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Everything posted by HARVEY

  1. Alas, I have nothing to say about it OTHER THAN . . . I too know the anguish, the pain, the rejection of NOBODY of our 10,000+ members responding. Gadzooks!!, talk about feelings of alienation and anomie. I too have posted issues wherein zero people reply. makes me feel like a ghost! Hang in there. Harvey Los Angeles
  2. For those of you that oil and sun dye/expose your work, how do you do it? Oil, let it thoroughly dry, and then place it out in the sun? Also, how long do you, as a rule-of-thumb, leave it out for? (I know it's an art, not a science. Just a general guideline if you would.) Also, noon sun or less intense morning/ afternoon exposure? Thanks Guys (and Gals). Harvey Los Angeles
  3. What?!? No Shamrock? Or Dewdrop Inn?? Harvey
  4. Hi, TZ. Yeah, this solution is part water, part Lexol, part baby shampoo and part Listerine. Probably, all in all, like Kickapoo Joy Juice (which Hidepounder probably keeps in open coke cans in his shop, I suspect).
  5. It's been a while since I've done this, but in doing it again, Yessir, I'm consistent! No denyin' that. But it coulda been worse. I went to pick up my container of casing solution. Went to shake it up, and . . . BINGO! Old Faithful's erupting! Got it on my shirt, pants and arms. BUT totally missed my project. And it could've been worse . . . it could've been oil dye. Remember, Folks (especially newbies out there), ALWAYS close up bottles and jars and DOUBLE-CHECK! Harvey Los Angeles
  6. OK, Marlon, now that we all agree (and definitely add me in too) what a great looking piece that is, let's get down to brass tacks: what is the secret of your hand stitching? Do you use a stitch groover? What kind of thread? How many stitches per inch? Anything else we non-hand stitchers ought to know. Talk to us, Senor! Harvey Los Angeles
  7. RDB, Very cool. Thanks for going to the effort. (Yeah, I know: ANYTHING to avoid actually doing leatherwork and screwing the current project up. I know, I know). I do like and appreciate it. Even though I check the "View New Posts" your format is quite helpful. Thanks again. Harvey Los Angeles
  8. I got a strange strain that runs in me, Bob. It forces me to ask: You ever do comb cases?? Harvey
  9. RE MAULS: Unless I missed it somewhere in the previous messages, don't forget: Bob Beard doesn't make them anymore. Hasn't for a couple of years now when his raw materials costs increased beyond a point where he could make and sell mauls competitively. SO . . . unless you can find a used Bob Beard maul, there are no more to be had. Harvey Los Angeles
  10. OK, you ALL have convinced me. If I ever have to sharpen a splitter blade, I'm farming the job out to one of you pros. (I had a medic from the 10st Airborne stitch up my wrist one time from a non-combat wound and that was enough for me!)
  11. I'm planning on it. Just Thursday-Friday. Harvey Los Angeles
  12. I suppose the question to ask yourself is: can I actually satisfy this customer? If he upfront acknowledges he's OCD and QUITE particular (i.e., demanding), either you best get the ground rules set from the get-go, or maybe pass. You emphasize, Holly, it's a REALLY detailed project. How much is this customer/client going to eat your heart out, and, at how many hours' expense?? Harvey Los Angeles
  13. Barra, If you're coming from South Australia, do you know anything about the American West? Indian Wars? If so, Custer's Last Stand/Battle of the Little Big Horn is about 70 miles north of Sheridan. This site is also located on the Crow Inidan Reservation, a pretty traditional tribe where many members still speak their tribal language. Just 45 minutes south is the site of the Fetterman Battle. The area, Barra, is crawling with Indian history. There is LOTS to see and do. Harvey
  14. Ditto on all the above comments. But, Karl, howzabout a close-up of that maker stamp? That in and of itself looks pretty cool. Let's see it up close and personal. Harvey Los Angeles
  15. HARVEY

    Check book cover

    "Before I screw it up trying to put a finish on it." Aah, a man after my own heart. My standard saying is "No project's ever finished until you screw it up in the final stages." Trying to get the right finish, for me at least, is always grief. I've read a lot of what others have posted on how to get the right finish. I think maybe I'm missing that gene. Talk about aggravation and frustration. BUT . . . hang in there. AND . . . nice basketweave work. Harvey Los Angeles
  16. Aah, what lies beneath the surface. To quote ol' Oscar Wilde: “All art is at once surface and symbol. Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril.”
  17. From a weight perspective, Barry King does make a 14oz. To my knowledge, it's his smallest.
  18. All these leatherpounders and nobody's talkin' Arby's Roast Beef?? Sheeesh!!
  19. Why, Kev, of what do you speak? With some extensive help from a friend, I tooled a briefcase using a Wayne Jueschke box stamp on the front flap, front and backside. Hundreds of impressions. What are YOU thinking of?? Myself, I'm simply bewildered. Harvey
  20. Kev, Now you're talkin'! Why, you use that 64oz tool of yours and there's no tellin' what things'll look like when you're done. But a warning: I just finished a project using a 64oz tool like you're describing, banging away on a box stamp hundreds of times. Brother, it wears you out!! You ARE familiar with a BOX stamp, right?
  21. Uh . . . er . . . well, as we all know some stamps are hard to run. I'm not sure if Anne could, uh, uh, . . . well, you know.
  22. When was the Wickenburg show?? Less than two weeks ago?!? In today's mail arrived a custom tool I ordered at the show. From Gomph-Hackbarth. There I ordered their custom shell stamp (non-scalloped) in the larger size. Lonnie told me I'd have it in about 3 weeks. (Yeah, haven't we all heard THAT song?) BUT . . . lo and behold, in today's mail, first class postage, the tool arrived. A second prize was a handwritten letter from Ellis. Now those of us that know him acknowledge he is a bit "curmudgeonly," shall we say? But here was a very nice full-page letter apologizing for past tardiness with a tool order here and there, but grateful to be doing all his life what he loves: making tools. Actually, folks, a charming letter. Son-of-a-gun! A toolmaker delivering AHEAD of schedule. Yessir, things are lookin' up!! Harvey Los Angeles
  23. Along with all the other praise,really nice work on the lips. I've been having a very tough time doing lips on an Indian face, profiled from the side. Juts can't get it. Yours like great. Any special tips you can share?? (Yeah, I know: practice, practice, practice). Harvey
  24. To add to J Redding's above comment, and to quote from our native humorist Mark Twain: "The proverb says that Providence protects children and idiots. This is really true. I know because I have tested it."
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