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Everything posted by ofastauto

  1. Now! Your craftsmanship is "handmade" ! Congrats
  2. Very nice! i don't belive i would like to see that seat used! great job! nice colors!!
  3. I have made one pair of shoes in my life!! I like yours!
  4. I like the different colors!! nice!
  5. I Like it!!!!! Great Job!!
  6. real creative. you might want to make your creations with card board "cereal box" then take apart when you get it just right. NOW you have a pattern and you can cut your leather and be sure to make any notes on the card board. you can always add or remove to the cardboard but not your leather!! keep on keeping on and have fun!!
  7. little fingers!!!!! lol good job.
  8. Real Nice! inspiring place ya got there!!
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