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Everything posted by walletman

  1. hi were are you from ? there is a tannary close to me 10 mins down the road let me know i will see if thay can supplie you i went its 4 stores high and it has 1000,s of hides /skins let me know bob
  2. hi can any one tell me if you can use xanthan gum to slick edges if so wot is the mix to use thanx walletman (bob)
  3. hi beaver you rock wicked how do do the lacing plz coooooooool dude walletman (bob) once again wicked hat nice tutorial
  4. dont know wot you all think but i finished the edges with water based varnish let me know plz thanx walletman (bob)
  5. hi its finished now wot do you all think all coments wellcome THANX FOR LOOKING WALLETMAN (BOB)
  6. hi do,s any one know how to get tortoise effect on veg tan leather thanx walletman (bob)
  7. hi thanx tom will try that will i need to re case it first it was a smoth one but it was a little one only have 2 big and little thanx bob walletman
  8. hi drof99 try le prevo.co.uk look on how to/choose a press stud/then click HERE hope it helps hope is wot you wont walletman (bob)
  9. hi corter is the bit you put chain on a sink plug chian thing off a sink from plumbers? lol bob (walletman)
  10. hi wellcome mudtwo enjoy your stay make it a long one walletman(bob)
  11. yo spider very cooooooooool pic of you and your son nice one little spider keep it up bob (walletman)
  12. hi just a quick up date on wallet let me know wot you all think thanx bob (walletman)
  13. hi this is my sons first wallet cover it was his 10 th birthday yesterday so it will last him a long time will show you the finished wallet soon will post in ten years to see how its holding out lol
  14. hi not shore on wot to do next i am a bit stuk ? do i knock back the background or would i knock back the hair any help or abvice plz thanx bob (walletman)
  15. pip its tipikal brit weather we got 1/2 inch of snow and hael here is maaaaaaaaaaaaad
  16. hi it was sunny it is morning this afternoon it hauled know it fine slit sun and fine for now?lolbob(walletman)
  17. hi mike welcome enjoy you stay bob(walletman)
  19. hi there is a leather sale on sunday at the fishpond ,matlock bath 10/3.30 phone number 01629 581403 the identity store holt lane matlock derbyshire DE4 3LY UK ENGLAND
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