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Everything posted by Patrice

  1. Hi folks. It's been a long time since i didn't post anything here. In fact, quite à lot of things happened to me this lats 5 monhts. I've moved in Mauricie region in Quebec. I got a new job, a new home and changed my lifestyle. But it was all for the better. Now, i'm back and ready to read and look at your creations ;-) Here's two of my latest leather goods i made for my larp event this last august.
  2. Wow! Vraiment beau Richard! Wow! Very good Richard! :-)
  3. Thank you Brewerkel. I'll try it, but i doubt he will do it ;-)
  4. I've just bought a set of zodiac leather stamps by Baron and they are very difficult to stamp well in the leather. For your information, all 12 stamps are held just like any craftool. They are 3D, but not like the one sold by Tandy. I'm using a yellow head small mallet, but i think i should use a maul. Also, is the Tandy Impriting Machin as an hollow tube that can accomodate craftool?
  5. Patrice


    Thank's to all. I have notice another thing. My moisture content is not right when bevelling. I can see that the leather Kate is working on is pretty much dry. Mine is not that dry. I'll just have to wait for my leather to be dryer. That migth explain why my belling is not quite alright.
  6. Patrice


    I can sure benefit form this short tutorial myself If i can propose something, i'm more a visual kind of guy. So, with images, maybe this tutorial will be more easy for some people like me. When you say: above the leather, how high is this? I tryed it from various high, but did not notice any rebound of the tool on the leather. I'm prety sure that my technique is wrong.
  7. @ Lobo Thank you for the advice. I just received an answer from the sellers. He dont ship outised USA, but if i can find company who can offer me a adress in the USA or a frien, he will ship the item to this place and then, either the friend or the company will ship it to me. By the way, Bob polgarsr, the seller on ebay ofeer great plates and as a 100% positive feedback. I'm not affraid to do business with him.
  8. Hi again. I found this seller on ebay, but i'm not sure if he's shipping outside USA. I sent him a request, but did not received an answer. Plase telle me if a company exist that can received the item in the USA for me then sending me the item in Canada? Anyway, here's the ebay site of the guy: http://cgi.ebay.com/LEATHER-CRAFT-TOOL-EMBOSSING-STAMP-DIE-DEER_W0QQitemZ170385473899QQcategoryZ28133QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3907.m263QQ_trkparmsZalgo%3DSIC%26itu%3DUCI%252BIA%252BUA%252BFICS%252BUFI%252BDDSIC%26otn%3D12%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D54
  9. Hi! I just received today, Artisans & money. Earning a nice living as an artian, by Joe Rollings. I'm only at page 9, but it look promising!
  10. Thank you all folks. Sometimes, i wish i could live south of the border ( USA is south from Canada) We have a 3 year program here in Montreal, but i must attend course full time and i can afford lossing my job and get back to school. We have a Tandy Leather Factory also in Montréal, but i don't think they are offering any workshop. Do you know if some of you greatest leather workers in USA came from time to time in" La Belle Province" (Québec) or in Canada? I wish i could attend on of their workshop. Anyway, thank's again.
  11. Bob: Thank you for this contatc. Wildrose: Where a canadian like me can buy Peter's moddeling tool?
  12. Hi! The title says it all. Does the newe Tandy line is great? I knew that Paul Burnett talked about them, but, i'm not sure. So, if you know where i can buy mid-level tool, let the forum and me know. Have a great day.
  13. Thank you. I know that your are not reponsible for the high price of the MA series III. I'm sure it's well worth the money. But, for the price, i think i should wait and buy a more expensive machine with a larger surface. While you are here, how do you ask for the tippmann clicker 700 and 1500? I hope you did not find my message offensive. It was not my point. I only wanted to see what other leatherworkers here are using. Patrice Robert
  14. It's always a pleasure to read every interventions in this post. I'm pretty lucky to have a day job i like and enjoy (i'm a diplmomed teacher here in Quebec). But, as i'm groing older, i would like to work part-time leather and part-time leatherwork. I will give you a pretty clear example of what i have seen this very weekend. Each year since 1967 in the little village of Saint-Tite, there's this, "Festivale Western de St-Tite". There's a lot of people (about 500,000 to 600,000) during the whole week. There are also lots of littles booths selling cowboy hats and leather belts made in Mexico. Every seller's sales the belts (all the same and comming from Mexico). The prices? 30$ canadian for mass made belts. All belts are of the same designs and are roughly dyed and roughly hand-painted. The leather use in the belt looks good, but when i see the how mexican belts are finished, i can really be proud of what i am doing. Of course, i can't ask the same price as other better belts maker here, as i have a long road to go, but my belts are better finished than every belts i have seen out there. But people keep buying them. I wonder how can i make a customer who are willing to pay mexican belts at 30$ to buy from me a hand made belt for 60$ ??? I was thinking about making a video showing every aspect involved in making leather goods( hide cutting, pattern making, tooling, dying, finishing, assembling) to show how much time and efforts goes into any hand made leather. I'm not quite sure that people notice little details that make carefully hand crafted items much more superior over mass making cheap products. I would like to make my name out there in Sain-Tite and would like to offer : belts, hat bands, leather belts buckles, lady's handbags and cow-boy cuffs. I did not see any of those products and still figuring if any customers would like to buy any of these stuff? Also, the booth prices are very high depending if you are in a hot spot (2000$ booth only) or in a more quiet secluded spot. So, right now, i'm thinking about making samples and let them in display in a store to see how customers would appreciated them. Feel free to post any comments. And please, excuse me if i made some mistakes in writting. I don't have the chances of writting in english every day
  15. Wow! Very nice piece! Did you shape the wood form yourself or just found a piece that you bougth?
  16. Wow! I would like to thank you all for sharing your ideas! I really like every thing. But, for Weaver, i think i must have a sale tax number right? Becaus here, in Québec, i can have , what we call, a "compagnie à numéros" (number business). Basically, it is the registration number under you are enlisted to the governement of Quebec as a home base bussinness. Do you think Weaver will accept my number business company? Also, concerning embossing plates. I just wrote to Dover publication to ask them if i can use their design royalty/permission-free and turn them in embossing plates. For what i have received, it semm that, for rubber stamps, it's 15$ and 50$ for a whole alphabet and number set. But i cannot sell the rubber stamps. So, i'm still waiting for more information about permission. I will keep you informed as i receive more about that. Thank's again and keep tooling :-)
  17. Hi! Try this place: http://www.hidehousesouth.com/ They have lots of unusual conchos. Good luck!
  18. Thank you Kate. I just learned that the MA Series III clicker sell for 1550$ canadian. At this price, i'm wondering if should spend more and buy a tippman clicker 700... But, if i'm going for the arbor, can i ask the seller some accessory to use with my embossing plate? I'm still thinking.
  19. Thank's Art. If i'm going with a press shop, how can i fix plate on top and bottom of the press? I'm truying to figure that out!
  20. Hi all! Once again i'm using the infinite power of the leatherworker forum. I just bought some small embossing plates and i dont have, for the moment, 1800$ for a tippman clicker press. So, i'm trying to figure out another way of stamping plates into my leather pieces. You will find a picture of the plates at the end of the topic. I found this site: http://www.clickcut.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=11&Itemid=55 I send an email at the company, but did not received any responses for now. Since the plates are very small 2" x 4", do you think that this small hand press would do a nice and even impression? I was also looking for this other solution: http://www.danielsmith.com/Item--i-530-120-002 That's i'm thinking right now. If you think of something else, let me and the others members know.
  21. Wow A truly amzing piece of art!
  22. Thank you every one for your answers! @Hobby Tom Did not know that weaver was accepting bussinnes license. I migth go and get one from Québec governement. @Campbell Randall Thank's. It is still possible to buy some Randall embosser? And, i just received a e-mail from Tippman. They are saying that if i can send them the 3" wheel, they will make a bottom roll to accomodate my big roll.
  23. Hi everyone! I just bought on ebay 2 custom made embossing wheels. They look damn good but my problem is that they are oversized compared to those made by tippman and tandy. The biggest one as a 3" diameter and is 1 1/2" wide. So, it wont fit on the old speedy embossing nor the new one. I would like to know if the tippman embossing will accept such a huge wheel? I just send them my question. And you? Do you you know another embossing machine that i can buy in the US or Canada? I dont have sales tax number so i cannot buy for weaver. Here's a picture of the biggest one. Many thanks.
  24. WoW! I love the bracer with scene of hell taken from an old codex! The carving is only done with a swivel knife right?
  25. Just like this thirst aid!
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