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Everything posted by sodapop

  1. try using a sharpie if need be...
  2. nice chunks man!! ...like your AB fishin partner as well...calcutta's are good crankin reels...
  3. and bob hits another one outta the park
  4. tom kinda like johnny ramone or something...he always rocked his guitar hella low... looks schweeeeet brudda!!
  5. kinda an odd thing-a-ma-bob...but looks like ya nailed it to me...be groovy to see the whole unit/bike etc...
  6. much appreciated takin the time to illustrate it butch!!...i'm sure it will help others as well with that border...its a really cool border to use...and i've been meaning to...but then i think about how i'm going to calculate the distance so it all fits clean and i go...ahhhhhh hell maybe next time lol but ya, makes perfect sense to do the corners/spades first...cuz if you screw those up...its gonna be very obvious...where on the others if the squiggle line is a little thicker or thinner than the next when your coming towards the end...not so noticable...then keep in mind to find a proper end point that possibly a strap may be stitched on top as well etc...
  7. those are sharp indeed!!...when using the san carlos border...which i haven't done yet...how the heck do ya figure how much room is needed to start & end that border cleanly?? or when you come towards the end & gonna meet the start, do you just adjust more or less on the last few impressions??
  8. purdy burdy!!
  9. schweeeeeeeet shop elton!!...but i don't see the stereo
  10. 28.00 is very reasonable...if it were a cuff with that amount of quality stamping, a bit of braid etc...it would be on par imo...just cuz its a coffee wrap...doesn't matter...cheapskates are just that...if i know i did a good job on a piece & someone thinks "less" of it...i don't want them to own the dang thing anyways i do believe that those that are willing to pay more for a quality item...will inturn value it more...and rightly so ;0) good job on it kate!!
  11. i usually call those a "redue"...but if its just for you personally, then do which ever you feel comfortable with if your not going to scrap it out...but with leather its pretty much whats done, is done...never look right either way... myself personally, even if its for just me...if people/public may see it...i want it to look clean & purdy, neva know where a sale may come...and thats your example in hand...so i'd completely redue the whole thing... darryl
  12. ...who me?? ...i been single waaaaaaaaaaay too long
  13. always easy on the eyes bob!! darryl
  14. i think ya done good tommy boy!!...i mean hell bro, with all things considered, first seat, goofy @ss one at that & the deadline/time etc...it looks damn good man...and even better when its on the bike...make sure to get a pic if ya can of it installed... time for a few shots of the good whiskey after that mountain ya climbed darryl
  15. i thinks over all it looks cool man & ya captured what you were invisioning, nice rustic look...my only suggestion would be with the studs...i'd use the punch that is just slightly smaller then the head of them...then cut a slit in each centered...that goes towards the center of the cuff like 3/8th or so...wish i had a picture to show ya...but this method the holes won't stretch where it won't stay on...they'll fit snug & hold fast...the way you have it as is...i can see a problem that possibly now or later with stretch, they may want to pop off...hope that makes sense... anyhoo good job noah!! darryl
  16. they'd already be in the mail making thier return trip... darryl
  17. look here http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?s...c=16609&hl= darryl
  18. it looks outstanding kate!!...i really like the rich color and antique flavor its got...i can see it fitting in perfect in one of those traditional study type rooms with lotsa old books, a globe in the corner with a high back leather chair...good job!! darryl
  19. you might get alot of answers...so heres another...bick 4 is excellent product and very safe/worry free to use...won't darken the leather if thats an issue for ya...cuz some of the others will for sure...one of the few recommended for ostrich which is touchy stuff and i've tested it on it and worked perfectly... http://www.bickmore.com/bickmore/Leather%20Care/Bick4.html darryl
  20. when your juice ages awhile...the smell will really be at a minimum, as in your nosed pressed against the leather...but ya a fresh batch will be extra funky lol darryl
  21. ever so spider'ish as usual...cool work using the seeders with the graphics...flamingly excellent!! darryl
  22. i really dig how ya wrapped the floral around the borders like that, very cool belt!!...i know that lining a keeper is somewhat pointless in a sense, even though i do it as well... but i think it adds a bit of professionalism, one of those "its all in the details" kinda things...clean & purdy ;0) only critique for ya today is, maybe work on those edges just a wee bit more, lookin sorta rough 'der bob darryl
  23. brudda tom, thats a funky ass seat dude...that thing would give me headaches figurin out ...better you than me hehe...to parrot what dave said...be interesting to see how you tackle that goofy mother...like my sig says "imagination is more important than knowledge" ;0) darryl
  24. heya johnny!!...how ya been man??...thanks for the compliment bud & yes i'm sure hehe darryl
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