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    Grants Pass, Oregon

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    Happened on it while looking for sewing machines in a google search

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  1. After reading this post and watching the video I went on line and found a 25% off coupon for harbor freight printed it and then made a bee line to the nearest store. Bought the 1 ton for $41.oo and change and brought it home yesterday. Then proceded to look for more youtube videos of use of the arbor press for leather work. Tallbald thanks so much for the post and I hope you continue to use and enjoy your press just like the many of us that thanks to you will be doing the same. Johnny Dingus
  2. Thank you for offering all these patterns for free to the leather working community. You show a lot of class and I for one really appreciate it. It is hard enough to learn and make your own patterns but it is so great when you can get a helping hand to start making quality holsters. Thank you very much Jeff you are a Class Act! Johnny Dingus
  3. Here are a couple of links that might give you some direction. http://www.cascity.com/forumhall/index.php/topic,47701.0.html http://www.cascity.com/forumhall/index.php/topic,9631.0.html Good information on that site also. Johnny Dingus
  4. Looking at those Tandy Paterns it suggests 8 - 9 oz leather. I think that is what I would use. Johnny Dingus
  5. I guess I am a little slow in the head. I just don't see how forgiving everyones debt is going to solve the financial crisis. I just don't see the rich and powerful giving up that easy. Nor do I see China saying hey lets just reset what you owe us to zero. Well I guess the first sentance says it all....... vince
  6. Brings back memories of when I had some horses a while back. Living in So California some do and some don't grow up with them. I didn't. Around age 35 I was living in an area that had horses and was given a real good quarter horse. Well with kids and a wife you need more than one so I bought another. Being a little short of a deck I never worried about riding and willing to try most things I decided to go watch team penning. As the cowboy's would cut across the arena sometimes they would loose their hat. Well when the penning was done they'd ride over to their hat and hang off their horse and pick up their hat without getting off. Wow I thought. I'd like to try that. So later while riding my Morgan I would drop my hat in our small arena and get where I could pick it up. Well after a while I had no trouble picking up the hat stones or other items that were on the ground. That morgan trusted me and I him. Well if you can do it on one horse how about another. I was riding a neighbors horse on a trail ride with some freinds one day and they happened to be talking about the cowboys at the penning picking up stuff off the ground. Well being the big mouth that I am I mentioned to them that I had done it too. Well back to cowboys braggin and stuff you know you should just keep that mouth shut some times. Well the freinds wanted to see me pick something up so I agreed to. The horse I was on didn't. I was reaching down to pick up this baseball sized rock and everything was fine. I was doing a great impression of all the cowboys before me hanging off the saddle picking that rock up. Everything was going just fine....untill I tried to pull myself back up into the seat. That grey neighbors horse thought this would be a fine moment to make a quick fake to the right and he left me in mid air between ground and sky. Now mind you 250lbs of cowboy about 3 1/2 feet off of the ground still falls hard. That horse galloped away started grazing and would let me get to about 10 feet of him and gallop away again. He did that for about 2 miles to teach me a lesson. Lesson learned. Now if you want to hear a motorcyle story that will be another day. vince
  7. Nice work Cowboy, twotone color is nice did you use and antique to achevie this or two differnt shades of stain? Johnny Dingus
  8. Ed, Your work is fantastic as always. You do quality work on your tools and are a man of his word. It is great that you do this for your fellow leatherworkers. vince
  9. I've been known to jump a few posters in other forums too, but don't you think we should give people a chance when they have so few posts. They might be new to this world of computers and high tech. I know it took me a while to figure this out...when I was in school we still had typewriters. Just my .02 vince
  10. Jim, It is a beautiful holster nice classic design, very well executed. Sorry to hear about your hand. Glad you are still around you have much to offer us. vince
  11. After reading the post about the Granite slab Bree got me to thinking about how I am doing my tooling. I am wondering if I should tool my leather directly on a marble or granite slab....or have a poundo board underneath between the slab and the leather? Does it matter what type of tooling your doing ie basketweave, border, occasional stamping? Is it crisper if you stamp against the slab without the poundo board? I know everyone is going to have their own way of doing things but I would like to know what most of you do. I have only been doing this a short time and need a whole lot of improvement. Johnny Dingus
  12. I think he meant to repost these pictures with this tutorial. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?s...mp;#entry102400 Johnny Dingus
  13. Nice looking cover Cowboy. That triweave looks good too, bet that took some doing. Johnny Dingus
  14. Good luck to you Jordan. Things somehow will work out for the best. vince
  15. Beautiful HP. Can't imagine how many carvings you must have done to get to this level of work. Wow! Thanks for the inspiration. Johnny Dingus
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