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Everything posted by Rhome

  1. Very nice, both are well done and beautiful !!
  2. Your husband is my hero ! Nice toys.
  3. Ha, you found that out also !! I find that happens to my IWB holsters more so than my OWB's. I was thinking of doing the same reinforcement on the IWB's. Nice design and colors they look great!! My hat's off to you.
  4. Some of the nicest work I've seen in a long time !
  5. Looks like another winner for ya !!!
  6. PM sent
  7. Hey Shorts, very nice work !!!! I like your IWB and CSO holsters. By the way I'm gonna beat you back to the States, I'm leaving the Philippines in Oct. now. Anyway your holsters are really coming along you're doing a GREAT job. I'll bet you will have many happy customers. Best, Rhome
  8. When I use stingray on the holsters I make, I do the exact same thing as Bruce does. And when I sew stingray with a machine I sew it from the back side, that way I don't break off the tips of my needles. Best, Rhome
  9. Nice holster, I really like the bead line just outside your stitch line it adds something you don't usually see on a PC holster. Good Job !
  10. Thanks for the info Shelly !
  11. Thanks K-Man, you know I hold your's and other's opinions to the highest degree and I really do appreciate it. Best, Rhome
  12. Hi everyone, thanks for the info. I'm on the fence about this one, trying to weigh the differance on whether it would be cost effective rebuilding it if it needs it ( seller says its running, but that dosen't mean it's running correctly ) or the cost of buying a new machine. I did have 2 machines prior to building holsters but they were more for light weight leather then I ended up with a Boss and it has treated me very well, but I'm looking to go with a motorized stitcher now. Best, Rhome
  13. I don't know the model number on this machine but would like your opinion's on it. I saw it over on Ebay and am wondering about the price. Can anyone tell me anything about this Landis ? Are these good stitching machines or would I be better off with an Artisen stitcher for my holster making. Select a picture<A name=ebayphotohosting> Thanks, Rhome
  14. Hello Tae, Palo Alto Huh, I was living in Fremont not that long ago, now I'm in the Philippines and coming back to CA this Dec. Your pieces are very nice, good work ! Love those bottles. Keep up the good work. Best, Rhome
  15. Hello all, well here in the Philippines we just weathered a typhoon. Where I am living we only sustained minimal damage compaired to other parts of the country, I'm on the island of Cebu. We are in the hot season now with daily rain and temps in the mid to high 90's, so this makes for nasty weather IMHO. Hope you all have a great day!!
  16. Hey Shorts, You made a VERY nice holster, you should be proud !!
  17. Very nice work !
  18. Jeff, with any luck I'll be back stateside late Nov., early Dec. I've tried the duracoat finish among others and they will wear off but applying it to the T nut is a great idea as it is a stationary object and not exposed to high use. You can buy a small bead blaster from Harbor freight and do your own application. Never did think to try that, good thinking, Thanks for the idea ! - Rhome
  19. Hey Jeff, when I get back to the states I'd be glad to split an order for hardware with you. Best, Rhome
  20. OK here is how I make holsters, I use 8-9 oz. for OWB holsters, 1) I cut my pattern out 2) I trace my stitching lines in, they can be anywhere from 3/16" to 1/2" from the actual frame size of the gun. 3) I bevel the edges that are not sewen. 4) I glue the pieces together with Barge cement. 5) I then sew the holster following my stitch lines. 6) wet the leather and insert your dummy gun. 7) mold and bone to get the detail you want. 8) let the holster dry, I use a drying oven I made or you can just air dry. 9) finish bevling all edges and then dye the holster. 10) let dry. 11) apply the finish and let dry. 12) test holster with the gun for final fit. and thats it. Easy right ? Have fun. Best, Rhome
  21. First holster ? That is a nice holster for a first, I wish mine looked as good when I made my first holster ! Recomendations, well first you look fine in the trigger guard area for a OWB holster as long as the trigger is covered but would extend it for a OWB holster as that is one of the points used for securing weapon. I would make a pocket for your clip and rivet it to the leather or use a chicago screw, this will secure the clip and keep it from moving too much. Donot use shoe polish as the finish will rubb off on your chlothes, not a good thing. I would buy some leather dye and acrylic resolene for a finish. The stitcheing looks good for what you used but I think next time I'd use some wax nylon thread and maybe a stitching needle, I don't think they'd break as often as sewing needles. Your design is clean but I'd stay away from the sharp corners and use mor of a curve as finishing the edges would be easier. All in all a very nice job. I can't or I'm too ashamed to say how many holsters went into the scrap pile until I finished one that was "good enough " so to speak. I can't speak for the other holster makers out there but I am my own worst critic. Keep up the good work, you are well on your way. Best, Rhome
  22. Yeah, I'm old school, that's for sure.
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