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Everything posted by fredk

  1. I have an idea , its not always good for me to have ideas, it hurts my brain. This is sort-of adapted from two of my past businesses; a photographic studio* and a vintage vehicle restoration company** Get a few knives off the chap, and make two or three sheaths, just plain or with stamping. Just basic. Use a stop-watch to time your actual working time; don't count dye or glue drying time. See how those go. Work out a fair price for yourself. Then tell the chap how much the sheaths are costing him. Allow him to take them home and consider them and the price. Give him 2 (no less) to 4 weeks (about maximum) to either return the sheaths or pay for them. I'll bet you a jammie donut that on the 4 weeks he'll pay up. Then tell him you'll make three or four sheaths per month, or whatever you're comfortable with, and he can pay for those as you go on. Make sure he gives you a deposit which covers at least the material, then if he pulls out of the deal you are only out time * in my photo studio business I did family and children portraits. I used to get sales of large expensive framed photos by getting one done first. A gilt framed 20 x 16 looked big in the studio. The person, usually one of the parents, would refuse to buy it. I 'loaned' it to them for 4 weeks or so. I told them I'd get it back off them after that for use in my window or reception room display. 99% of times they ended up buying the photo. They had hung it somewhere prominent, had got used to it and when they took it down to return to me they noticed the big empty space on the wall. I would reduce the price by 10% for them as it had been hanging, it was 'used'. The 10% reduction was already factored into the main price but no one can refuse a bargain. Chink-chink, money in the coffers. Plus; other family members who had visited and saw the 20 x 16 often ordered framed 10 x 8s. Chink-chink, more money in the coffers So if you let the chap have some nicely done sheaths he'll get used to having them and will be reluctant to give them back. Even if he does, you've had practice and can use them as examples of work done In a side business which I ran was to re-build vintage cars and small vans. This started out with me hiring in a couple of men to rebuild and maintain my own collection of cars and vans. Soon other vehicle owners were coming to me to do their car or van. With these rebuilds we are looking at, minimum of £3000 to over £100, 000. Very few people were, or can fork out even £3000 for work on their classic car, so I had a simple contract. Basically you pay us what you can afford when you can and we will do work to that value. Most vehicle owners paid us about £200 a month and they got £200 worth of time & parts on their vehicle. This method was painless to the vehicle owner, kept my cash flow, er. . . flowing and gave my men a variety of different vehicles to work on. On average, not including my own, they had 6 different vehicles to work on. So, by offering this chap say 4 sheaths a month, that's one a week, not too hard to do. Your work will improve on each one. The chap will have paid a deposit, say $50, your price is $35 per (is that about right people?) at the end of 4 weeks or 1 month he owes you $90. He can 'buy' the next 4 when he can afford to, same thing, deposit and final payment when done. No big contract betwixt youse, just an understanding
  2. fredk

    Hat peg

    Thats a cute idea for Pinocchio's nose or, Clint Eastwood's 'man with no name' character's ceegarrs
  3. Because the sheeple have been softened & brainwashed into being obedient slaves. As long as they get their cappuccino in Starbucks every lunch time they don't care that they don't have the rights and freedoms the likes of you enjoy. Only a few brave people try to rebel but they are arrested and sent to prison for trying. Ever heard of George Orwell, a writer? In 1948 he wrote a book called '1984'. He predicted what the UK is now like. Including 'thought police'. Just last weekend a man was arrested for wearing a Tee with 97 and the words 'not enough' on it. The police decided this was offensive. They put their own interpretation on what it means. The man has said nothing. yup Remember, I'm half US & half British. I still use a US passport. I see it from both sides. The US part of me wants to rebel, get up and shout at people to stop being sheeple. . . .but, I'm a coward Protect your rights & freedoms ! Don't let them be slowly and secretly eroded away btw; a bit of my family history; my paternal grandfather was one of the thousands* of ex-WW1 soldiers who marched on Washington Caitol in the early 1920s when they tried to stop the WW1 Vets pensions and invalidly payments. They had to march on Washington twice as far as I remember and they took over that big park, the one with the big fish-pond in it, near Abe's Memorial, and camped there. Gramps said the Gov sent the police and Guard out to get rid of the Vets, but most joined the protesting Vets as they were mostly Vets themselves! And Gramps marched on Washington a few other times and to Illinois Gov in protest about the liquor prohibition * one of thousands but thousands of rivets holds a ship together (an old saying, sometimes rivets or nails)
  4. so am I. But there is a cheat for us; Tandy 3D stamps. Just stamp something like a deer's head, or a leaping fish on the sheath. Makes us look good eg. Tandy 3D Deer stamp https://www.tandyleather.world/collections/tools/products/whitetail-deer-craftool-3-d-stamp Tandy 3D leaping fish stamp https://www.tandyleather.world/collections/tools/products/trout-craftool-3-d-stamp Lots of different stamps, cheap as chips, easy to use, makes us look like artists I used various ones on these pen cases
  5. Trim the artwork and sew it onto a new cover in applique fashion
  6. Nice, good idea. No one here uses the US style lunch box. They should. Do you work in a place where others bring their lunch in traditional styled lunch boxes? You may get interest and an order or two when they see your fancy one PS. You need to work on your stitching line. We can discuss that after class tomorrow
  7. An extreme method, an old one used for stretching shoes/boots. Get a piece of wood, solid or ply, cut and shape to match the tablet exactly. Then cut in half. Soak the leather. Insert both pieces of wood, hammer them down into the case. Keep the case from drying out. Get a piece of thin steel bar. Hammer that down into the slot where the two wood pieces come together. The thickness of the steel bar needs to be the same as that lost by the saw cut plus about 1/2 or 1mm. All this should force the leather inside the case to compress and the case to stretch a bit
  8. Suggestion; two thin layers of leather, 2oz to 3oz, or maybe 4oz, about 1.5mm max, sandwiched in between put a piece of compressed cardboard, like the cardboard on the 'do not fold' board backed envelopes. Make the cardboard about 1/2 inch on each side smaller than the leather. Glue the leather to the board and to each other. Make sure that 1/2 inch border all round is really well and truly stuck together. Then sew around the perimeter. Add metal corners to the outside corners. Punch holes through the cover pieces, add the Chicago Screws Sewn and metal corners like on this book cover;
  9. That may be more like the strap I had. afair I had to pull the end of the strap down a wee bit to get it off. But like, its over 40 years since I used one
  10. That deserves I like it, I must try to remember it
  11. Here is somat from the police state I live in 1. Basically, I cannot put out the national flag whenever I want. It might offend someone. However I do live in an area where not putting out the flag is more offensive (which reminds me I need to buy a new one) At most work places displaying the national flag, or a symbol version of it, is a criminal offence. The local council took down the flag pole at our town's war memorial so we couldn't fly the national flag, because some people are offended by the flag. A group of citizens have bought and erected a new flag pole and the flag flies and the challenge is out for the council to dare to take the flag pole down again, against the wishes of the majority of voters who put them in their cozy council seats 2. If three or more people want to walk down a street, strictly they have to apply to a non-legislative government body called 'The Parades Commission' at least 6 months in advance and get their approval. If they do not get the approval the plods can arrest them and its prison. Let me put this in perspective; if 3 of us just walk to the pub, that is generally ok, but if one of us decides to play a harmonica whilst we walk that makes us a 'parade' ! The law is enforced but in a wise horse-sense way, mostly. About 2 years ago around 20 people in a wedding group were arrested. They walked from the chapel to the restaurant, about 200 yards, with a bag piper playing and leading the way. It was an un-approved 'parade', and about 40 to 50 citizens, who stopped to watch the wedding group, were issued with cautions for 'attending' this un-approved parade
  12. Chuck, I have no idea just what that leather is. Its thinnish, probably chrome tan and impressed with that pattern. Like a reptile maybe? I got a reasonable amount of it in a sale Le Prevo had many years ago. Sort of what you'd call a 'close out sale'. They were getting rid of a load of odd leathers and I bought huge amounts of what they were offering. Its one of my leathers I call 'Dragon Skin' and thank you for the compliments Old saying; A son's a son till he gets him a wife but a dottir is a dottir all of her life @Handstitched, thank you for the compliment. I don't think you'd have liked the sherry, tis too sweet, but the pie, . . . . yum
  13. I know what you're talking about. We used to use them on our CB aerials. But I've not seen one since about 1982-ish Afair the strap was held around the aerial by a Sam Brown button. Pull the aerial down, bring the strap around it and push the hole in the free end over a SB button. Quick and easy. Never came off until wanted
  14. I think it comes down to 1. personal preference 2. aesthetics 3. can you sew through at least 8mm of leather, assuming the loop leather is on the outer surface of the main belt If the stitches are on the outside of the inside of the belt they might be subject to more wear whereas if they under the lining the thread is protected Why sew at all? Punch slots on the main belt and weave the bullet loop leather through the slots. Do it wet and the loop leather will dry to shape and stay in place. Then you only need a couple of stitches or a rivet at each end of the bullet loop strip
  15. Think on this; generally a sewing machine with an electric motor can be used manually, but its harder to convert a manual only sewing machine to take an electric motor I chose the manual only Boss because it suited my needs Also look at both the 'foot print' and the weight of the machine. One machine I fancied, could afford, needed its own table that would have taken up almost half of my living room where I do my sewing
  16. This evening I realised I've fallen into the family 'Santa Supper' trap The family 'Santa Supper' trap came about a long time ago when one of my nephews and one of my nieces were very young kinder. They each left out for Santa, a couple of sweet mince pielettes, a piece of Christmas cake and a very large glass of good whiskey. They each also left out a big carrot for Rudolf. One Christmas Eve my brother-in-law ate all the food and even though he hated whiskey he drank the two big glasses of, and he ate at least half of each carrot. Why?, we asked him. 'Because Ross and Erika will expect the pies to be eaten and the whiskey drunk and I couldn't get the dogs to eat the carrots' But, you could have put the pies back in the box, poured the whiskey back into the bottle and broken the carrots and put half into vegetables' 'Oh' he says So, how have I fallen into the trap? Last Christmas my #1 favourite dottir sent me, amongst other gifts, some bags of boiled sugar sweets/candy. I do not like boiled sweets and more especially the flavours she sent me. I'm still working my way through them. one or two a week. Why? because my dottir gave them to me and expects me to eat them. Last Wednesday #1 son says to me ' if you don't like them why don't you just throw them in the bin? (garbage)' Why not indeed. I'll eat some more tomorrow In the meantime; last week or so I finished another archery bracer for #1 favourite dottir On the flat, the outside Inside and on my arm Report received back on it that it was comfortable to wear and did the job I also finished two book covers. Chrome tan raspberry red leather - never again! In the photos the colour looks different but they are actually the same Same insides. I always include an A6 sized note book or diary I always put a small flat magnifier sheet in the back card pocket. I used to be able to buy these at 10 for £1 but they are very much dearer now but still cheap enough to put one in. I had pens printed up with my business name and contact details on them. Cost me £0.85 each. Worth it all for now, see you later
  17. The posts are long stem Chicago Screws. You can get them at a supplier of Wedding photo album suppliers. Does Calumet still exist in Chicago? edit; try Calumet at 1111 N Cherry Ave, Chicago, IL 60642, . . . . or maybe not, is it closed now?
  18. A basic title I've started this thread to discuss the various Rights or Freedoms we have or DO Not have in our various countries because I've noticed we all have some very different laws to follow & obey. It includes basic local or state laws we must follow, not necessarily 'rights' or 'freedoms' Lets keep basic politics out, no ranting against our local politicians. OK? And no FREE country is right or wrong. Each of our countries has developed its own set of laws and rules to suit its citizens. Sometimes the laws are wrong and need changed but mostly they work I'll start with some things but first an explanation. I live in Northern Ireland. It is not part of the independent country of Ireland but is the north east part of the island of Ireland. Northern Ireland is one of the 4 countries which make up the United Kingdom - The United Kingdoms of Great Britain (G.B.) & Northern Ireland (N.I.). Great Britain being England, Scotland and Wales. Still there? still with me? Northern Ireland is just over 100 years old and since its beginning we have had our own laws. Broadly similar to those of Great Britain but we also have many differences in the laws. Anything I write pertains to N.I. and maybe not to G.B. 1. Guns. We need a permit to have a shotgun and that permit is very hard to get. We are not allowed rifles or any sort of pistols. Only a few specialists are allowed licences for using black powder weapons, usually muskets or small cannon. Air guns; they need a permit just as the shotgun does, and about 3 years ago it was introduced, without any consultation at all, that air-soft and paint-ball guns also need a permit/licence. Hunting is highly regulated 2. Regular bows and crossbows; can only be carried covered up to and from archery clubs or shooting events. No hunting with them permitted at all 3. Sharp blade item. Not allowed to carry a knife with a blade longer than 3.5 inches, except for special reasons, eg a freelance chef can carry his/her knives in a knife roll to a cooking job, or someone going fishing can carry a 6 inch filleting knife in their tackle box. Even screwdrivers are seen as offensive weapons. Carry any size of screwdriver for no good reason and you can be arrested, obvious exceptions apply 4. Fishing. I can go sea fishing any time I like but freshwater fishing is highly regulated. We need rod licences, permits to fish certain waters at certain times, even permits on how many & what type of fish may be caught for keeping. Most fresh water fishing is catch & release. Our fishing season is much longer than in GB 5. Unlike GB our police are armed 24/7. All of them. But unlike the US they rarely use their guns. In the last 10 years the police have drawn their guns 4 times and discharged once. Use of the Taser is getting more common, used about 3 times this year. Believe me when I say, the police could and maybe should have used their guns with lethal effect more often but they don't or haven't 6. One of the reasons for starting this thread; the differences in starting a business. Here, all I had to do was, err, start, saying I was a business. That was it. A name for my business, buy product liability insurance if I want it, inform our tax office (HMR&C) of income from my sales. Our tax system is 'Pay-as-you-earn' PAYE, no annual tax returns. We each have a certain allowance we can earn before we have to pay tax. My level is about £12,500. Any income that takes me above that and I have to pay 10% tax just on that extra I didn't have to inform any local or state authority that I was now conducting business. I should tell the authority, the local housing association, that I'm in business but their attitude is, if it doesn't interfere with the neighbours or generate lots of car traffic - we don't care Generally, I do have to obey all the common laws and regulations on selling goods; ie a bit of a guarantee, not refusing to make something for someone based on their gender etc, Here the buyer is King/Queen or other, Queeng? Kineen? Quekin? 7. Other than lots of active terrorists (at the moment busy trying to kill each other) we don't have any insects, snakes, crocs or other wild animals out to kill us. Our biggest, and only, lizard is about 5 to 8mm long 8. Living here can be expensive though. Petrol (gas) or diesel is currently about £6.35 per UK gallon, I think that works out at about $6.60 per US gallon. Electricity is currently expensive. But often basic food prices are cheaper. The price you see is what you pay. We do not have any add on local, city, county, state and federal taxes. I remember being stuck in New York once. I was down to my last $10. I went into a McD. I choose 4 items and by the prices displayed it would come to just about $4.50 but when I paid it was about $9.20. The extra was all the different taxes added on! I believe rents are generally lower than GB. A person in GB has a lot more living expenses than we have so scores of them are moving here. But once you're here you're kinda stuck. Air flights can be relatively cheap but car ferries are expensive More later . . . . . ttfn
  19. Back onto subject; I too have a Tippmann Boss. But I've not yet used it in anger. Two things I can't get my head around is that its a lock-stitch and uses much thinner thread than wot I use for hand sewing. I suppose the lockstitch could be ok and using the Boss would be quicker but I'm rather stupid in thinking that my hand sewing saddle stitch is superior and somehow the lockstitch with thinner thread would make my 'hand-made' items inferior and just 'not as good' However - I have some items I want to make in thick leather so I'm going 'half-way house' with the Boss. I'll use it to make the holes for me to saddle stitch. Clever, eh, ? I bet none of youse ever thought of doing that!
  20. fredk

    Repurposed purse

    Repurposing is far better than recycling Wishing you a quick eye and steady sewing on these projects
  21. off track, but in the UK Amazon have been caught falsifying feedback ratings and they are now under attack to put it right. In some cases, which are known as the 'Mystery Scarf', Amazon sellers have sent out cheap scarves to unsuspecting 'buyers' on Amazon, then the seller enters a 100% or 5 star rating on behalf of the 'buyer' in order to boost their reputation. When the 'buyer' contacts Amazon about the scarf they are told it was sent to them in error and for them to just keep it Its commonly done by sellers in @Doc Reaper 's favourite country, Ch . . . . .
  22. fredk

    My tools

    Nice set of tools I have antler points which could be made into handles/grips. I must look more closely at them to do that
  23. fredk

    Repurposed purse

    That's a decent return
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