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Everything posted by sodapop

  1. happy i say HAPPY BIRFDAY HOLLY!!! darryl
  2. i think your gonna have some very happy recepients come christmas day ;0) darryl
  3. the knife is sleek and has a soft overall design/look to it in a sense...imo the sheath fits the style of the knife nicely in that regard... darryl
  4. this might be a dumb question...would a marble rolling pin be of any value for this...cuz i got one of those?? darryl
  5. sodapop

    Stamp Rack

    well that sure looks a helluva lot better then my ghetto 4 x 4 with a bunch of holes drilled in it darryl
  6. i do believe your struggles paid off...cuz that is smokin sharp bob!! darryl
  7. ya grabbed the coolness factor on that one roo... darryl
  8. ah huh...slackin at the job eh??...btw i seen some cool fuzzy slippers in another thread...you may want to make your self a pair bro!! hehe anyways...cool bracers as always...now get back to work slacker!! cheers
  9. that looks badass badlove...bossy looking thing...i diggit i diggit!! darryl
  10. i have too agree with ya bruce that rope can is sweet man!! darryl
  11. if/when someone has the time...if ya could post a pic of a finished out burr end like your talkin about...cuz i just do what tom does and take a tack hammer and flatten the snipped post... thanks...darryl
  12. cool feather brother!!...make enough of'em you can fly your ass across the pond and catch some minnesota pike darryl
  13. scabbards simply have that coolness factor about'em...especially when done nicely like that tim!! i gather its one of those must have patience projects eh?? darryl
  14. these are simply fantastic dave...the large area of croc inlayed really adds to the overall powerful impression about'em...well done indeed!!
  15. bruce i think its a great start man!!...its easy to navigate and not cluttered...if there is one thing about misc websites that drives me bonkers...is when they are too busy & too much written info...no good... imo the old adage "keep it simple stupid" philosophy is a good one for websites as far as navigation, being overall user friendly...and always keep in mind the wordiness on pages...which seems you have done that properly =0) only thing that i think detracts from your pieces...is the bold blue border on the rope & cans and photo album pages... in general, so far so good though darryl
  16. reason i ask is that i see mostly every other type of typical flower incorporated "within" the traditional scrolls and such...but rarely do i see roses within etc...and as some have said its been done...trying to find examples on the net...but nothing quite as i'm invisioning so far... so when i try and wrap my head around it...i run into a few snags lol...like one is that rose leaves in conjunction with the other sheridan leaves and such...don't go together...roses = sharp defined edged leaves...typical sheridan leaves = smooth rounded... maybe i just leave off the rose leaves and just have the rose tops & buds along with the sheridan scrolls...but then i think with out some rose leaves atleast under the tops...it would look off as well?? or plan c...scrap the sheridan foliage along with the roses...and just think of something creative with the roses, petals and stems...but then that seems just A typical and somewhat blah...like stale bread lol i appreciate all the info thus far folks...and more the merrier ;0) ...dunno why but i got "leather block" of the brain on this one... darryl p.s its for a smaller cross shoulder purse...
  17. okay i'm trying to do something a little different here...but i'm honestly not sure if these 2 mesh well together...or do roses need to be in thier own seperate world/own entity that way?? i know theres no set rules for artwork persay...but there is things that compliment eachother & others that simply don't...is my question with the roses one of those that don't go well with the other??...and if i tried it...folks would be like what the hell was he thinkin lol i would really appreciate some feedback from those that do alot of sheridan work... regards, darryl
  18. man i thought maybe you were taking that whole being "anonymous" thing waaaay to far lol...good to see that your back bro!! darryl
  19. i just used a 3/8th" hole punch and then about 3/4" up from that or so...i punched a 3/32" hole...then cut a slit between the 2... the button hole punch...i never found one large enough for what i wanted...and i already had the other punches...and works just dandy... darryl
  20. sodapop

    steampunk mask

    roo...that mask is baaaaaaaaaaaaad @sssssssssssssss!!!! darryl
  21. surely theres an added cost for it being broken in properly ;0) awesome artistic work spider in perfect spider fashion!!...and that mirror mask...totally creepy dude darryl
  22. very very nice indeedy!!...just the swivel cut artwork is just beyond elegant when done proper... darryl
  23. my kinda think tom!! darryl
  24. i really like those little accent touches with the exotics...well done darryl
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