  7. Can you tighten the foot up on the shaft with the holding screw before it reaches the top?
  8. I use Chinagraph pencils a lot and they come in diff colours.
  9. They'll usually say N/P or C/P Brass.
  10. Yes Art, you can't help but smile, can you! Tony.
  11. Spent the afternoon in the workshop and it was made much easier as there was a great old movie on the tv. Lee Marvin and Jane Fonda in Cat Ballou, both good actors!
  12. Yeah Ray, it was free! Tony
  13. It's interesting but not riveting!
  14. Vegemite or marmite is best on toast but although I'll eat these two, I do prefer Promite! Tony.
  15. What a lovely work environment. I wonder how often Workplace and Safety visit!!!! I'd like to see a shot of their lunchroom.
  16. I would hate to count up how many Flake and Crunchie bars I have eaten over the last 15 years. We have a husband and wife for friends who both work at Cadbury factory and constantly bring chocolate to us. One chocolate we don't seem to have here now, and I miss it, is Fry's creme bars, they were great! We're going out to a fish and chip restaurant tonight.
  17. Aren't Sedgwicks still in business?
  18. I made a blue there! Sars and lemonade is a "Square and Lemon" Tony.
  19. Root beer is Sarsaparilla isn't it. A lot of people here drink it, I love it! I like to but the syrup and mix it to my taste. I also a Square and Lemon is just beer and sars, god knows where they got that name from! If Root beer and Sars is the same then I love it. Some people aren't so keen and call it Flytox.
  20. The alcoholic cordial sounds great. I think many, many,many years ago that was the term. We are usually specific when we want a coke or pepsi though, and just use cordial for any other soft drink.
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