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About Anubis78

  • Birthday July 15

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    Alexandria, Va
  • Interests
    Belt and suspender making, leather goods, and accessories.

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    Leather working, crafting, tooling, sewing, care, restoration, alteration wet form, mask making, costuming, pros and cons of different machines used in leather work, accessories.
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  1. Here are 3 pics that hopefully show what type of fold Im looking for.
  2. Well they come with two sets of folders; one that folds the edges so that the touch each other similar to the way you’ve folded in the video (this seam can be centered whenever you like) and one that basically just folds/rolls the edges inward. They can be adjusted as needed, but I’m limited to those two types of folds. I would like a folder that will fold trifold the strap so that one side completely overlaps the other and can be sewn down. The final straps that I would need are 3/4”, 1”, 1.25”, 1.5”, 1.75”, and 2”. It would need to accommodate soft leather that is from 2 ounces to 3.5 ounces. Id have to give you measurements to add a wider base that could be screwed down to the machine. How tolerant are your folders to contact cement?
  3. Hey, just getting a bit settled here and wanted to revisit this. Are you still able to make a folder that could work with my Omac Star3000? Let me know and I can do the measurements.
  4. I have the OMAC Star3000. It’s a good machine, however it’s folding options are limited unless you get them to make a special folder for you. I was quoted about $300 fir a custom made folder.
  5. Are there more pictures that you can post that show applications/uses of this leather? It would be helpful when trying to envision possible uses for this.
  6. Hey, I don’t know if you know this, but “shadi” could be interpreted as the slang “shady”, so shadileather comes across as “shady leather”... in other words it’s like saying that the leather is questionable. Just something to consider regarding the name. I looked at your website, could you talk more about the characteristics of sturgeon leather. How does it compare to and differ from salmon leather? What applications can this be used for? Doe it dye a uniform/solid color?
  7. Uwe, any pics of items that you’ve sewn with it?
  8. I'll look into this one too! Yep that's the site/app. The response that I got back from the vendor is that they customize them to your needs. I simply want something that has versatility with the weight of the leather used for the tape as well as the weight of the item being bound.
  9. Hi guys! I'm still looking for a reasonable solution here. I never received a response back (see above), so still looking for solutions at this point. I came across this today and I'm waiting to find out from the seller 1) the maximum thickness/weight of the tape that can be put into the machine, 2) the width of the tape, and 3) the maximum thickness of the leather that can be bound. They have 3 different options for the binding and they are only $43.56 each! If these really work, it's better than paying $450. I have a Cobra Class 4 machine and this listing says that it fits a 441. I'll update once I get a response.
  10. I've been making them for over a year now and I have not had anyone come back with issues not have I had issues with any that I've made for myself. One would have to forcefully pull them apart to come undone. So yeah, I just wanted to double check for feedback in the unlikely event that other leatherworkerw have had any issues with doing that.
  11. Out of curiosity, do you always have to sew leather straps? I have suspenders that I make that are rather inexpensive for my customers. Since the straps are only an inch wide, they look better to me without them being stitched. The edges meet in the middle on the backside and are held with contact cement. A fellow vendor suggested that I sew them down along the folded edges, but I haven't had any issues with them coming undone. My customers like them as well. I've tried sewing them, but I really didn't like the look because the straps weren't that wide. What are your thoughts?
  12. Hey @CowboyBob, did you ever get this part in? If so, what has the feedback been on this?
  13. I agree with everyone above. Go with the new machine. I got this one from Serge at SewPro... http://sewprousa.com/sewprousa1_010.htm on their site or https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F120943208925 on ebay. When I was looking at machines, his was cheaper than Cobra and Weaver with a larger cutting area. The cutting area on the Leather Pro AK-20 is about 14". The machine comes with metric spacers, however Serge made perfect imperial spacers for me in the sizes that I needed. I was lucky enough that his location is in driving distance as I saved money on shipping costs (I think that freight shipping to me was between $175-275) by picking it up myself. So for $2000, get a new machine! Also is that the bottom/stand of that cutting machine? I wouldn't want that bulky mint stand. The machine I have sits on a nice table that isn't an eyesore.
  14. Are CS Osborne snaps better than Tandy? I've had a few issues with Tandy snaps where they have come off or they are almost impossible to snap closed.
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