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About PeterMain

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    http://www.petermain.com http://customcowboybootsandshoesforum.com/discus/messages/11074/11120.html?1239919535
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  • Leatherwork Specialty

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  1. ...I have not got 6218 on the Pearson Register. May I have name and location please. Just out of interest, I have 6280 belonging to Gerry Johnstone from Christchurch, New Zealand
  2. An invitation to all Pearson owners to join the 'PEARSON HM6 group' on Facebook. There is always much information on these machines available, plus a 'Register' of Pearson's throughout the world.


  3. Always looking for machines to add to 'The Pearson Register'.
  4. Please advise when sold as I wish to add this machine to the 'PEARSON HM6 GROUP' on Facebook. I have a 'Register' there of machines from all over the world.
  5. For CONSTABULARY.......this note has nothing to do with the above, but is seems the only way I can contact you. I read in one of your posts that you had a manual on the BUSM A1 machine. I was hoping you may let me have a copy of this. I have an A1 which I restored....have also a BUSM HM6. My email is: petergmain AT msn DOT com.....or find me on Facebook:.....https://www.facebook.com/peter.main.96. I have just started a page on Facebook:....Pearson HM6 Group. I thank you, Peter
  6. ....perhaps this idea may be of some help to those doing edge binding. ...I have much edge binding to do. The binding material came wrapped around some card...I needed a way to feed the binding tape to the binder attachment on my machine. So, I used a 'lazy susan', some card and a cap and made this turntable. It rotates freely and works perfectly...there is one hundred feet of binding tape on this device.
  7. ...I remade the timber table for the HM6 from Cedar. Shall do photos of the A1 winder when I have a moment spare.
  8. ....I love my Pearson. I have rebuilt another three of these in years gone by.
  9. ...sadly, my A1 did not have clear decoration so I just winged it with a few pinstripes after restoration. I added a handle to the flywheel. The stand still needs my attention.
  10. ....just saw this posting....the images from Moore Leather for the HM6 manuals seem no longer available. I would love to have copies of these. I love my Pearson. Peter
  11. Oh yes, Peter you are a piece of work...I mean lovely piece of work...think I have that in my files too!

  12. ...have just found out that a member has posted a link on Leatherworker.net to a blog about me...I think this was done late Sunday/early Monday. Have not found it, but am told it is far from nice, and should not be out there. Can you find it and remove that member please. Many thanks, Peter Name: Peter Main UserName: PeterMain IP Address: Email Address: petergmain@msn.com
  13. ...just opened another box from my shipment from Australia last year...was like a trip down memory lane. Here are some handbags I made many years ago...they all need a good clean as I see mildew has set in on a couple. I don't think I would like to do all that hand sewing today.
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