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Everything posted by JAZZMAN

  1. Thank you for all your kind words, this will be the last post i make on here as i am finding it too painful, i am also aware that this is not the place for these types of posts, it is nice for me to know there are still good people in this sometimes selfish world, so take care my friends. Peace.
  2. Zulu i was not sure wether to mention my reasons for being unable to post as i really do not want any sympathy, however i have been quite taken aback by some of the kindness i have been shown so maybe i owe it to say that i literally will not be around much longer and so will be spending all my time from now on with my familly ,thank you for all your kindness, and i apologize if this post turns out to be a mistake on my part.
  3. Unfortunately due to personal issues i will no longer be able to post on this forum. However as i have come to know some members quite well i felt i had to say goodbye and thank you to all who have helped me since i joined. So good luck to all of you and thank you for sharing your slkills and knowledge with me Peace.
  4. Thank you for the explanation, i thought it might have been vinigeroon as i have heard that it gives a grey type colour but your way sounds a bit better and obviously works, thanks again, keep posting.
  5. Hello awnova, this is great looking, but please do not tease us and tell us how you achieved the metal looking effect.
  6. Is it wrong that i get excited by these pictures.
  7. Well i for one cannot wait for that to happen, i will keep my eyes posted on you tube.
  8. Hey that is great news bigmatt, i am very happy for you, now you can get on with the next one.
  9. Hardleather crafts?
  10. Hi Horseshoe, this is absolutely stunning, i cannot find any more words i am so blown away with how nice this looks.
  11. Hi Bigmatt, that is absolutely fantastic, is it for yourself or a customer, unless your into leathercraft i do not think a lot of people realize how much work something like this takes,it truly is a work of art. I am also very jealous of your stitching pony.Take care.
  12. Thank you so much for taking the time out to give me some words of encouragement , it really means a lot to me. It is aslo nice to know that a professional like yourself is doing their bit to encourage youngsters to become interested in hand crafts. I know a lot of people would not feel they have the time to show young people their skills but without people like you in the world crafts such as this would eventually dissapear. I am no youngster anymore but i know i have never forgotten those times as a young boy when someone older took the time to show me a little kindness, it never leaves you and contributes towards the person you become as you get older,take care my friend. Peace.
  13. Well i am sorry to sound like a broken record but i am compelled to say thank you once again for the kind responses to my post, and thaks for the tip jwalker about the Barry king swivel knife, this is an area of leathercraft i really want to develop as i think leather goods when properly decorated with tooling looks truly stunning, my dream is to create pieces that go from people saying that's nice to saying WOW I want one of those. Peace my friends.
  14. Sorry Thor, i am not sure i understand what you mean, i think it is fairly common for people to glue projects prior to hand stitching in order to hold awkward pieces together for stitch marking and then the final stitching, i know it helps me. I am quite new to leatherwork so i am open to any suggestions or advice on easier ways to do things.
  15. Hello Huns, as usual your work is amazing , i love the beading, this is something i would love to have a go at. Thank you for the inspiration.
  16. So i am now about five months in to my leatherworking journey and i just wanted to talk a bit about how things are going, but first i would like to say a huge thank you to all the kind skilled and knowledgeable people on this forum who have given up their experience and help so selflessly. I can honestly say that learning leathercraft has enriched my life in a way that i did not expect. When i first began looking at leathercraft it was just going to be something to fill up some time which i now find myself blessed with due to a disability and being unable to work at a job. I can only do leatherwork in short lengths at a time and there are certain things i have to be helped with such as handling larger pieces of leather and the like. But what i have found is that apart from just being a pastime, leathercraft seems to also be having a therapeutic effect on me, it seems to calm my mind and soul as well which is something that happens all too rarely for me as i am one of lifes worriers , who suffers with stress and anxiety a lot. I know i still have a long long way to go and a lot to learn but that is fine with me as i am a believer that it is all about enjoying the journey and not just the destination. So thanks again to all the members who have helped me on my journey, i hope i can help some people along the way as well. Peace.
  17. Saddle making , what an amazing skill to posess, i would love to learn how to do this one day but it takes everything i have got to make keyfobs and coasters at the moment, but maybe one day.Thanks for sharing.
  18. Thank you Lumpendoodle for taking the time to post those pictures for me, that is very kind of you. Now i have seen it close up i love it even more.Does chrome tanned leather normally have to be stitched with a sewing machine or can it be hand stitched as well? Do not worry about hijacking my thread i feel it is pretty much done now anyway, i have had my question answered thanks to all you helpful and kind people.
  19. Thank you Lumpendoodle, i will have to give the double sided tape idea a go. I am looking forward to the day when i can make a bag of your standard and just think of it as something i knocked together, it looks fantastic to me, i just wish i could get a bigger picture of it up on my screen so i could get a better look at it.
  20. I cannot comment on the quality of your tooling as i am quite new to leatherwork, however i do like the belts and think that your idea of tipping your hat to the great artists on leather is a fantastic idea, i would like to see how you would go about a jackson pollock,that would be a hard one.
  21. Thank you Boriqua,as i said in my original post i am all for saving money but not if it might cause me problems or a poor quality project, because i like to make bags(well i am only on my second one so far) with curved gussets i think i need to get some contact cement as this seems to be the most common glue everyone seems to advise, so thank you all for helping me with this. This forum is fantastic
  22. LOL. yes zulu they are models, i hope she does mean models anyway or else we are going to need dustbin sized containers of glue. Sorry for not making that clear.I will post a picture of one when she has made one.
  23. Wow Zuludog, thank you so much for taking the time to give me such a well thought out and well researched response to my question, you are obviously a very giving person, i have seen a lot of your posts and they are always very informative and heartfelt and i thank you for them. I will have to see if i can indeed get a litre of evostick timebond if i can get one for £12.99, my wife is using the gorilla glue to make rocking chairs out of pegs so hopefully she will get bored of that after a bit and i can nick the rest of it from her . Thanks again zulu and take care my friend.Peace.
  24. I know what your saying, crupper stuffer , is taking all my powers of restraint not to make a rude joke
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